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"When you..."
"When I came to your side, to your world and saw you, it stopped. I still always feel a bit of that longing when I'm awake. But never when I'm here. And you know what else is funny?"
Brett had stopped breathing, so Eddy just continued, his elbows propped up on his upper legs. "I don't think I've ever been as happy over the last couple of years like when I play the violin. In the real world."
"... Dude..."
"Playing the violin, even though I sound like crap, like a first year student..."
"I'm sure you sound better", Brett threw in quietly.
"... it's just the most fun thing in the world! This and being here, with you."

Eddy was half aware this all sounded way too cheesy and highly un-bro like. See who cared! Certainly not him!

"But... why me?", Brett asked baffled, throwing his arms in the air.
"I don't know", Eddy sniggered, as clueless as the enquirer, "I just know you're the best person I know. Both in my dreams and the outside world. You do me real good. Maybe that's why..."
"I do you... I'm just stuck here and I didn't even remember you! How am I any good for you?"
"You brought me back to what I'm passionate about, make me realize my current life isn't something I want to keep struggling for. Like for real. I guess I always felt it subconsciously, but to really realize it to a point where I wanna change something about it... that's quite a lot."
"All I did was being too straight forward. Pointing out uncomfortable stuff. I'm doing nada."
"Will you stop belittling yourself?"
Brett closed his mouth with a snap.
"That's actually exactly how you helped me realize shit I should have noticed long ago. And not only here and now, but ten years ago already. I was just too afraid to really go down that road. And maybe a bit dumb..."
Eddy sent Brett a warm, bright smile. "You've always been an amazing guy, you know."

It was subtle, almost unnoticeable, but a slight blush crept on Brett's cheeks and ears. The word lovely flew by Eddy's inner eye before he added, "And you turned something I despised, being in this dream, into something I look forward to all the time. Something for which I do everything in my power to come back to."
"I... I don't know what to say...", Brett stuttered and pulled the collar of his reddish shirt up to hide half of his face.
"Wow, I made Brett Yang speechless?", Eddy quipped, "What a rarity!"
"Bro! You whip out a speech like that, anyone would turn speechless!" Brett's complaint got muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
"No speech at all. Just plain truth!"
"Arrrghh, now you're making me real flustered, man!"
Eddy laughed.

"Longing...", Brett mumbled after a minute or so.
"Yeah..." Eddy let out a long sigh.
"I mean... Eddy, I'm real glad you're doing better now." Brett's gaze was soft, honest, open. "Even though I have no idea how I contributed to that, but it's good you're doing better."
Eddy smiled. "I think so too."
"And even if I don't remember you, I do feel like I know you."
"You said that before."
"Yeah. There's kinda this feeling of familiarity... and I really care about how you're doing. I don't think I would if you'd really be a stranger."
"Nah", Eddy said, "you were always someone who cared about others, even when you didn't know them well. And you do it in such a non-pushy manner. If they need you, you're around. If they don't, you're just a fun guy, giving everyone a good time, playing pranks on people and show them you like them. Value them."
"By playing pranks? Doesn't sound very appreciative."
"I guess it's something only you can pull off", Eddy shrugged with a melancholic smile, "you did that with me all the time. And it gave me the feeling that I belonged somewhere. It's kinda hard to explain, but that's how I felt."
"Wow", Brett sighed deeply, "bummer I don't remember any of this."
"You will!", Eddy stated, like he was talking about the sun rising in the morning, "I'll help you. You will!"

Silence. Brett sniffled.

"Hmm?", Eddy made, blankly staring at the painting showing the devil's violinist in front of him.
"Could you do something for me?"
He turned his head. "What?"
"Would you play for me?", Brett asked and lifted up his violin.
"Wh... why?", Eddy stuttered and furrowed his brows. He wasn't sure if he was comfortable playing in front of a professional musician, or in front of anyone, really.
"I'd like to hear you play", Brett simply answered. "Please?"

The hand Eddy extended to grab Brett's instrument was shaking ever so slightly. Eddy was pretty sure Brett noticed, so he said, "My bow's probably gonna skit like crazy. I haven't played for anyone in forever."
Brett smiled. "Don't worry. I'm just glad I can listen to someone else's playing for a change."
"Okay... hope your ears won't regret it." Eddy took Brett's bow with his right, placed the violin on his shoulder and drew the bow over the strings, checking if they were in tune. He liked the sound of Brett's violin. Always had, since he'd first heard it on the other side of the mirror. The warm, sweet, slightly dark tone really fitted Brett's playing and it sounded even sweeter under the ear.
Eddy took a deep breath, threw a last glance at Brett's expectant face and closed his eyes, before he carefully produced the first notes of Prokofiev's second violin concerto, the one he felt most comfortable playing. After the initial insecurity, he slowly got into the flow of the music and forgot that Brett was probably way more skilled than him, that he hadn't practiced that piece for a long, long time, that he'd just started playing the violin again a few days ago, that his muscles were just rediscovering the fingerboard, the strings, the frog of the bow... All of this didn't matter anymore. Only the music, played for a listener, welcoming every note Eddy's bowstroke provided.

And when Eddy opened his eyes again, Brett, his violin and the paintings of Bach and Paganini were gone and he was back in his bed, blinking rapidly towards the dark ceiling.
His lips formed a silent "Brett", before he felt the first tears rolling down his cheeks, hitting his cushion underneath his heavy head.


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