Chapter 5: Admiration

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Do you know what the most challenging part of being famous is? You don't have time for yourself, and people keep invading your space. The worse part is you can't do what you are comfortable doing because it will ruin your reputation.

It's hard. I never asked this, though. All I wanted was to study and bring honor to my family. As the youngest child, I wanted to give them assurance that I could stand on my own. However, people around wouldn't let me. All eyes were on me with their hands on my neck, suffocating me. One wrong move, and they would take away everything from me.

"Okay, class. Our mini-activity slash game for today is called 'Guess Who?' In this game, I will pick someone who will sing in front, and they will whisper to me to whom it was dedicated. Understood?"

The class murmured, and everyone got excited. While I was sitting beside the window, looking at the horizon.

"Okay, let's start with our campus girl crush, Miss Armstrong. Come in front."

I was startled when our teacher called my name. I looked around, and everyone was staring at me with grins on their lips.

"Freen," I whispered, and she quickly nodded while trying to prevent her lips from smiling.

Everyone was looking at me, but I was looking at her. Our teacher handed me the guitar, and I started stringing it while still looking at the most beautiful girl.

"I look at you; you make me blind. Why do you have to be so beautiful all the time?"

Freen avoided my gaze and rubbed the back of her neck. She was getting awkward, so I looked at the person beside her-Heng.

"I know I can't be with you. It's killing me to see you with someone else. What to do?"

It's hard to like someone who has the same gender as you. People might be disgusted, and most would never accept the relationship you had. I wondered why the Creator made me like this but prohibited me from falling in love.

Why? Why does it have to be Freen? Why can't it be Heng or Saint? Why girl?

"Now, I'm in the corner watching you smile. Watching you smile."

Freen let out a deep sigh before glaring at me.

"And I can't get over you. I'm losing my mind."

Should I give up?

"All of the things that I wish I could tell you every time when you're passing me by."

Freen massaged her temple and continuously avoided my gaze.

"I fell in love. There's something about you. I wish you were mine."

Even our teacher gasped when she heard the lyrics, but I didn't care. I kept on strumming the guitar and looking at her.

"And if I only could be there to hold you. It feels like I stopped breathing when you're around." I smiled at her.

"I'm in love. There's something about you. I wish you were mine."

After the song, I smiled at them, and they gave me a round of applause.

Three students raised their hands.


I shook my head.




"Who's that?" I asked.

The guy in the corner grabbed his chest and acted like he was hurt by my words, causing me to chuckle.

"No one guessed the correct answer; now let's proceed to our second singer."

Several students raised their hands, and our teacher teased them, saying they just wanted to dedicate a song to their crush.

When I passed Freen's seat, I felt our skin meet, sending an electrifying feeling all over my body.

"Meet me later," she prompted before standing up and going to the front.

That's when I realized the teacher called her name to sing. She whispered in her ears, and our teacher just nodded.

I went back to my seat and looked at her intently while she was looking at Heng.

I don't know why, but I felt an infuriating sensation when she didn't look at me. She was so focused on Heng. What would be her song, and why couldn't she keep her eyes off of him?

"How could you ask for my all when we were nothing?" Freen raised her eyebrows while singing.

"I told you before, I don't know what else to do."

I didn't know what she was thinking, but her eyes were locked on Heng as if she was telling me to stay away from her.

"Don't know where you get the idea that we were something."

I don't want to take all the lyrics literally, but she was emphasizing every word.

"Honey you're not the one, give it up."

Freen's voice became soft. It was so angelic, it was like she was singing a lullaby.

"Say it's wrong but I've had enough."

Freen walked towards Heng while still strumming the guitar.

"I don't care where you go Good luck." Freen smiled at him sweetly before returning to the front.

"Been wasting all your time, no need to say goodbye. Give it up, babe." Freen winked and giggled.

That was the first she giggled in front of many people. Even I was starstruck at her cuteness. Damn Freen, why do you have to act so cold if you can be this cute?

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