Chapter 17

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Everything was moved onto Shen boats.

Shen walks over to Jesse who was chain to the wall. "I feel like I seen you before." Shen said to Jesse who doesn't look at him as Boss Wolf walks over to them. "Now, I remember I saw three foxes at the panda village." Shen said to her making Jesse look at him. "Two parents with their baby fox." Shen said to her as he pulls out a old bo staff. "Although your father was a fighter, it ultimately wasn't enough." Shen said to her while Jesse looks at the bo staff. "You..." Jesse said to him making Shen look at her. "I did indeed kill him. He was only there to get in my way; he wasn't a part of my strategy." Shen said to her then he holds the bo staff to Boss Wolf. "And now I am facing his daughter who is a better warrior then him." Shen said to her before he walks away from leaving Jesse with Boss Wolf. Boss turns to Jesse, who is hunched over in tears. "I promise, I will get you all out." Boss Wolf said to her making Jesse look at him. "Be careful." Jesse said to him as tears run down her face making Boss give her a nod before walking to Shen. 

Tigress blinks and she sees that she was chain up with the others, then she glares furiously at Lord Shen and Boss Wolf who was the one holding the torch. "Such sad, sad faces. But now is a time only for joy." Shen said to them as he approaches the Five and leans in closely to Tigress' ear. "You are going to be part of something beautiful." Shen said to her making Tigress snarls at the wicked peacock. Shen leans back and gazes at Tigress- she snarls menacingly. "Once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world, you and your precious kung fu will die." Shen said to them then he turns away from them. "Then China will know to bow before me. Set sail!" Shen yelled then the Five are hoisted up high above the ship.

Lord Shen stands on a podium where Jesse was above his largest cannon. Farther up the line of ships, the Five hang suspended above the wolves, silent and depressed as they await death.

Some distance in front of the armada, several citizens watch the scene from a small bridge stretching across the canal. Boss Wolf turns to Shen. "Lord Shen, what about the bridge?" Boss Wolf asks him. "Nothing stands in my way." Shen said to him then the cannon at the front of the line is aimed towards the bridge. The citizens realize what is about to happen and flee for their lives. "Fire!" Shen yelled then the cannon is fired. The citizens barely manage to clear the bridge before it is completely obliterated. They dodge falling debris as they run while The Five and Jesse are horrified by this act. "YOU COWARD!" Tigress yelled at him but Shen ignores her. Jesse glances up...and spots a shape standing on a high roof, illuminated by the moonlight. A familiar, round, black and white shape wearing a cone shaped hat...Jesse can't believe it..."Po?" Jesse said to herself.

A very alive Po looks down at them while the citizens come out of hiding as Po's return becomes known to everyone present, soldiers included. Shen glares up at the panda, astounded and furious. "How many times do I have to kill the same stinking panda?!" Shen said to himself mad. 

Up on the roof, Po nervously looks down at the massive army below. Then he sees his friends, trussed up and staring at him in pure amazement, and anger fills him. Po looks over at Jesse who was chain up behind Shen before look at the ex-prince. "Shen! A panda stands between you and your destiny!" Po yelled at him.

The others perspective can only hear Po said the word. 


"What?!" Shen yelled back very confused while Jesse looks over at he Five. 

"Prepare yourself for a hot serving of justice! Your reign of terror comes to an end."

Po can barely be heard saying 'serving of justice! Your reign of terror comes to an end!' Boss Wolf looks at Shen, confused. "What?" Shen whisper to himself.

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