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Eddy couldn't believe his ears. What did she just say? His hearing must be betraying him, right?
"Wha... what?", was all he managed. Forget about forming coherent sentences right about now.
"Brett has been in a coma for over six months now. Motionless, without any sign of consciousness whatsoever, you understand what I'm saying?"
"I'm not... I'm not sure...", Eddy stated honestly.
"He never moved, didn't react to any stimuli, nothing. Until around two weeks ago."
It was visibly hard for her to continue. Her eyes were moist, her voice heavy and she swallowed several times until she squared her shoulders and caught Eddy's confused gaze.
"Two weeks ago he whispered something when we were sitting by his side. We were shocked. It was the first time since he'd collapsed that he'd showed any movement, any brain activity at all. We called the doctor and she did a quick check-up. Nothing in his physical state had changed, apparently. She said everything was like always, but then, he said something again. We weren't sure what it was at first but eventually, we caught it."
They held their breaths. Eddy couldn't help but stare at the small woman facing him.

"It was your name, Eddy."

Now, there was a tear rolling down the side of Eddy's face fast.
"My name?", he breathed.
"He said 'Eddy', several times. Sometimes clearer, sometimes mushed up. But your name was the only thing he said."
"My name...", he repeated once again.
Mrs. Yang smiled. "We weren't sure which Eddy he was talking about, of course. I have to admit, you were not the first person that came to our minds. We went through a list of his co-workers, asked some of his friends. When we talked about possible classmates from university, I suddenly recalled Brett having a very good friend in his teenage years who lived nearby. We knew then, that it had to be you. Maybe Brett is remembering things from back then in his coma? We then went through his contacts, searched his socials and everything, but we found nothing about you and no one of Brett's current friends knew anything. You know how many Eddy Chen's have profiles on the internet? There was no way to tell which one we were looking for. Two days ago, we just decided I'd fly back to Brisbane to go through our old address books and see, if I can find your mother's number or adress. My flight would have left this afternoon, but now..."
She glanced at Eddy in wonder.
"Now you're here."

Eddy's mind was reeling. Two weeks, she'd said, since Brett had mentioned Eddy's name. And it had been two weeks ago when he'd started to meet Brett in his dreams.
No way in hell this was a coincidence.

"You see, it was like he called out for you. Asked us to find you and bring you here", Mrs. Yang said, "I would have never dreamed that you'd find your way here by yourself."
"Can I..." Eddy finally couldn't hold back anymore. He had to, simply had to... "Can I see him now?"
Brett's mum's smile got brighter.
"Of course! Come on!"

He was in a trance like state as his feet moved on autopilot, taking one step after another, following that small woman's lead. It felt much more like a dream than all those nights where he'd been hanging out with Brett. Moving forward seemed incredibly exhausting, like he had to pave his way through thick sirup. They passed several numbered doors, turned right into another hallway and then, they stopped in front of the third door left. Room 838.
"Here we are", Mrs. Yang whispered, but before she pressed down the handle, she turned around. "Eddy, this is very meaningful to us. We have barely let anyone outside our family enter this room and see Brett in this state. But we trust you. And most of all, we feel like Brett needs you."
Eddy gulped. "I won't betray your trust."
She laid a hand on his forearm and smiled. "I know."
Then, she turned to face the door again and opened it slowly.

Light blue curtains were hanging in front of the broad windows and covering most of the white walls, surrounding one single bed in the middle of the room. Eddy's eyes traveled there immediately, hungrily searching for that one face he'd been dreaming of. His legs carried him closer and closer, until he finally, oh finally stood in front of him.

There were tubes attatched to his pale, thin forearm, another one connected his nostrils to an instrument, probably providing him with supplementary oxygen. A bunch of machines were beeping, showing some kind of waves and numbers Eddy would have understood if he'd studied medicine, dripping stuff into the tubes leading to Brett's arm.

Eddy didn't know what he'd expected, but the man in front of him looked almost exactly like his best friend in his dreams, maybe thinner and certainly much more pale. Would he have simply been lying there on the white hospital bed, all those life supporting, yet annoying machines gone, one could have mistaken him for simply sleeping peacefully. Long eyelashes cast shadows on his flawless, white as a sheet face, which was framed by jetblack hair. His slightly chapped, but nonetheless red lips were softly closed and his body, clothed in a light blue pyjama, was covered with white sheets from his chest down.

Eddy lifted his hand and slowly, very carefully, like he was about to touch a butterfly's wings, brushed some of Brett's fringes to the side, as salty drops blurred his vision. He blinked them away angrily, not wanting anything to hinder him seeing his best friend in real life at last.
"Brett", he whispered like this name was a holy word, tips of his fingers not leaving the other's cold cheek. In the back of the room, quiet sobs escaped Mrs. Yang from time to time. Eddy didn't take notice of it. All his focus was on those beautiful features in front of him.
"Brett, I'm here. I've found you, like I've said I would."
Now, those stupid tears were dripping down just the same, creating little wet spots on the bed sheets. Eddy took Brett's hand in both of his, grasping it like life depended on it.
"Hey", he continued, rubbing the other's palm, warming it, "I know you can hear me. I have to tell you so many things when we'll meet again. You won't believe what your mum told me. She said you were calling my name. You basically gave me a pass to enter your room! Did you know, that your family is taking real good care of you?"
Sniffles coming from Mrs. Yang's direction told Eddy that she heard every word he said. It was okay. There were no secrets here. Not in this room.
"I didn't expect your parents to still know me. It has been so long, since I've seen you last, mate. Here, I mean, in this world. You haven't aged a day, huh. You look even softer and younger, I reckon. Guess I get punched for saying that when you'll wake up."
Brett's mum chuckled, despite it all. Eddy's snigger joined hers while he drew a sleeve over his nose.
"Did you know, I brought my violin? Now I can play for you here. Maybe that'll do something to your brain waves and stuff? You can roast me, if you want."

However, he didn't want to let go of that hand. Not yet. This treasure he'd just found, there was no way he was ever gonna let go of it again!

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