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Unfortunately, Eddy's buzzing phone forced him to leave Brett's bedside for a bit and talk to his co-workers, who were asking him something about one of his clients. However, the smile Brett had carried occupied his mind as much as the feeling of Brett's hand, physically in his own.

He had found Brett! For real. Finally!

When he hung up, Brett's mum was still standing there, smiling at him.
"You are a busy man, huh."
"Sometimes", he agreed, stepping next to Brett again, brushing the back of the other's hand softly. Brett's features had returned to his normal, sleep-like state. "That's why my violin playing is greatly subpar compared to your son's."
"No, no", Mrs. Yang shook her head, "I really like what you played. I don't think I've ever heard it. Is it a modern piece?"
Eddy deliberated on what to answer to that. Should he tell her about how he was meeting Brett regularly in his dream world? Or was it to soon? Too risky?
"I composed part of it", he decided to reveal.
"Oh, it's beautiful."
"It's not finished yet. There is another piece though, on which it's based."
She motioned an inviting gesture with her hand. "Play it?", she asked, eyes much livelier than only minutes ago.
Eddy picked up his violin. "Sure."

He closed his eyes, imagined Brett standing next to him and giving him the starting cue. The next second, the sweet, melancholical melody filled the room, drowning out those beeps from the machines Brett was attatched to. Somehow, playing it here with Brett present was immensely more meaningful than when Eddy'd played it at home for himself. In front of his inner eye, soft hues of purple and pink mixed with the powder blue of the curtains, bringing warmth and beauty. When he briefly took a glint, he saw Brett's mum gently swaying left and right to the rythm, eyes closed, features peaceful. He smiled. If his playing did one thing, and if it was just to put Mrs. Yang's mind at ease for a bit, bringing his violin had been so worth it. His gaze couldn't help but wander to Brett's face. He was still, like he was closely listening to Eddy's rendition. Would he be able to coax out another smile of his best friend?
"Oh!", Brett's mum exclaimed, clapping her hands once in excitement, "This was beautiful, Eddy! You play wonderfully!"
"Thank you", Eddy said, shyly bowing a bit. Playing for Brett in his dreams had helped with getting used to having some sort of audience again, but even though he could lose himself in his playing here in this room, he suddenyl felt self-conscious due to the fact that there was a musician's mother listening to him. "As I said, nothing compared to Brett's skills."
"Will you stop saying that?", she scolded the way only a mum could. Sternly, yet lovingly. "For not having played for years, it is more than decent. And this piece... I think Brett would like it very much."
Moved by her words, Eddy smiled. "I'm sure he does."

This time, Brett's expression remained unchanged. Brett's mum noticed that it was time to turn her son to the side for a bit, so she showed Eddy how it was done so he could take over next time. Other than making sure those tubes would stay in place, it seemed quite doable, so when she asked if he would be alright for a few hours because she had to get groceries, he nodded encouragingly. It must have been tough to stay at a hospital for such a long time, every day. If he could lighten the burden a bit, he was more than happy to do so.
"I'll be back soon. When the doctor arrives for Brett's check-up, tell them what happened when you played, will you?"
"Of course."
"Eddy Chen", she smiled, stepping closer and raising her hands to hold the side of Eddy's arms firmly, "It's wonderful that you're here."
"Thank you", he meant from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you for letting me see him."
"Anytime, dear!"
And with that, she left the room and closed the door behind her, leaving Eddy with Brett's motionless body.

"Hey man", Eddy greeted, his hand finding Brett's again, "You liked my playing? I was sure I'd get roasted by your mum, but she's so kind. I didn't talk much to her back in the days. I should have. She's much nicer than mine."
Sometime today, he had to call her, Eddy thought. But not now. Now all he wanted was to catch up with his best friend undisturbed. Or just talk nonsense while sitting at his bedside, so Brett could hear his voice. Eddy was curious, what dream-Brett was experiencing while Eddy was here. Would he hear Eddy like some epic voice-over? Or was he fully unaware of what happened here? He couldn't hear his parents or anyone talk to him either, right? Would he at least hear Eddy's playing?
It didn't matter. Eddy would talk for hours even if it was futile. He would play all the violin concertos he faintly remembered, all the Solo Bach pieces and those fragments of Paganini Caprices his fingers managed. Brett was right here and that was all that counted.
"She liked your piece. And ours too. I mean, how could she not, right? It is beautiful. Maybe, I should write it down? I've probably got a pen in my bag."
The beeps served as hollow anwers.
"Maybe we can work on some kind of climax when I'm back. This needs an epic one for sure!"

And like this, Eddy shared his thoughts and heart with Brett, whose presence was still soothing for Eddy despite his motionless state. Here and there, Eddy thought he saw the corner of the other's mouth lifting a tad. It was so subtle though, that he wasn't sure if it wasn't just his hopeful mind playing him a prank. After an hour babbling and telling, Eddy decided to call his mother before trying his luck with turning the patient to the side.

He stayed in the room for this one and dialed the number with clammy fingers and an elevated pulse, which was stupid, really. It was just his mum and it wasn't like he'd done anything to anger her, right?
"Hi mum, how are you?", Eddy asked, wiping his free hand on his pants.
"Good, nice hearing from you Eddy. How have you been?"
"I'm alright. Got some good feedback from my clients", Eddy decided to lead with that info, hoping it'd put her in the best mood possible.
"That is good to hear! Are you up for a promition soon?"
"Not sure. Maybe." He couldn't care less, to be honest. He was probably going to quit before his boss would even consider. There was no way he was going to bring that up though. Not now, at least. "If yes, then at the end of the year."
"I see. I don't have any new information about the Yangs, if you were going to ask", she said, surprising Eddy in the process. She still had that in mind? It had been days since they'd talked about that topic.
"No, no. I wasn't gonna. I know you're busy. But thanks for telling me anyway. And you don't need to look for them anymore, because guess what?", he started, preparing himself for the blow, "I'm back in Australia, in Sydney, to be precise."
Silence, in which Eddy's heart wanted to jump out of his chest. Great, a near thirty year old freaking out about telling his mum that he hadn't come see her first. How pathetic was that?
His mum sighed, before she said, "I didn't know you were coming back."
"It was very spontaneous. I asked for holidays like two days ago and flew here yesterday."
"Why Sydney, Eddy? Why didn't you come home?"
"I found Brett", Eddy simply answered, "Mum, he's in a coma and staying in a hospital in Sydney. One of our old friends from youth orchestra I managed to find told me. I would have called you earlier, but I've been so busy with everything there was no time. I'm sorry."
There were a few seconds of weighted quietness as his mum processed the news.
"A coma... poor boy...", she finally meant with a creaky voice, "So you're there now? With Brett?"
"Yes. His parents are here too. They've been staying in Sydney ever since he fell into a coma."
"That makes sense. They stay by his side all the time, I assume?"
"Yeah", Eddy confirmed, knowing she'd do the exact same thing if it would have been him.
She let out a deep breath. "Please pass my blessings to Brett's parents, Eddy. Brett is a good boy as far as I remember. I wish nothing but the best for them and that he might recover as soon as possible."
"Thanks mum. I'll tell them."
"How long will you be staying in Australia?"
"I managed to get two weeks holiday." If he'd have to go back to Brisbane to see his mum too, which was basically a must, his time here was running out already! Two weeks... how were two weeks even near enough?
"I'll come to Brisbane when I'm done here." Whatever that meant.
"No, Eddy. I'll come to Sydney to see you. It's important that you're there now. By Brett's side."
What? Were his ears betraying him? His mum telling him NOT to come home? In what kind of parallel universe did he switch into?
"Wha... Mum, you're sure? I was planning on coming home, you know?", he stuttered, not sure why he was sabotaging himself. Maybe this was the good son inside him speaking. Checking, if she really meant it.
"Of course I'm sure. How can I rip a friend away from the Yang's son's bedside? You need to do your best to help them with the little time you have. If it was you..." It took a moment for her to continue. "... I would wish the same. And like this, I can see them too. You can text me the details from your hotel, if you don't mind."
"Of course not! Mum, thank you so much. This is just great. It gives me so much more time to be with Brett and see you at the same time. Thank you!", Eddy exclaimed, overwhelmed by his mother's openness to the given situation. Instead of the presumed wrath and disappointment, he got a great solution presented without even asking for it. From the person he'd least expected.
In what kind of space time shift did he land?
"Good. I will see when I can make it. It's probably going to be next week."
"That's great. Tell me if I should book a hotel room or something or if you need any help."
"You just concentrate on Brett, all right? I can manage myself", she stated firmly.
Eddy nodded to the phone, eyes glued to Brett. "Okay. Thanks again, mum. I'll see you around."

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