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His hands were still holding Brett's soft, cool one when Eddy turned his head.
"The doctors really don't know why he's in a coma?", he half asked, half stated.
Mrs. Yang brought a tissue to her eyes before she slowly shook her head.
"They did all sorts of tests when he was brought in, but they couldn't find a conclusive physical condition or cause why Brett's like this. There is no brain or neurological damage, nothing. It's like he's sleeping very deeply without ever waking up..."
Eddy nodded, thumbs brushing over Brett's bony knuckles. It fit with what Eddy knew about the situation.
She quietly blew her nose before she continued, "We only heard about how hard Brett worked when we talked to his colleagues from the SSO. We didn't know. Obviously, there would be pressure, being in such a position, but we thought he was doing well for himself. They told us that he was always well prepared, that his playing was precise and superb and that one could tell, that he was practising a lot. We didn't see him much, so we had no idea how his daily life looked like. We heard from Alan sometimes, that Brett rarely met with friends and was huddled up in his aparmtent when he wasn't working. However, Brett never told us anything about being overworked."
"Yet, you think that's the reason behind why he's in a coma", Eddy concluded.
Brett's mum sighed deeply. "We really don't know and it's tempting to just look for a cause for all this and try to explain the situation, try to understand where it all went wrong. You start to question everything. Alan more than we, because he lives in Sydney and thinks he should have looked out for Brett more. In the end, there is no use to all this. You find no solace since there is no solid explanation. You just hope. But yes, if you ask me what all this is about, I can imagine Brett just burnt out. I can't think of anything else."
Eddy nodded again subtly. Should he tell her that she was right? That he knew for a fact now, after hearing there was no medical explanation, that she was?
"Where you there when he collapsed?"
"No", she answered, "I'm glad we weren't. I would have been in shock, I think. We flew in after the SSO called us. By then, he was already here."
"Of course", Eddy mumbled absentmindly, trying to paint a picture in his mind of those scary events.

They fell silent, letting the beeps of the machines fill the light blue room.
"My mother went to your house in Brisbane a couple of times", Eddy found himself inform. He didn't know why he was telling her this, but there was something inside him, encouraging him to open up.
Mrs. Yang lifted her head. "She did?"
"Yes. I asked her to see if you guys still lived there and if anyone knew anything about Brett."
"We've been staying in Brett's apartment ever since we came here."
"Makes sense..."
"He has to be moved and massaged every two hours or so, otherwise he'll get injured. We wanted...", she breathed in shakily, "we wanted to be as close as possible. We go home for the night though and the nurses take over then. We have to be functional if we want to care for Brett as long as possible."
"You're doing an amazing job", Eddy said quietly, moved by to what great lengths the Yangs went to look after Brett.
"Alan comes here regularly too after work. Sometimes we're here altogether, some days we take turns. Today, Brett's father had some business to attend. He'll come by later."
"It's gonna be nice seeing him." Even under these circumstances, or, especially under these circumstances.
Brett's mum cleared her throat. "If you want... you can play, you know."
Eddy looked at her. "My playing isn't as good as Brett's", he warned, squeezing Brett's hand again.
She smiled. "As long as it's from your heart."
He smiled back faintly, gave the cold hand another squeeze before he reluctantly let go so he could put his violin case down on a nearby chair. The claspes opened with a click. Eddy took out his bow and tightened it, noticing in the back of his head that a rehair might be a good idea at some point. His violin was propped up the next second and after he tuned the strings, Eddy took a deep breath, closed his eyes and started to play Brett's and his piece.
Sure, it was by no means finished yet. But if something came from the bottom of his heart, it was this piece. Although Brett's line was clearly missing, Eddy was surprised how sweet, how melancholic and how deep the melody he produced still sounded. He repeated this unfinished piece once, twice, sometimes so lost in his playing that he closed his eyes, sometimes glancing at Brett, checking for any oh so small movement. Or maybe, he'd even say Eddy's name again?

It was at his third round of playing, when suddenly, Brett turned his head slightly in Eddy's direction. Eddy's bow skitted, the last note in the middle of the section broke and got lost, as he widened his eyes and his jaw fell open.
"Brett?", he called, his arm shooting forth and grabbing Brett's shoulder. There wasn't even any breathing audible from the spot where Brett's mum stood.
"Brett! Can you hear me?", Eddy tried again, desperately.

And then, it happened.
Brett's lips parted slighty and formed an almost toneless, soft, "Eddy."
"Oh!", Eddy made, clasping the free hand over his mouth in surprise and shock despite knowing Brett had been doing this the last two weeks occasionally.
"Oh, my boy", Mrs. Yang sobbed.
"Brett, mate! I'm here!"
And again. "Eddy..."
"Yes! Yeah, bud! I'm here, right by your side. And I'm not gonna leave, okay? I'll wait until you wake up, until we can figure out for good how we can bring you back, okay?"
Was he dreaming? Was his mind playing games? Was his subconscious showing him things he deeply wished to see, or were Brett's lips really forming a small, almost unnoticeable smile?
"Oh my God!", Brett's mum exclaimed, "That's the first time he smiled!"
"Bretty...", Eddy made, tears ready to be spilled again. His violin couldn't be put away quick enough, his hands couldn't get a hold on Brett's hands fast enough and on instinct, he brought this precious hand up to meet his lips.

Brett was smiling. For him.

"He's never done anything like this!"
"Brett...", Eddy whispered, too stunned for other any other words.
"Eddy...", Mrs. Yang said, came closer and laid a hand on his back. He turned his head slightly so he could look at her warm, thankful, moved expression. "It's really, really good that you're here."
He nodded, a tear managing to escape his left eye. "I think so too, Mrs. Yang."

A/N: Sorry for the late upload guys, no internet the whole day ❤️

P.S. Also, it's possible I won't always make it on time from Saturday on for a whole week. I'll be off the grid and my saving money ass doesn't have data when I'm without wifi. Bear with me 🙏🥲

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