Chapter 13: Rooftop

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"Class dismiss."

Another day, another stress. It took a whole week to convince my mom to invest in Nam's business, fortunately, she gave in when dad explained how much she could earn by investing.

"Rebecca, Freen ordered me to give you this." A guy with messy hair, broken glasses, and bruises on his neck gave me a piece of paper.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

Instead of answering me, he ran away. I furrowed my eyebrows at his answer then looked at the paper.

'Meet me at the rooftop after class, I have something to tell you. - Freen.'

She could just tell me right away.

I threw the letter in the bin and went to the rooftop. My strides were heavy when I felt the uncomfortable atmosphere. Something's wrong.

I was about to turn my back when someone covered my nose with a handkerchief, and after that, I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a spacious area under the dimmed sky. My hands and feet were tied in a chair, so I couldn't move or even flinch. This must be the rooftop. I could see a silhouette from afar, but my vision was still blurry. I couldn't see their faces.

"Hi gorgeous," someone said and lifted my chin. I still couldn't remember his face, but I think I saw him somewhere.

"Who are you?" I asked though I didn't know the names of students in AU.

"It doesn't matter, Becca. What matters the most is you'll do what I want you to do," he said and gently caressed my cheeks.

I turned away to avoid his touch, making him laugh a bit. He then slapped me violently, causing my face to numb.

Damn it.

"I guess you don't remember me? Last year, I confessed. Your classmates laughed at me and told me a fantasizer, and that you wouldn't fall for me whatever I do which was true, anyway." He took out a knife from his pocket and point it at my neck. "I thought I need time since you didn't like anyone back then, but after seeing you at the cafe kissing Freen. I told myself if I can't have you, no one can. I can manipulate anyone, but Freen? She's too smart. I underestimated her. She caught my antics. So, I tried to set her up, but I failed again. I can't touch Freen, but you? You're weak. I can kill you right now if I want to. But first, let me do something that I fantasize about a lot, so your classmate's statements will be true." He laughed evilly and hauled his shirt over his head.

My eyes widened when I realized who he was.

He's the guy that went missing weeks ago! The owner of the burgundy eyeglasses!

The guy was about to kiss me when someone opened the door on the rooftop. It was Freen.

Thank God! Help me, Freen. Please. I wanted to voice it out but I was afraid that she would get involved here. There were three guys here and they were very masculine.

"What?" the guy said and Freen just looked at me, then sighed before turning her back and leaving the rooftop.

I was a bit disappointed, but still, I felt relief. She didn't have to be involved. If this was my fate, then I would accept it. I would hope that my father would find out and jail these three.

The guy laughed hard that he put his hands on his stomach. He then grabbed my jaw and made me look at him. I could see him now. I could say that he's handsome. He was tall and had a pale sharply defined face, but compared to Saint's looks- he was just a piece of shit.

"I thought Freen likes you? She talked to me after we brought you home. She said that she likes you a lot, and is afraid to lose you, but why did she turn around?" He laughed again. "Maybe it was all an act? That you two we're together?"

"It's not an act, bullshit!" Freen shouted, and hit him hard on the back.

The guy fell to the ground, and Freen immediately untied all the rope on my hands and feet. She helped me to walk, but before we could get out of the rooftop, the guy grabbed me behind and pointed the knife at my neck.

"One wrong move, Freen. I'm serious, she will die!" he shouted.

"What do you want?" Freen asked her calmly.

"Get out!" He yelled in frustration.

"What do you want in exchange for Becca?" she asked again as she trod towards us.

"Becca is priceless, Freen. That's what you forgot. You treat her like nothing, yet here she is, still loving you. I want her so much, that I could ruin my life for her, but you? You ruined her life! I won't let her be with you. She's mine, forever mine!" He thundered.

I closed my eyes when I felt the tip of the knife slowly slashing my neck. I felt my hot blood gushing down as my tears fell.

It hurts. It hurts so much.

"Becca, look at me."

I tried to open my eyes, but my vision was blurry because of the tears.

"Look at me, stay still." She looked worried, making me smile a bit.

It's fine, Freen. None of this was your fault.

"Move back, Freen. Or I'll kill her in front of you."

Freen reflexes were so fast, that I couldn't see her running toward us. She cut the guy's finger and gave him an uppercut.

My knees felt weak, causing me to fall to the ground. Fortunately, Freen caught me teary-eyed.

"Hold on, Becky. Hold on."

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