Chapter 12

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Po cheers excitedly as he, the Five and Jesse travel over the mountain range...seconds later he's staggering exhaustively after his friends. Meanwhile, in the Gongmen Fireworks Factory, Shen oversees the wolves dumping hundreds of metal objects into a huge vat. As the kung fu warriors travel in the snowy mountains, Po trips and rolls down the mountain, becoming engulfed in a huge snowball making Jesse laugh. In the factory, Shen examines a barrel of gunpowder and scoops up a handful. He tosses it into the flames of a torch a nearby soldier is carrying. Sparks erupt from the torch, startling the wolf. Meanwhile, Po struggles to climb what appears to be a vertical cliff-side, and eventually slumps, tired while Tigress and Jesse walk past him. So time later, Jesse, Po, and the Five march across a barren desert, as Po expertly swings a bamboo staff around. Jesse looks at Po while thinking that Po and Shen were like the yin-yang symbol. Meanwhile, Shen is then seen overlooking the city from the top of the tower.

Late at night, a sampan boat sails down a wide river. Inside, Po and the Five are sleeping. Po becomes restless as he dreams about his mom and dad. "Momma...?" Jesse hears Po making her look at him.

In Po's dream, Po finds himself in a forest filled with white trees. Po turns and spots two panda-shaped figures walking away from him in a white light. "Mom? Dad? Is that you?" Po asks then he begins running after them excitedly. "Mom! Dad!" Po yelled making his parents stop and turn to him. Po's mother is holding a white bundle. "Oh he-hey! Son, you're back!" Po's father said to him, Po can hear his father's tone was confuses. "Huh?" Po said to himself. "Honey, what are you doing here?" Po's mom asks him. "But I thought..." Po said to him. "We replaced you, dear, with this lovely radish." Po's mom said as she unwraps the bundle slightly to reveal a large red radish. "Radish?" Po said looking at the radish in his mom's arms. "It's quiet, polite, and frankly, does better kung fu." Po's dad said to him then the radish suddenly leaps up in the air, making high-pitched kung fu noises. "Oh no, no, no..." Po said as the radish rushes at Po and gives him a thorough kung fu beating. As Po is on the ground, the radish lunges. Before it hits, it suddenly forms into a glowing red eye and...

Po wakes with a start, troubled, he quietly gets up and exits the cabin, not noticing Jesse was awake. 

On the deck, Po mumbles furiously to himself. "Radish, radish, radish, radish, radish...YAH!" Po said to himself then in frustration, Po punches the mast. Plip! A water drop falls on Po's head. Looking up, Po sees that water is dripping from the mast above. He begins making tai chi movements similar to Shifu's. "Inner...peace..." Po whisper to himself. Plip! Another drop hits Po's head. He scowls and tries again. "Pea-" Po said then Plip! Po keeps trying, getting more infuriated as the waterdrops continue to interrupt him. Plip! Plip! Plip! Plip...


Po yelled then he furiously punches the mast repeatedly as his frustration gets the better of him. He briefly stops...and a large amount of water drenches him. Po looks up with silent anger. Plip!


Po yelled then then in enraged, Po begins headbutting the mast. 

"INNER PEACE! Inner peace! Innerpeaceinnerpeaceinnerpeaceinnerpeapepapapah..."

Po said to himself then..."Ahem."

Po looks up to see Jesse standing on top of the cabin with her hand on the mast. Po is embarrassed that he was like this infront of Jesse. "Oh, er...I'm," Po said to her. "The mast is not a worthy opponent." Jesse said to him then she leaps over Po's head and lands opposite him. Jesse holds out her arm, palm faced towards the panda. "I'm ready." Jesse said to him. "Okay. So serious..." Po said to her making Jesse smile at him. Po raises his fist and punches her paw as hard as he can- POW! A second later, Po collapses in pain, clutching his fist. "Ha-ha-ha-OW! I think I prefer the mast." Po said to her. "Apologies. I and Tigress used to punch the ironwood trees by the palace to train. Now, we feel nothing." Jesse said to him. "That's...severely cool." Po said to her making Jesse smiles slightly then holds her arm out again. "Again." Jesse said to him, Po gets up and begins punching Jesse's fist repeatedly. "So, er... this punching ironwood long did you have to do that?" Po asks her. "Let me think..." Jesse said to him while Po keeps punching her hand. "I and Tigress start when we were little." Jesse said while looking up. "Yeah..." Po said to her while punching her hand. "Twenty years." Jesse said to him making Po stops punching. "Oh, twen-twenty years?" Po said then he resumes punching. "Is there any, uh, you know, faster way? You know...until know...don't feel anything?" Po asks her. "No. Besides..." Jesse said to him then she grabs Po's fist and spins him in the air. Po crashes to the floor then Jesse smiles, watching his large belly slowly bounce to a stop. "I don't think hard style is...your thing." Jesse said to him. "Oh..." Po said as he gets up into a sitting position as Jesse kneels beside him. "Po...why are you really out here?" Jesse asks him. "I just found out that my dad...isn't really my dad." Po said to her making Jesse give him a look. "Your dad...the goose?" Jesse asks him making Po nod. "That must have been quite a shock." Jesse said to him. "Yeah." Po said to her while nodding. "And this bothers you?" Jesse asks him. "Heh...are you kidding me? We're warriors, right? Nerves of steel! Souls of platinum!...Like you! So hardcore you don't feel anything." Po said to her, Jesse's eyes widen as Po punches her arm and retracts his fist in pain, surprised by what he has said. "I was..." Jesse said to him making Po look at her. "I was never always hardcore." Jesse said to him making Po nod a little. "Right, you were someone before becoming a warrior." Po said to her. "Yeah, a life when I was normal." Jesse said to him. "Do you miss it?" Po asks her. "No, before Shifu discovered me, I was alone." Jesse said to him. "What happened to your parents?" Po asks her making Jesse look at her hans before looking back at Po. "They..." Jesse said to him then the two hear Mantis. "So what are you guys talking about?" Mantis asks as the Five appear from the cabin and surround Po. "Nothing. Nothing." Po said to them while Tigress walks over to Jesse. "Po's having daddy issues." Viper said to them while Tigress sits down next to Jesse. "Man, I'm so lucky. I don't have any problems with my dad. Maybe It's because Mom ate his head before I was born." Mantis said to them making Jesse look at him. "What?" Jesse said to him. "I don't know..." Mantis said to her while Viper makes her way to Viper. "Mantis, this isn't about you. Po is the one freaking out." Viper said to him while Jesse touches Tigress's shoulder making her look at her. "I'm not freaking out." Po said to them. "Po..." Tigress calls him. "I'm" Po said to them making Jesse look at him. "Po." Jesse calls him making Po look at her. "What?" Po said to her. "We're here..." Jesse said to him and the warriors turn to see Gongmen City in the distance, the sun rising in the background. "Gongmen City." Jesse said to them and Po sees a the atrium at the very top of the palace tower. 

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