Chapter 18: Jealousy

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I've never thought once in my life that I'd fall in love with the most beautiful girl on my campus. I was a straight fella when I first entered, but now I couldn't bear seeing Becky be close to another man.

Before I didn't care if she flirted with anyone. I didn't care if someone hit on her in front of many people, but now I couldn't help but turn my hands into fists every time I saw them.

This wasn't me.

Now, I could see her talking to my twin with a wide smile. They were laughing as if they were talking about something funny or ridiculous. His hands were wrapped around her shoulder, and many people were congratulating them.

Congrats, Saint. You succeed.

I looked out the window to hide my enviousness. That should be me. I should be the one laughing at her right now if only I wasn't coward days ago.

But the question is, does he know?

"It's four a.m. and I know that you're with him." I looked at Non singing while carrying a guitar. "I wonder if he knows that I touched your skin?" He winked at me, then continued to strum his guitar.

"And if he feels my traces in your hair." Non caressed Becky's hair. "Sorry, love, but I don't care."

I wanted to laugh at him, and sing with him but Becky would notice that the song was for her. I just looked at him as he continue singing until the bell rang.

"Nice song, Non." I patted his shoulder and he nodded.

"I've got your back, baby." He winked at me, then leave the room.

I turned around and saw Saint kissing Becky on the cheeks, causing an infuriating sensation to run over my body.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." He grabbed Becky's hand and passed me.

Becky looked at me and mouthed take care. I smiled a bit and nodded.

I know she's just doing this for the sake of her parents, but why does it hurt so much? Why do I feel like someone stabbing me?

I walked to the parking lot and saw them again. Becky was trying to remove Saint's hand, but he kept on intertwining his fingers with hers, and Becky succumbed.

"Aren't you going home?" Heng asked, but I ignored him.

Heng looked at the two, then looked at me with knitted brows.

"Don't tell me, you're jealous? After what you've done to her?" He chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Move on, Freen. Her mom and dad approved of their relationship. Take note, they are homophobic."

"Shut up. I don't need your opinion." I slapped his hand away and went inside my car.

When I reached home, I threw my bag on the couch and lie on my bed. This day was tiring. I'm exhausted.

I was about to close my eyes when my phone suddenly beeped.

'Are you home? I miss you already.'

It was from Becky. I heaved a sigh then sat to text her back.

'Yes, I'm going to take a bath. You should rest.'

'Let's shower together.'


'Look outside your window.'

I immediately looked outside and saw her standing while waving her hands. Behind her was Heng. Heng whispered to her, and she nodded. Then he drove off.

I smiled and ran toward the front door.

"Good evening, do you miss me?" she asked with a cheeky expression.

I hugged her tight and buried my face in her neck. I miss this feeling. I want to do this in front of everyone but I can't. I'm the secret affair. I am the other woman, but it doesn't matter now. As long as Becky is with me, I am fine. I will be happy.

"Let's go upstairs."

I pulled Becky to my room and got the wine I'd been hiding for almost a month to my father.

"Billionaire Vodka? Do you know how much it costs?" Becky asked. "More than $3 million sweetie, yet you're drinking it with me?"

"No one's more special than you, bb." I gave her a delicate kiss before opening the expensive bottle.

We clinked our glasses before drinking the first glass. I drank slowly like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste of the finest wheat. I looked at Becky, while she was looking outside my window, admiring the stars from above.

I didn't notice that it was already dark outside. I should text my dad not to come home, so I could spend the night with Becky.

'Don't come home, I'm with someone.'

After I sent the message, I hid my phone in my pocket, but in just a minute it vibrated again.

'Sure honey, I hope it was Heng.'

I almost got choked at his message. What the hell was he thinking?

"Who was it?" Becky asked, pulling me from my thoughts. She looked drowsy, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. We only had a glass, yet here she was looking drunk.

I looked at the bottle and was surprised when it was already half empty.

"Becca?!" I yelled at her and shook her shoulder.

Becky's face got red, but she smiled and cupped my face. She leaned in for a kiss, and I could smell the strong smell of wine. What the hell? We should enjoy the night.

I carried her in a bridal style, and lie her down on my bed. She was still smiling from ear to ear while removing the buttons of her vest and untying her tie.

"No, we won't do it tonight. I won't take advantage of you!" I shouted.

Becky pulled me to her side and caressed my cheeks.

"Why?" she pouted.

"You're drunk. Doing it without your proper consent is mere abuse."

I stood up and went to the bathroom to get a towel.

Instead of a sexy night, I think I have to babysit tonight.

a/n: thanks SinisterLister for the video.

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