Chapter 18

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Later the warriors where on a boat on their back home while on the way had Jesse had her wound cleaned and covered up. Later Jesse was sitting on the other side of the boat watching Boss Wolf talking to Five. Jesse turns her head and she sees Po making her jump. "Oh my gosh! Don't do that!" Jesse said to him making Po laugh as he sits next to her. "It's just me." Po said to her making Jesse shake her head at him. "How are you feeling?" Po asks her. "Better now." Jesse said to him while Po sees Boss Wolf laugh with the Five. "Looks like you have a student now." Po said to her making Jesse look at Boss Wolf. "I guess so." Jesse said to him while she leans into Po's chest. Po holds her close as Jesse falls asleep tired from the battle. "I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe going forward." Po whisper to Jesse while holding her close as he kisses her cheek. 

Back At The Village

At Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop

Inside, a mother pig confronts the goose as her young son sniffles on the verge of tears. "What do you mean he's not here?! It's my son's birthday! All he wanted was to meet the Dragon Warrior!" The mother pig yelled while her son was crying. "How about some tofu birthday cake, instead?" Mr. Ping asks them. "You know what...we'll try again some other time. When do you think he'll be back?" The mom asks him, the words break Mr. Ping's heart. Before they know it, he's in tears. "I don't know, okay, I DON'T KNOW! Maybe never! I mean, I worry, okay, I'm his dad...or at least I was his dad..." Mr. Ping said then he flings himself across the table. "Why did he have to go and save China...I know why, but why?" Mr. Ping said as he sniffs. "My little panda..." Mr. Sing said to them then suddenly, the pig child begins laughing happily at something behind Mr. Ping. The goose gets up, turns around...and is overjoyed to see his son standing just inside the entrance to the shop, holding two radish baskets with Jesse standing with him. Mr. Ping yells in delight and rushes to his son, giving him a huge hug. 

After a moment, Mr. Ping slides back down and looks up at Po. "So how did it go? Did you save China?" Mr. Ping asks them. "Yep." Jesse said to him. "I knew you would...that's why I had these new posters made..." Mr. Ping said as he pulls out a poster of Po. "My son saved China. You too can save, buy one dumpling get one free!" Mr. Ping said to them. "Hey, that's a pretty good deal. But first..." Po said as he sets down the baskets. "There's something I should tell you." Po said making Mr. Ping gulps. "While I was gone...I found the village where I was born...I found out how I ended up in that radish basket." Po said to him while Jesse watches them. "You did?" Mr. Ping asks him. "I know who I am." Po said to him. "You do?" Mr. Ping said to him. "I'm your son." Po said to him then the two embrace lovingly. "I love you, Dad." Po said to him. "I love you too, son." Mr. Ping said to him as they continue to embrace... and then Mr. Ping leaps out of Po's arms and examines the radish crates. "Ahhh! Delicious, fat radishes!" Mr. Ping said as he picks up one of the baskets and begins to take it to the kitchen. "You two are probably hungry, let me make you guys something to eat!" Mr. Ping yelled as he walks to the kitchen. "What are you talking about? I'll cook!" Po said to him as he picks up the other basket and follows, patting the pig child on the head as he passes. "No, I'll cook." Mr. Ping said to him while Jesse follows them. "Dad..." Po said to him while Jesse gives the kid pig a little smile. "It's the least I can do, you saved China." Mr. Ping said to him. "It's the least I can do, you raised me." Po said to him as he says this, he pulls his childhood toy from the basket and balances it on top. 




"How long is this going to on for?" Jesse asks the two. "Okay, let's both cook together." Po said to his dad. ", I'll cook!" Mr. Ping said to him as he enters the kitchen. Po turns to Jesse and he holds her his childhood toy. Po kisses her cheek making Jesse jump a little. "Okay, you need to warn me before doing that." Jesse said to him as she enters the kitchen. "What? Not doing that, I love seeing you jump every time." Po said to her as he enters the kitchen while laughing. 

Unknown to them, far away from the village, over the Valley of Peace, and across the landscape, far away mountains far away from the valley. In a little shrine-like structure, a circular shape enshrouded in a green robe sits. The shape suddenly stands up, and is revealed to be a male panda. "My son is alive..." Po's father said to himself as he steps out of the shrine and looks down upon a small farming village, which is populated by pandas just like himself. The pandas below catch his gaze then Po's father eyes land on a Fox standing on a rock by the other pandas.

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