Chapter 14

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Every single soldier in the city travels to the factory to help with the preparations. Down below, the warriors stealthily sneak down the streets. "We can't say here." Jesse said to Tigress who looks at her. "We're sitting ducks if we stay out like this." Jesse said to her making Tigress brows furrowed slightly. "Gongmen Jail." Tigress said to her making Jesse nod. "Let's go." Jesse said to the group then the group follows Tigress but Po making Jesse walk over to him. "Po come on, what's going on with you lately?" Jesse said to him as she takes his arm and she pulls him. "I've just been caught up with a few things." Po said to her as he follows her with the group. 

They stop at the corner leading to Gongmen Jail. Tigress peers round the corner there were two wolves guarding the door hear the howl and leap off. The warriors quickly enter the jail, Po tumbling through. The place is empty, save for Ox and Croc still in their cell. "You! What did you do? It's chaos up there! What happened to stopping Shen?" Ox asks Po making everyone look at him. "Yeah." Monkey said to him making Po look at them nervous before walking infront of his group. "Hey guys, come on. Give me a little credit!" Po said as he raises his arms with a smile. "I meant for him to get away! Because, uh..." Po said as he thinks for a moment. "It was a trick, was a plot...and I thought I might...figure out his plot...more..." Po said to them making the room grew tension. Everyone was not impressed while Jesse and Tigress both frown. "That makes no sense." Mantis said to Po. "What do you mean...sure it does!" Po said to them making Jesse steps up to Po, making him fall backwards on his rear. "Po, the truth. You had Shen. What happened?" Jesse asks him. "What are you talking about, I don't know what you're talking about? I mean, okay, he caught me off guard!" Po said to her as he shrugged his shoulders making Jesse kneels down to face Po eye to eye. "The truth." Jesse said to Po with a soft voice. Silence as they stare at each other. Po opens his mouth...and closes it again. 

"Fine." Jesse said to him as she stands up then she looks at Master Croc and Ox. "They will keep you far from danger." Jesse said Po. "Real far." Croc said to Po then he chuckles. Po glances at them then turns back to Jesse. "What?" Po said to her. "You're staying here." Jesse said to him again before walking walk away making Po gets up and chases after her. "W-w-wait! I have to go ba--" Po said making Jesse whirls round to face Po. A hush falls over the room while the Five look on in fear as Po stares at Jesse. "I don't think you heard me." Jesse said to him as she leans closer to Po. "You're staying here!" Jesse yelled at him. "I'm going...and you can't stop me!" Po yelled then he tries to walk past Jesse, but she grabs his arm and twists him around. Po turns back to her, caught off-guard. "Okay...I wasn't ready that time." Po said to her. "Guys, don't!" Viper said to them while Jesse stands at the ready. "Ready." Jesse said to him. Po points to the ceiling as he approaches. "Look!" Po yelled but Jesse doesn't fall for it- she grabs Po as he tries to slip past her and tosses him high into the air. Po lands on the other side of the room, and spins on his head as he leaps back to his feet, facing the wrong way. Yelling in frustration, he rushes back at Jesse. Croc visibly winces as Jesse counters and sends Po sliding back towards his and Ox's cell. "Stay down." Viper said to Po begging him. "I have to get to him!" Po said to Jesse. "Then tell me why!" Jesse yelled at him making Po look at her. "He was there... okay?! The peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened...where I came from...who I am..." Po said to her making Jesse give Po a sympathetic look while Po stands up. "Look, I'm going...I have to know...the hardcore can't understand." Po said to her as he walks closer to Jesse. 

For a split second Jesse couldn't control her movements as she runs at Po. "Jesse, NO!" Tigress yelled as Jesse lunged at Po, encircling him in her arms, kissing him, and the unexpected movement caused everyone to freeze while Crane's beak drops. Jesse pulls away from Po who looks at her as Jesse places her hand on Po's shoulder. "I do understand but I can't watch someone I love be killed." Jesse said to him making Po's eyes widen slightly. "Love?" Po said to her as Jesse walks over to the Five. "We going." Jesse said to them. "Hey, uh...maybe you can't watch me be killed..." Crane said to Jesse. "Stop being a wimp, Crane." Jesse said to him as she walk to the door. "And...she's back." Monkey said to them as the group leaves with Po watching them.

Po look down at the tile with mixed feels running through his veins making him smile at himself. 

She love him more then a friend.

"So, you the guy she then talking about." Ox said making Po look at him. "What?" Po said to him. "Beside her training all day and night, she would talk about the Five and you. She has taking a likely to you after getting to know you more." Ox said to him making Po look away thinking. "And don't worry,'re better off here then out there. Jesse knows what she is doing, she is a master." Ox said to him while Po looks at the doors where thew others left through. "I need to tell her." Po said to himself.

In the Fireworks Factory, Shen wields his lance as Soothsayer looks on. "You were wrong, Soothsayer! We sail to victory tonight...your magic panda is clearly a fool!" Shen said to her. "Are you certain it is the panda who is the fool? You just destroyed your ancestral home, Shen!" Soothsayer said to him. "A trivial sacrifice..." Shen said to her while he sticks the lance's tip into a nearby fire. When it is glowing hot, he stabs it into the map of China, sending the entire sheet up in flames. "When all of China is my reward." Shen said to her. "Then will you finally be satisfied? Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better?" Soothsayer asks him. "Hmmm, it's a start, maybe I need to take that Fox girl in she maybe better then you. I might also convert the basement into a dungeon." Shen said to her as he glares at Soothsayer as he says this. Soothsayer anger spent as he approaches the peacock, who is standing at the balcony with his back to her. "The cup you choose to fill has no bottom. It is time to stop this madness." Soothsayer said to him. "And why on earth would I do that?" Shen asks her. "So your parents can rest in peace." Soothsayer said to him making Shen's expression changes. "My parents...hated me. Do you understand? They wronged me. I...will make it right." Shen said to her. "They loved you! They loved you so much, that having to send you away killed them." Soothsayer said to him, Shen does not say anything for a moment. "The dead exist in the past...and I must attend to the future." Shen said to her making Soothsayer looks down, deeply saddened. "Set the Soothsayer free. She is of no use to me." Shen said to Gorilla who was standing by the door. The gorilla soldier steps forward to escort Soothsayer out. "Goodbye, Shen. I wish you happiness." Soothsayer said to him. "Happiness must be taken...and I will take mine." Shen said to her while the gorilla puts a paw on Soothsayer's shoulder as he leads her out of the map room. 'Smack!' Soothsayer smacks his paw with her staff while Shen does not watch her leave.

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