Chapter 7

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Five Days Later

Po and Jesse were racing each other up the palace stairs. "Are you ready?" Jesse asks Po as he runs by her side. "Ready's my middle name!" Po said to her then he speeds off ahead and beats Jesse to their destination: the entrance doors to the Training Hall's courtyard. Po and Jesse put their backs to the door and Po tries to catch his breath. "So what have we got? A gang of terrible rhinos? Crocs? Rabid wolves? Let's do it!" Po yelled while Jesse turns to him. "Be warned: This may be the toughest challenge you will ever have to face." Jesse said to him making Po chuckles in anticipation. Then Po blasts into the courtyard with a flying kick. "Get ready to feel the" Po said instead of rabid wolves, the courtyard is full of rambunctious little rabbit children. Jesse walks into the Training Hall and she stands by Po. "Introduction to kung fu class." Jesse said to him while Po watches several children beating up a training dummy, which has been redesigned to look like Po. The real Po winces as one of the children delivers a flying kick to the dummy's head. "Can I use the Wuxi Finger Hold on them?" Po asks her making Jesse give him a look. "I'd try not to. Remember Po, each generation teaches the next one, and so the art of kung fu lives on; in you, and now in these..." Jesse said to him as a rabbit flies past them and crashed. "Uh...delightful children." Jesse said to him. "You call that delightful?" Po asks her making Jesse turn to him. "Everyone has to start somewhere." Jesse said to him then she speeds outside of the training hall. "What?" Po said as he looks at Jesse by the doors. "Good luck." Jesse said to him with a smile then she slams the doors shut, trapping Po inside. Not expecting this challenge at all, Po rushes to the door and sees Jesse walking away through a crack. "Wait a second! Jesse! Come on! Auugh." Po yelled then he turns to the students when Jesse was gone. "Okay, if you'll just take a, hello?" Po said to them but the rabbits continue to play-fight. "Hey, settle down now...okay, er..." Po said but the students were still not listening to him. Po spots a nearby gong and strikes it with a flying kick, getting the students' attention at last. "Get those cotton tails on the floor!" Po yelled at them. "The Dragon Warrior!" Rabbit Children yelled then they rush over and sit on the floor in front of Po. "Thank you..." Po said to them. "Are we gonna learn the cool kung fu moves?" One of the rabbits asks him. "Yes." Po said to them making the students cheer. "Now we're really gonna start kicking butt!" Other Rabbit said with a smile while doing a flying kick. "Hey, hey, hold on. Kicking butt is just a small part of kung fu. It's awesome, but it's small." Po said to them. "Huh?" Rabbit kids said to him very confused. "Kung fu means "Excellence of Self"; being the best you can be. That's what it's about, bunnies!" Po said to them as a shy young rabbit walks up and taps Po on the leg. "I wanna learn Tigress Style and Fox Style." She said to him. "Aren't we going to fight?" Another rabbit asks him. "Yeah, like the Furious Six!" Another kid said to him. "The Furious Six, huh? They are cool, aren't they? But it wasn't fighting that made them amazing. No. They each had to learn the secrets of kung fu before they became excellent." Po said to them. "Secrets? What secrets?" One of the kids asks him. "Oh, I shouldn't really say. That's why it's a secret. It's top secret." Po said to them.

"Pleeeeaaase tell us. Tell us, pleeeeeeaaaaase..."

The rabbit children said to Po who breaks. "Aww...Okay. but don't tell anyone I told you because I'll deny it- I'll be like, What? I didn't tell them anything. Alright..." Po said to them with a smile.

Po starts off with Master Mantis's story where he has the power of Patience. 

"Mantis had finally found the secret to excellence of self: the mind-blowing power..." Po said as he sits down in a meditative position. "Of patience." Po said to them and he opens his eyes to find that the students have resumed their play-fighting. "Hey, wait..." Po said to them trying to stop them from fighting. "Wait for it..." Rabbit said to himself. "Hey look!" Rabbit said as another Rabbit pointed to another who was playing dead. "It's his Staying-still-for-a-really-long-time-technique!" He yelled. "You're missing the point, it's not about fighting! Stop fighting...stop...ahhhhh! Now sit!" Po yelled then unexpectedly, the students resume their sitting positions in front of Po. Po stares at them for a moment, taken aback. "Okay, now pay attention this time!" Po said to them and he pulls out a ribbon and begins his next story.

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