Chapter 21

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At The Jade Palace

Po running inside the Jade Palace, waking up Tigress, Jesse, Boss Wolf, Crane, and Viper in the process. Po then runs thought the door and he stands outside of the Palace. "Justice... is about to be served!" Po yelled then he jumps into the air, leaping downstairs. The Furious Five, Jesse and Boss Wolf begin to follow Po. Po hops over a few rocks and swings off the staff of a statue of Oogway. Crane was flying to Po, Tigress is catching up, Jesse jumps over a stairs with Boss Wolf following her. Po crashing through trees as the others run after him. After jumping off a building's roof, Po lands in, then catapults off a tree; the others was watching him.

In the orange sky, he meets a cloud shaped like Master Rhino. After a moment, Po chops it in half. Then Po begins falling towards the ground so fast, tears come out of his eyes. Po and the others land in dramatic poses, and apparently, they land right in front of Mr. Ping's noodle shop. "We'll have two justice platters, please." Po said to his dad the group was ordering food while Mr. Ping writes down their orders on a notepad. "Three." Monkey said to him. "And a few tofu buns." Boss Wolf said to them. "Oh, and the spicy noodle soup for Tigress." Po said then he looks at Tigress. "Did you want extra sauce with that?" Po asks her. "She wants it on the side." Jesse said to Po. "On the side." Tigress said to him. "On the side." Po said to his dad then he makes a face. "We wake up early for this?" Jesse said to Tigress who looks at her. "He is your boyfriend." Tigress said to her. "Don't play that card." Jesse said to her then Po runs out of the shop. Po runs down the road while high fiving the crowd outside. "And there he goes again." Boss Wolf said to them and the group following Po back to the Jade Palace.

At The Jade Palace

Eventually, the group land outside of the Training Hall. Po lands in a pose, but the others casually stand by. Tigress looks lazily at her paws, Monkey sits down, Jesse plays with her red hair and Crane inspects his wing. "You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose, are you?" Po asks them. "Do we have to strike a pose, every time we land?" Jesse asks him. "You guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance." Po said to them as he walks away from them. "He is not wrong." Boss Wolf said to them. "I've heard about some masters who could win a fight just by throwing open a door." Po said to them as he walks up to the entrance of the Training Hall, striking a pose at every step of the way. Po prepares to open the door, recoiling his leg. However, when he goes to kick open the door, his leg stops in front of a stoic Shifu's face, almost hitting him, Shifu's ears blow back from the wind. "Dramatic entrance?" Shifu asks him. "Master Shifu." Po said to him meekly while the others walk over to them. "The Dragon Warrior is correct." Shifu said to the group while closing the doors to the training hall. "Really? I was just making..." Po said as he looks at his group who was looking at him. "Yeah! I mean, yeah, I am." Po said while turning back to Shifu. "Before the battle of the fist, comes the battle of the mind. Hence, the dramatic entrance." Shifu said to them then he kicks the door open, leaps forward, and thrusts his staff at the air. From above, Jade Palace archers receive Shifu's signal and proceed to shoot flaming arrows at large pots and the room lights up immediately. "Whoa, nice dramatic entrance!" Po said to him as the group enters the room. "Very dramatic." Jesse said to him. "What's the occasion?" Po asks him. "Today, will be my final class." Shifu said to them making the group become worried. "Your final?...Wait, I didn't know you were sick." Po said as he walks over to Shifu and he looks at Shifu's eyes. "Although, you have been looking a little-" Po said making Shifu pushes Po away with his staff. "I'm not sick." Shifu said to him. "Healthy. A little healthy. A lot actually." Po said to him as he walks back to the others while Shifu facepalms. "My final class because from now on, your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior." Shifu said as he brings his staff forward and it comes to rest on Po's stomach. The group look at each other in confusion while Po nods and smiles as he looks behind to the other. Eventually, his face turns frightful in realization. "WHAT?!" Po yelled, knocking Shifu back with his voice and steps close to Shifu's ear. "Me? Teach? I mean, why not Jesse or Tigress? Jesse wants to be like you and Tigress is always telling everyone what to do." Po said to him. "Be quiet, Po." Tigress and Jesse said to him at the same time. "See what I mean?" Po said to him. "Tigress and Jesse is not the Dragon Warrior. You are." Shifu said to him. "Come on, they're the Five! What can I teach them?" Po asks him then he sees that Shifu was gone and suddenly reappearing behind Po. "There is always something more to learn, even for a master. For instance, let me show you another move..." Shifu said while twirls staff. "The dramatic exit." Shifu said to him then he points staff at the roof. "What's that?" Shifu asks making the group look up and he quickly leaves the room with the group watching him but Po who was still looking up. Shifu closes the door leaving them in the room. "You have to be kidding me." Jesse said to herself while Po looks down. "Whoa! Are you kidding me? That...What? Where'd he go?" Po asks them while the group appear stunned from Po's stupidity. "Master." The five said while bowing down in unison making Po chuckles. "He's gone guys. It's cool." Po said to them while Jesse walks over to Po with Boss Wolf following her. "We await your instruction, Master." Monkey said to him. "All you have to our respect." Tigress said to him. "Seriously, how bad could it be?" Jesse said Po who smiles at her nervously. "Yeah." Po said to her and Jesse kisses Po's cheek.

Later there was chaos in the Training Hall. The Five panic as Po watches from a safe area with a staff in hand. "Very bad! Very, very bad!" Mantis yelled then he gets squished by two wooden clubs. "Okay, okay, let's switch it up. Monkey, immovable mountain stance!" Po yelled while Jesse and Boss Wolf was watching them as Monkey was running on the Dragon Planks. "Yes, master!" Monkey said then he postures himself and then falls through the Dragon Planks. "I mean...Tigress, tornado back flip!" Po yelled while Jesse rubs her eyes. "Yes, master!" Tigress said to him then she flips back and gets knocked down by a wooden club that is on fire, Tigress lands and her tail was on fire. "Oh no, fire!" Po yelled while pointing at Tigress' tail; its tip is on fire. "Fire!" Jade Palace archer yelled and he fire randomly across the Training Hall's interior where one of the arrows get stuck on Tigress making her winces. "Sorry! My fault." Po said to her then he points at Crane. "Crane, go high. I mean, low!" Po yelled while Crane flies into Viper and falls on Mantis, who is laughing at all the chaos. Mantis immediately stops laughing as Crane lands on him. "Ow, my claw thingy!" Mantis yelled as he tries to get free. "Uh, Viper and Tigress, to... uh, like a totem pole!" Po yelled while Tigress balances herself on a wooden warrior as Viper sits on Tigress' head. "Poison...Technique! Uh, you a swarming insect bite with a yellow tail, yellow jacket, uh, spicy...tuna..." Po said as the Five proceed to fall altogether. Against the reflection of the flames on the wall the silhouettes of the Five being thrown around by the Training Hall equipment. Shortly after, they slowly walk up tired and beaten to Po. "This looks like what happened to Po when he first time tried this." Jesse said to herself. "Good...job...Po." Viper said to him weakly. Po tries to touch Tigress' flaming ear, but Tigress knocks his hand away. "Did you at least...learn a little something?" Po asks them meekly. "Yes. That you can't teach." Tigress said to him while Jesse extinguishes the fire on Tigress's ear. "And Tigress is flammable. Turns out." Crane said to them then one of the training equipment falls from the roof.

Jesse followed Tigress out of the Training Hall. "You okay?" Jesse asks her while placing her hand on Tigress's shoulder. "I will live but Po he can't teach." Tigress said to her while she turns to Jesse. "Yeah, I can see that." Jesse said to her. "I don't understand why Shifu did this." Tigress said to Jesse. "Maybe he wants to give Po a new challenge." Jesse said to her. "Maybe but I don't think Po can do this challenge. I don't see Po as a teacher." Tigress said to her as the two sit down on the stairs. "Give it some time and we will see him become a teacher." Jesse said to her making Tigress look at her. "Like you?" Tigress asks her. "No, I think he will be a very different teacher then I and Shifu." Jesse said to her with a smile. "I guess so." Tigress said to her.

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