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They didn't need to wonder if they should ask for more less obscure information, because when they looked in her direction, the girl had vanished. Only the now empty violin stand was there as proof that what just happened wasn't a dream within a dream, or something.

"Weird man..."
"Who you reckon, was she?"
Eddy shrugged, in his hands the new instrument.  "I don't know. Maybe a goddess or something? Or a product of your subconscious? Have you ever met her in real life?"
"Not that I know", Brett denied, "And the things she said... what the hell did she mean? Finding our hearts so I can go home and shit?"
"I...", Eddy began carefully, "I think I have an inkling what she wanted to say."
"Do tell!"
"By home, I guess she meant you waking up. Returning to where you belong."
Brett scratched the back of his head, a frown forming between his eyebrows. "That's it? Sounds a bit too blunt, don't you think."
"Sometimes, the blunt truths are the ones  we should really pay attention to", Eddy meant, "What I definitely have no idea about whatsoever is, how we are supposed to find our hearts here."

Brett was silent for a long time and Eddy was already wondering if he should suggest them exploring this hall where they were standing in, when the other said, barely audible, "I think we already started doing that."
Eddy looked at him from the side, surprised. "What do you mean?"
"Think about it. We discovered what you're doing for a living isn't fulfilling for you, that music could be a better fit."
"Well, I kinda knew that before", Eddy mumbled.
"And you helped me find out that playing in an orchestra, even as a concertmaster, made me sick in the end."
"But you knew that before you came here too, didn't you?"
"We both knew", Brett agreed calmly, "but none of us did anything about it. I had to fall into a coma to be put on hold and you're just now starting to consider if you have to change something. You haven't even decided yet."
"That's true...", Eddy pursed his lips, "but I still feel like there is more to it."

He stared at his new violin. What if the answer was right there? Gifted to him just now?
"Does finding my own heart mean, I should quit my job and actually persue music again?", Eddy voiced his thoughts carefully.
"And that I should quit my job at the SSO?", Brett added.
"How are you supposed to quit when you're in a coma?", Eddy asked blatantly.
"Maybe I can send a message in morse code to my family, moving my fingers or something, have them record it and send it to the orchestra."
Eddy glanced at him incredulously. "Dude, how do you come up with this shit?"
They looked at each other, and burst into laughter.

"I mean, you can try", Eddy wheezed, half the sentence barely understandable due to him almost rolling on the floor.
"At least I'm creative here, right? Better than you having to fly down and do it for me."
The taller's chuckle died down. "You know I can't quit for you."
"Yeah, yeah. I know."
"They'd be like: 'You just wanna take over his position!'"
Brett's snort echoed through the hall. "Imagine them taking you."
"God, I'd love that! But no way! I'd need to practice for an eternity until I'd even get in."
"Not sure, bro. Your Prok the other day sounded really good. You have a very solid foundation, your technique is still there, just needs some polishing."
"Really?", Eddy asked doubtfully.
"Well, as a concertmaster, I had to sit through numerous auditions for new additions to the SSO, so I do know what they look out for. If you pracitice some more and get lessons, prepare the orchestral excerpts and stuff, there'd be a real chance. Attending music uni would be a safer bet though."
"Sure, sure...", Eddy mumbled, his mind creating a scenario where Eddy, the orchestral musician, was playing with other professionals, listening to great soloists while accompanying them, sharing the art of classical music. That'd be something!

"I would love to play with you", Eddy meant, new images of him and Brett playing together on a stage, the audience erupting in applause after their performance flooding his brain.
"What? Why?"
Eddy looked at him. "Why not?"
"Because I lost it? Not exactly the best rolemodel if playing the violin almost put me underground", Brett shrugged.
Suddenly, Eddy realized, for himself to find his heart, if it really just meant to finally, finally follow his dreams, was probably not going to be that hard. But what about Brett? He had been doing that. He'd gone to music uni like he'd wished and had worked in an orchestra. So what was he supposed to do now? Eddy looked down at his violin again. They both had one now and the girl said they had to find their hearts so Brett could "go home", which hopefully meant waking up. He was still convinced Brett was made for playing the violin. No one could produce music this beautiful, this inspiring without being destined to do so. Eddy had to show him that, bring him back to the path of music...

"Maybe I'm not cut out for this", Brett sighed when Eddy stayed silent, sunken in his stream of consciousness.
"Maybe not for orchestra", Eddy agreed, "but as I've mentioned before, I'm sure you doing music is the right thing. The world would be stripped of something pure and marvelous if you wouldn't be playing, believe me. Perhaps it's just a slightly different angle you have to choose?"
"Like being a soloist or teach, like you've said?"
Eddy quickly nodded. "Exactly! Brett, I just got a violin here and you've been carrying yours around all the time. I'm sure the violins play a major role in all of this. It wouldn't make sense otherwise."

Silence enveloped them again, as both of them tried to think of something that could help them further. And then, the thought that had occupied his mind after he'd come home from work yesterday evening pierced through Eddy's brain like a lightening bolt.
"Bro, the piece! Your piece!"
Brett's confused gaze met Eddy's lit up one. He put his violin in playing position and this little movement was enough for Eddy's heart to flutter happily. The first few notes of the sweet, somewhat melancholic piece rang through the air. The one Eddy'd first heard through the mirror.
"This one?", Brett asked, violin still propped up on his shoulders.
"What about it?"
"You said it's important! Brett, maybe this piece is the key!"

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