Chapter 6

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At the top of the stairs outside the Hall of Warriors, Shifu looks upon the valley, awaiting his fate. In the valley below, the lights from the evacuation make their way out of the valley. In the blink of Shifu's eyes, Tai Lung appears before him. "I have come home, Master." Tai Lung said to him. "This is no longer your home. And I am no longer your master." Shifu said to him with a straight face. "Yes. You have a new favorite. So where is this...Po?" Tai Lung asks him then he starts to chuckle. "Did I scare him off?" Tai Lung asks him. "This battle is between you and me." Shifu said to him. "So..." Tai Lung said while he turns his back on Shifu. "That is how it's going to be?" Tai Lung asks him. "That is how it must be." Shifu said to him then he takes position. Tai Lung looks back at him...and then jumps into the air. Shifu sees that Tai Lung was going to give him a kick on top of his head. Shifu moves out of the way in time as Tai Lung kicks the ground from under them. Tai Lung lifts a piece of the floor and he kicks it to Shifu who punches the rock breaking it into pieces. Tai Lung punches Shifu clean through the doors of the Jade Palace. Shifu recovers quickly and faces his former student. Tai Lung enters, his face a mask of pure fury. "I rotted in jail for twenty years because of your weakness!" Tai Lung yelled as he walks over to Shifu. "Obeying your master is not weakness!" Shifu yelled at them as Tai Lung stops in front of him. "You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always knew...but when Oogway said otherwise, what did you do?" Tai Lung asks him making Shifu look down. "What did you do?!" Tai Lung yelled at him again making Shifu look at him. "NOTHING!" Tai Lung yelled at him. "You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was not my fault!" Shifu yelled making Tai Lung point at him. "NOT YOUR FAULT?!" Tai Lung yelled then he knocks over the kung fu artifacts and throws them at Shifu. "WHO FILLED MY HEAD WITH DREAMS?! WHO DROVE ME TO TRAIN UNTIL MY BONES CRACKED?! WHO DENIED ME MY DESTINY?!" Tai Lung yelled at him while Shifu dodges each attack. Tai Lung kicks a sword at him, and Shifu counters it and redirects it to the floor. "It was never my decision to make!" Shifu yelled making Tai Lung growl and leaps for the next artifact but he pauses as recognized Oogway's staff. Realizing what this means, he picks it up and faces Shifu. "It is now." Tai Lung said to him. Angered, Shifu finally goes on the offensive. The two fight each other until Tai Lung pins Shifu down with the staff by the throat. " scroll." Tai Lung said to him. "I would rather die!" Shifu said to him and the two struggled for a beat until finally, the staff snaps in half. Shifu looks back at the pieces and a flutter of peach tree petals flies by. Caught off guard, Shifu gets kicked by Tai Lung into the wall. Shifu leaps from column to column, pursued by Tai lung. Shifu eventually jumps to the rafters and Tai Lung follows and sends them both crashing through the roof. Lightning flashes while the two were in mid-air, Shifu briefly gets the upper hand before Tai Lung gets his paws around Shifu's throat as they crash back through the roof. They kick apart making Shifu crashes into a column, falls to the floor, and land hard. 

Before Tai Lung can attack Shifu while he was down an arrow comes flying past him. Tai Lung turns to see Jesse holding a bow aiming at him. "Hello, Jesse. I see you are doing well." Tai Lung said to her with a smile while Jesse looks over at Shifu. "I see you still look up to him." Tai Lung said to her making Jesse look at him. "You don't have to do this Tai Lung." Jesse said to him while throwing the bow to the side. "Unfortunately, I have too." Tai Lung said to her while Jesse walks over to him. "Then you are not going to surrender without a fight." Jesse said to him. "My dear Jesse, you are always so beautiful." Tai Lung said to her. "Funny, as always." Jesse said to him then Tai Lung runs at her. Jesse stops Tai Lung's attack with her arms. Jesse kicks Tai Lung from under his legs Tai Lung stops himself from falling by grabbing Jesse's arm. Tai Lung throws Jesse over his shoulder, Jesse lands on her feet as Tai Lung runs over to her on all fours. Before Jesse can react Tai Lung tackles her to the floor and he grabs Jesse by her throat. "Tai Lung!" Shifu yelled making Tai Lung look at him. "Refrain from involving her, this is between you and me." Shifu said to him making Tai Lung smile. Tai Lung lifts up Jesse and throws her into a wall knocking a lantern to the floor. Blue flames go everywhere making Tai Lung's arms aflame as he charges at Shifu with a roar. "All I ever did, I did to make you proud!" Tai Lung yelled as he punches Shifu with his flame hands who were struggling to block his punches. "Tell me how proud you are, Shifu! Tell me! TELL ME!" Tai Lung yelled then a fiery punch sends Shifu skidding across the floor and crashing against the reflecting pool. The flames extinguish and Tai Lung stalks forward while Shifu weakly lifts himself slightly. "I...have always been proud of you. From the first moment, I've been...proud of you." Shifu said to him making Tai Lung stops in his tracks. "And it was my pride...that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming. What I...was turning you into...I'm...I'm sorry." Shifu said to him and Tai Lung hesitates. Shifu waits after a long moment...Tai Lung's expression goes cold then he grabs Shifu by the throat. "I don't want your apology...I want my scroll!" Tai Lung said to him while he lifts Shifu up to the ceiling. Tai Lung looks up at the scroll... and finally sees that it is missing. "What?" Tai Lung said to himself while Jesse rose, but fell into someone's arms. "WHERE IS IT?!" Tai Lung yelled then he slams Shifu to the floor with enough force to crack the stone. "Dragon Warrior has taken scroll halfway across China" Shifu said to him then he coughs. "You will never see that scroll, Tai Lung." Shifu said to him making Tai Lung unsheathes his claws. "Never! N-never..." Shifu said to him as he starts to pass out. Tai Lung snarls, ready to strike Shifu. Suddenly..."Hey!" Tai Lung turns to find Po standing in the doorway, gasping for breath while Jesse was leaning on the door. "Huff...huff...huff...Stairs...huff..." Po said out of breath while Tai Lung stares at the panda. "Who are you?" Tai Lung asks him. " the Dragon Warrior!" Po said to him then he exhales hard. "Huhhh..." Po said while Tai Lung is in amused disbelief. "You?! Him?!" Tai Lung said to Shifu as he throws Shifu to the floor. "He's a panda." Tai Lung said to Shifu then he turns to Po. "You're a panda. What are you gonna do, big guy? Sit on me?" Tai Lung said to him. "Don't tempt him." Jesse said to him. "Haha. No. I'm gonna use this!" Po said to him as he holds out the Dragon Scroll. "You want it? Come and get it." Po said to him then out of nowhere, Tai Lung punches Po across the room, grabbing the scroll knocked from Po's paws. "Finally..." Tai Lung said as Po bounces off a nearby pillar and slams back into Tai Lung, sending him flying into a column. "AH!" Tai Lung yelled while Jesse looks at Po. Tai Lung recovers, astonished. Surprised that he had actually landed a blow, Po puts on a brave face and strikes a pose. Tai Lung charges at him on all fours making Po turns to run. "Oh...WOW!" Po yelled.

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