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As soon as time allowed, Eddy took out his violin and played for Brett and his parents. First the Prelude, then the Adagio. He even tried to recall bits of the more upbeat movement, the one those two mysterious musicians had played and was surprised by how much he remembered. What actually stunned him more however, was the fact that he dared to "perform" a piece, which his fingers had to coax out from the fingerboard first. It was like he was practicing in front of people, which he would have never had the guts to do before. Two thirds of the piece came back, the rest of it, he might be able to reconstruct with the help of Brett's much more advanced musical hearing.

Around lunch time, Alan, Brett's brother, joined them. By then, they had witnessed Brett's eyelashes flutter minutely, had seen him smile once or twice and he'd called Eddy's name again. All very good signs, as a this time older female doctor pointed out. They filled Alan in on the briefing they'd gotten in the morning, making him all jittery with excitement.

"Son, you know that this is all very hypothetical", Mrs. Yang reminded him, "Brett might not wake up for quite some time still."
"I know, I know", he exclaimed, features definitely displaying everything else than belief in the outcome last presented to him. "But I can't shake the feeling it's gonna happen sooner. And judging by all of you talking to a doc about what to do when brother wakes up, neither can you."
He had a point of course, and Eddy could sense a nervousness, a restlessness invading the family calmity, but also the heaviness from before lifting, making everything livelier, brighter, more hopeful.

Let's just hope we don't mess up the upcoming performance, Eddy thought to himself during a quiet minute when he went to the bathroom. He was pretty sure that a note or two out of tune wouldn't be an issue. Also, they both knew the Adagio and their parts by heart now. He was convinced they'd be okay on the technical side. Was there something else that could mess them up? Hold them back? What about the audience?

And what about himself? Eddy? Was he ready for the performance? Again, he didn't think his playing abilities would be an issue. The girl had said they "both" had to find their hearts. Wasn't it time for him to set a statement and do a real, actual step in that direction?
He looked at his reflection in the mirror while he washed his hands. Eddy Chen, working in Finance in Singapore, making good, stable money, doing overtime almost every day, making his mother proud as a productive, useful member of the society. He already knew that he wasn't this person anymore. Maybe the first few times when he'd seen himself in that tall mirror on the hill, but when he'd begun to meet Brett in his dreams, he'd also started to change.

Brett brought that out in people. Change that was long overdue, to help others improve, become a better, more true version of themselves.
What is it you really want? Belle had asked.
He wanted to play the violin.
Eddy gave his own reflexion a nod, stood up straight and took a deep breath.

"Could you guys excuse me for a second?"
The Yang's simutaneously turned their heads towards him, making it almost look comical.
"Sure!", Mr. Yang finally exclaimed.
Was it his expression, or the fact that he'd practically never left Brett's room since he'd found him what surprised them? Eddy stepped out, walked down the deserted hallway until he reached the floor to ceiling window, where he'd observed the traffic eight floors down yesterday. He pulled out his phone and dialed the number of his boss without hesitation.

Mr. Rogers didn't disappoint.
"Hello?", his voice sounded through Eddy's speakers after only the first ring. 
"Good morning Mr. Rogers. It's Chen."
"Chen! Wonderful! Listen, one of your clients just called and they wanted to know-"
"Actually", Eddy cut in firmly before Rogers could get any further with his demand, "I'm calling to inform you, that I'm going to quit."
It was quiet for a second on the other end, and then, "QUIT?"
"Yes. I'd like to quit. I'll send in my resignation sometime this week via air mail."
"Stop, stop, stop! Hold on for a second...", his boss took a deep breath, "Quit? Chen! Why?"
"I need to do what I really want to", Eddy simply replied, in the back of his head stunned by how determined and yet calm his voice reverberated through the corridor.
"But, you're one of our best employees!", Mr. Rogers exclaimed, probably ruffling his dark grey hair.
"It has nothing to do with my abilities or anything."
"We can raise your salary, no problem!"
Well, maybe Eddy should have announced his leave earlier. He sniggered as he added, "It's also not about my pay."
"Someone we should fire instead?"
"No, no!", Eddy hurried to say, "No, Mr. Rogers. It has nothing to do with you or anyone or the company. It's simply not what I want anymore. I need to make a change."
It was like a balloon deflated on the other side. A sound of defeat.
"Chen. If I'd have known that would happen, I would have never granted you these holidays."
"I'll take that as a compliment, I guess."
Mr. Rogers sighed. "You should. Did something happen? What made you reach this decision? Have you had an epiphany?"
Eddy hesitated, "You could say so. It has something to do with my friend, who's in a coma. I just realized that life's short and that we have to do what our heart tells us in that little bit of time we have." It was a lot more complicated than that, but Eddy figured that this was a version he could tell people without them immediately labeling him as crazy.
Mr. Rogers sighed again. "It's only logical that seeing your friend like this would bring up certain emotions."
"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind? You are acting quite rash here. That might be a decision you regret later on."
"I'm aware that it seems unwise and rushed, but I should have done this age ago. I've been unhappy for quite a while", Eddy admitted.
Another deep sigh. "Alright. It's a shame, Chen. You could have made it far. I was thinking about promoting you at the end of this year."
Of course he had! Eddy better made sure not to tell his mum that particular information. She was probably not gonna be super thrilled about hearing him having left his job before he'd gotten a raise in salary and position.
"I know. Thank you anyways for considering me. I appreciate that."
"You have a notice period of three months, like all our employees. And since you've worked for more than five years for us, you'll get a nice sum of severance pay."
"Oh, that's great, thank you", Eddy exclaimed, surprised over this to him unknown fact until now. "I didn't even know there's such a thing when one quits."
"I don't have to sign it off if you don't want it...", Mr. Rogers jibbed.
"No, no. That would be very helpful, actually."
"May I ask what it is? That you want to do instead?"
Eddy looked down at the busy streets and smiled lightly.

"I want to play the violin."

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