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He shot up, covered in sweat and still dressed in the clothes he'd traveled in the day before, his heart beating a concerning 160 b/pm as he took in huge gulpes of airconditioned hotel room air.

He knew exactly where he was, despite this being the first change of beds in a very long time. And he knew exactly what he had to do next.

"Hyung listen! I need to ask you something!"
"Eddy... you know how early it is?"
Eddy threw a quick glance at the clock hanging over the ridiculously tiny hotel room desk. 5 a.m.. And this time, without any time difference to add on so Eddy could feel better about his apparently new bad habit of calling people at ungodly hours.
"Gosh... I'm so sorry, I didn't realize..."
"It's fine, I'm awake now", Hyung meant politely, which was so like the cellist Eddy remembered from his Youth Orchestra days, "Shoot. What do you need?"
"In which hospital is Brett staying?"
"Uhm... that was quite some time ago when I went there. Let me think... Why do you ask?"
"I'm in Sydney! I'm looking for Brett!"
"Hold on... what?? You're in Sydney?"
Eddy nodded wildly, disregarding the fact Hyung couldn't see him.
"Since when? How?"
"I flew down yesterday. Went to a bunch of hospitals already until it came to me that you must know where he is."
"You haven't found him yet?"
"Obviously", Eddy stated, slowly losing patience even though he was well aware in the back of his head, that he was the one calling poor Hyung way too early.
"Sorry, of course. Let me think... it was one of the big ones for sure."
Eddy saved the apology for his inappropriate comment for later. He needed to know. Now!

And Hyung didn't let him down.
"Oh yeah!", he yelled, "It's the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital!"
"Oh my God, thanks Hyung! You sure?"
"Yes! It's one of the leading ones in Australia and I remember it being named after some royal dude. I definitely went there to visit Brett."
The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Eddy stumbled out of bed, quickly scanned the room for pen and paper and scribbled down the location on a hotel notepad they'd placed on that tiny desk.
"But, Eddy. Brett might not be there anymore. And also, this is actually strictly confidential what I'm telling you...", Hyung's suddenly unsure voice meant.
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna mention you or how I've found Brett", Eddy assured, his trembling fingers haphazardly tearing off that piece of paper with the treasured new info.
"No, no, I didn't mean to... I mean, I trust you, Eddy. I really do. Please don't be too disappointed if you don't find him there. They might have transfered him or something."
"It's okay. I won't. It's a start and a huuuge help! Thank you, Hyung. Really! You don't know how much this means to me." Eddy slumped down on his bed again, tears not far away.
"I have an inkling. Wow, you actually flew back to Australia", Hyung marveled.
"I had to, Hyung", Eddy simply replied, hoping the other would understand.
"Mhm", Hyung made and Eddy could picture him bopping his head in agreement, "I really hope you'll find him."
"So do I. And you've saved me countless lost hours of searching. So thanks again! And sorry for the early call."
"Anytime!", Hyung said and it sounded like he really meant it. That guy was a saint if there ever was one! "I'm an early riser anyway. Keep me updated? I mean, only if you have time. I guess you're here on vacation, technically?"
"Yes. Two weeks. I just... I really hope I can help him, you know."
"I hope you can too."

After they hung up, Eddy could do nothing but stare at the little piece of paper containing his messy, shaky handwriting.

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Was Brett going to be there? Was Eddy really going to see him in real life soon? After what felt like an eternity of searching, wondering, hoping, worrying, even though it had only been like what, a couple of weeks maybe, in which he'd met Brett and where they'd helped each other take huge leaps on their personal journey.
A deep sigh escaped Eddy while a tear rolled down his cheek. He sniffed and wiped that treacherous droplet away.

I'll see you soon, Brett! Finally!

It was like torture, waiting for the sun to rise and the clock to drag to a time where hospitals would open their doors for potential visitors. Eddy hadn't had the nerve to wait in his hotel room, so after he'd finally taken his first shower after his travel, he found himself walking to the destination to clear his head and pass the time, the violin case on his back bopping up and down with every step. There was no space for thinking about grabbing a coffee on the way or a small breakfast even, since everything inside him screamed just one name:
Brett, Brett, Brett!

Like on autopilot, his legs carried him in front of a red-brown brick building, where the main entrance of the hospital was located. Under other circumstances, Eddy would have admired the architecture, the high pillars decorating the front and those beautiful details on the fasade. Doctors, nurses and all kinds of health and maintenance staff were rushing in and out and around that place, indicating the end of the night shift. He took a deep breath and stared up to the big letters spelling out the hospital's name. It was still a bit too early for visitors, technically. But if they could at least tell him if Brett was staying here, he could wait.

The lady at the front desk looked up from some papers when she noticed Eddy approaching with long, impatient strides. She smiled, which Eddy decided to take as a good omen.
"Hello Sir. How can I help you?"
"Hi, I want to visit a patient. Brett Yang is his name?"
"Are you a family member?"
Eddy hesitated, "Not exactly..."
"Sir, visiting hours for non-family members start at 9 a.m."
"I know. Can I just know which room he's in? I can wait. He is a very good friend of mine."
She typed something into the computer.
"Brett Yang. Yes..."
Yes! Eddy cheered silently, barely able to contain his excitement and nervousness.
"Uhm", the lady made. Eddy froze. "I am not allowed to give out any information about this patient. What is your name, Sir?"
"Eddy", Eddy stuttered and cleared his throat, "Eddy Chen."
"Eddy Chen... I don't see you on Brett Yang's visitor list. You are a friend, you said?"
"Yes", he breathed. Was that really it? Would he be stuck here in the lobby, knowing Brett was somewhere in this hospital? Would they have to suffer the "close and yet so far" kinda shit?
"Alright. Sir, I need the permission from Brett Yang's parents for you to be able to visit him. Would you still like to wait or would you like to leave a phone number so I can call you?"
"I'll wait", Eddy said resolutely. What else was he gonna do? There was nowhere else for him to go now. "Thank you."
She gestured at some lonely black plastic chairs nearby where he was supposed to wait. Eddy slumped down on one of them, put his violin next to him, tilted his head back and closed his eyes.

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