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Often, there was a gap of one or two nights in between Eddy's dreams, giving him some time to recover from all the vomitting.

But this time, there was no break. So, there he was. At the foot of a green hill surrounded by high grass, a soft breeze caressing Eddy's face, ruffling his dark brown hair.
He looked around, seeing nothing but the usual lonely flower and some palm trees framing the area. And of course, there was that tall mirror standing on top of the hill.

Eddy frowned. Was he imagining things, or was there music audible already? How odd. Last time, he had to close some distance between him and the mirror before he'd heard the melody, but now it was perceptibly louder, clearer. Eddy raised his gaze to the mirror, hoping with all his heart there would be something visible this time. He took the first few steps towards the glass, letting the pull of the mirror draw him near until he stood in front of it.

It was still the greyish, white surface, but Eddy could swear there was a blurry shape visible now. Nothing but a mere shadow, but still! Yes! There was some contour and if he really paid attention, he was pretty sure the dark, grey form was slightly moving!

Eddy's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. Could it be, that after experiencing the same fucking scenario for hundreds of times he could finally SEE something in there?
The music was much clearer now and started to fill his consciousness, awakened a fire in Eddy he didn't even know existed in him. It reminded him of something. A happy version of his younger self...

Eddy closed his eyes and listened to the sweet melody attentively. It still wasn't something he recongnized, but he sure loved the way it was played. It felt familiar somehow, how the glisses were placed, how controlled and smooth a forte part transitioned into pianissimo...

It felt like he had listened to this kind of playing for half his life.

He opened his eyes again. The shape in the mirror had gotten a bit darker as far as he could tell. He reached out his hand again, like the countless times he'd done before, slowly closing the distance between his fingertips and the glass...

... and touched it! Actually touched it without waking up! The spot around his fingertip on the mirror darkened. Eddy inhaled sharply and he didn't dare to blink. What was that? Normally he'd be entangled in his own bedsheets by now, panting hard and half freaking out.

But not this time. This time, a tingling feeling, starting from the tip of his index finger touching the cool glass emerged and spread through his whole body, causing Eddy to feel a warmth filling him up from head to toe. He squeezed his eyes a bit, trying to make sense of the shape in the mirror, but to no avail.

"What are you?", Eddy heard himself say. Slowly and very carefully, he spread his hand, until it laid flat on the mirror's surface. The warmth intensified tenfold, causing him to feel like he was flying...

Eddy opened his eyes with a shock. He was in his bed, breathing hard, the pillow on the ground and his sheets everywhere but covering his body. His eyes searched the room hastily, looking for an impossible trace of the vision he'd just had in his sleep.
"Shit", he mumbled, ruffled his hair and, on a whim, picked up his phone and opened his notes app. Better write everything down before reason and reality would take over and all his memories of the dream would be nothing more than fading mist. His fingers were moving in lightning speed over the screen, errors generously ignored in order to fulfill the higher purpose of preserverance.

And whilst being in the middle of his wild typing, Eddy didn't even notice that, once more, he didn't have to run for the toilet.

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