Chapter 22

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Later That Night

Po was outside of the Training Hall, wandering across the Jade Palace. As he hears a distant voice behind him, he hides behind some rocks. "That was a complete disaster." One of the Archer said to another making one of the Archer groans. "I'm glad we're not Po right now." Archer said to him. "What a loser." Archer said to them. "What was Shifu thinking?" Archer asks them. "What was Oogway thinking?" Another archer asks them then the group laughs until they see Po staring in front of them, thinking that he heard them. "I think he heard us." Archer said to his friends. "I didn't hear anything." Po said to them. "Uh, he said you're a loser." Archer said to him then the three archers nervously walk away and leave Po alone at the rocks.

Po's expression them becomes sad and he goes to Oogway's statue. "I'm sorry, Oogway." Po said to him then he turns around, only to be surprised when Shifu and Jesse appears in front of him. "AAAH! Would you stop doing that?!" Po shout at them. "How was your first day teaching?" Shifu asks him with a smile making Jesse look at Po. "Humiliating." Po said to him while Jesse place her hand on Po's shoulder. "I heard." Shifu said to him while looking at Jesse. "Who told you? Did Tigress tell you?" Po asks him. "I heard from Monkey, Boss Wolf, Jesse and Crane, and Mantis, and your dad, and Mrs. Chow from the gift shop, and those ducks you just passed, and...Tigress told me." Shifu said to him with a smile. "Yeah, well, did she also tell you that it'll never happen again? 'Cause I'm done." Po said to him. "Teaching? Or being humiliated?" Jesse asks him. "Both." Po said to her then he looks over at Shifu. "I don't know why you ever thought I could teach that class." Po said to him. "Oh, I knew you couldn't." Shifu said to him. "What?! You set me up to fail? Why?" Po asks him shocked. "If you only do what you can do, you'll never be more than you are now." Shifu said to him. "I don't wanna be more! I like who I am." Po said to him while Shifu walks away. "You don't even know who you are." Shifu said to him as the two follow Shifu. "What do you?...Of course I do. I'm the Dragon Warrior." Po said to him. "And what exactly does that mean, Dragon Warrior?" Jesse asks him making Po look at her while Shifu turns to them and he sees Po was at a loss for words. "It know... just going around and punching! And kicking! Defending the valley! And stuff." Po said to them. "Punching and kicking? You think that is what the great Master Oogway saw for you? A five hundred year prophecy fulfilled, so you could spend your days kicking butt and running through town high-fiving bunnies?" Shifu said to Po who was playing with his fingers. "Yes...?" Po said to him. "No!" Shifu shout making Po jump a little then Shifu facepalms and sighs. "Oogway saw greatness in you, Po. Against my better judgement... More than you can see in yourself. Incredible power awaits you. Power beyond anything you can imagine." Shifu said to him then he places his hands close to each other and forms a stance. As his hands glow a dim yellow, he directs them towards a dying plant. The plant slowly rises back into life making Po run to the plant and closely studies the it. "Whoa! What was that?" Po asks him. "That was chi, Po." Jesse said to him. "Whoa!... What's chi?" Po asks her.  "The energy that flows through all living things." Shifu said to him then Po crawls to Shifu and puts his snout in Shifu's face. "So you're saying if I..." Po said then he gasps. "So you're saying if I teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that?" Po asks him making Shifu push Po back. "No, I'm saying if you teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that." Shifu said to him making Jesse giggle a little. "Oh." Po said disappointed. "Mastery of chi requires mastery of self." Shifu said to him while Jesse looks at Po who was his hand on a nearby plant in an attempt to bring it to life but he fails. "Oogway sat alone in a cave for thirty years asking one question: Who am I? Who am I? I'm lucky if I get five minutes before you interrupt." Shifu said then Po groans. "So now I have to sit alone in a cave for thirty years?" Po asks him. "Eventually. After you master teaching." Shifu said to him. "Teaching? There's no way I'm ever gonna be like you." Po said to Shifu. "I'm not trying to turn you into me. I'm trying to turn you...into you." Shifu said to him and he gives Po the revived plant before he departs. "Turn me...into me? Wait a second, that makes no..." Po said to himself while Shifu leaves the two alone. "Almost there, Shifu, just a little more confusing and you'll be the next Oogway!" Po said to him. "Po." Jesse said to him then she turns him to Oogway's statue. "Oh, ah, sorry. No offense, Master Oogway. I just..." Po said to him and he sighs. "We'll let you get back to your eternal peace." Jesse said as she takes Po's arm and the two walk away. "So, do you truly believe I can be a teacher?" Po asks Jesse while holding her hand. "No." Jesse said to him making Po give her a look. "Really? I need my girlfriend to be on my side here." Po said to her making Jesse laugh a little. "I think you will be a teacher but you will be yourself, you will do it in your own way." Jesse said to him. "Okay, you are more easy to talk to then Shifu." Po said to her making Jesse smile at him and she kisses Po's cheek. "Come on, it's getting late." Jesse said to him and the two walk away. As the two leaves, a green aurora is seen in the sky behind Oogway's statue something that they don't see.

At The Jade Palace

While everyone else was resting in their quarters, Jesse was practicing meditation in her room. Up until she sees a vision of someone fighting Po, and even though she can't see their features, she sees two extra individuals standing beside her and Po.


When Jesse hears someone speak to her, she opens her eyes to see Po, who notices that Jesse's eyes were green for a brief moment before returning to their original blue color. "Is something wrong, Po?" Jesse asks him as Po lays down on the floor. "I just wanted to be with you." Po said to her making Jesse nod a little. "Where do you see yourself later in your life time?" Po asks her making Jesse think about it. "I don't know." Jesse said to him. "I see you as a teacher." Po said to her making Jesse look at him. "Why?" Jesse asks him. "I just see it." Po said to her and Po speaks with her initial conversation but quickly nods off. With a smile on his face, Jesse watches as Po gently clutches her hand while dozing off at her side.

Jesse wasn't sure what was going to happen, but something was guaranteed to happen.

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