Chapter 2: Rivals

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"Calling the attention of Heng and Freen of class II-A, please proceed to the auditorium."

I rolled my eyes when I heard the announcement. My feet journeyed to the auditorium's backstage, and many students were already there. Some were cheering for Heng, but most of them were for me.

"Freen!" I heard someone at the back call my name. It was the popular girl, Becky. "I made a lucky charm for you," she said and handed me a keychain with stars and a moon.

I looked at her with a poker face and passed through her.

It's not that I hate Becky. I wouldn't say I like her attitude. She's every man's dream. Everybody wants her attention, yet she's giving it to me- a nobody who only cares about my study.

"Becky, is that a lucky charm?" I stopped walking when I heard Heng's voice.

I looked at them in the side of my eyes, and Heng was smiling from ear to ear. Becky handed him the keychain, and he gladly accepted it. Heng messed with Becky's hair, sending me an infuriating sensation.

I scoffed at the sight of them. I was about to take another step when someone murmured while giggling.

"I thought Heng likes Freen, but now I'm sure he has feelings for Becky. Too bad, Saint also likes her."

"Wait, Saint? The third? I thought they were siblings."

"Becky and Saint always come to school together. I saw them earlier, and Heng teased Becky. I'm sure Heng and Becky will soon be together."

"Team Saint and Becky!"

I huffed at their opinions. Seriously? Heng and I will be the sunshine of the day, yet they were talking about Saint and Becky.

"Freen, wait!" I heard Heng calling my name, so I stopped and faced him with death glares. "Why are you upset already? I haven't said anything yet." He laughed nervously.

"What do you want?"

"Let's go together," he said and wrapped his arms around me.

I grabbed his hand and twisted it, causing him to whimper. He tapped my hands multiple times as a sign of surrender.

"Let go, and I'll go in."

I let go of him and rolled my eyes before going to the stage.

The crowd went wild when I stepped out and went to my platform. The staff told me to test the button so as Heng. I looked around, and everyone was shouting and cheering for us. Becky was there looking at Heng with worried eyes. The sight of her being concerned for him causes my hand to turn into a fist. Heng waved at her and flashed a sweet smile.

"Let's start. All the contestants are ready, so let's begin."

I couldn't focus at all because of Becky. She's too focused on Heng.

What the heck? Am I jealous? Hell no, why would I be jealous?

"For the first question. Who painted 'The Creation of Adam' a part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling?"

Heng pressed the button, while I didn't hear the question.


One point to Heng, I should focus now.

"From which artist is the sculpture 'Venus de Milo'?"

I pressed the button, and the host waited for my answer.

"Alexandros of Antioch."

The crowd went wild again.

The quiz bee went on, and Heng scored higher than me because I couldn't focus wildly when Becky shouted and cheered for him.

"The first day quiz bee winner is Mr. Heng Asavarid. Please come to the center."

I turned my back and went backstage.

I'm not upset because I lost. I don't care about my standing. I'm upset because of what Becky did. She dared to give him the keychain that was meant for me. She cheered for him because I didn't accept, and the most upsetting is why am I freaking acting this way? I shouldn't care.

"Damn it!" I slammed the door when I arrived at the headquarters of the Journalism Club.

"Why are you so mad, princess?"

I rolled my eyes when I heard my stupid twin brother's voice.

He is my fraternal twin, but he doesn't look like me. I don't know how we became twins since there is no significance between us.

"Shut up, and leave." I threw myself on the couch and closed my eyes.

"You lost, didn't you? Serves you right."

I made a face and motioned him to go out. Once he went out, I heaved a sigh. What the heck is happening to me? This isn't me.

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