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"Found it!", Eddy announced when he opened the door to Brett's room with a much lighter mood, lifting up the violin case a bit.
"Oh, good!", Brett exclaimed, his smile like the sun rising after a long winter night. Eddy's shoulders got rid of another twenty kilos of weight and he felt himself relaxing around everyone.
"Why did you leave it in the elevator anyway?"
"Because I was busy saving your life!?", Eddy raised an eyebrow at Brett. Alan laughed and Eddy saw Brett's mum first time frowning at her son since he woke up.
"Hey!", Brett exclaimed, "I wasn't around, okay? Don't judge me for assuming Eddy forgot his stuff again."
"Bro!", Eddy yelled back, staging outrage while everyone doubled over. 

This light mood with the gentle banter back and forth, lots of laughter, shoulder slaps and hugs here and there filled the first morning of Brett Yang after his coma. Mrs. Yang made sure to call every relative and friend remotely close or not so close to them to tell the good news, eventually causing Brett to roll his eyes during like the fifteenth call or so. Eric provided them with first class take out from a nearby Thai restaurant for lunch to celebrate the occasion, but Brett wasn't able to down much of it after being on fluids for the past six months. Nonetheless, he grinned so broadly the whole time one would think it was his wedding day.

In the afternoon, a physio came over and showed Brett some exercises he had to do the following days. Walking seemed to be out of question for some time, but in order to build muscles, Brett had to move and bend his legs back and forth with the help of said physio. Also his arms, back and core should slowly build up more and more strength. Brett listened attentively and did every exercise with full concentration. Seeing Brett's dedication and motivation somehow boosted Eddy's drive for what was to come. If Brett could face painful and exhausting exercises every day, Eddy for sure could look into what he wanted to do with his violin playing in the future. 

As evening rolled around and the sky over Sydney got darker and darker, Brett's family discussed, similar to yesterday, if they should stay around or not. Luckily, the circumstances were the literal opposite of the night before. 
"As much as I love you guys and love seeing you again, there's not enough space for that many beds in here."
"Arrgh, Brett is right!", Alan groaned, "Mum, dad, you go back to Brett's place. Eddy and I stay here."
Brett's parents looked at each other.
"Don't you have to work tomorrow?", Mrs. Yang asked Alan with a raised eyebrow. 
"I can call in sick."
"No. You should go home and rest. You can't let your patients down just because you feel like it."
"Mum, Brett just woke up. This can be an exception, can't it?"
Eddy could perfectly envision young Alan begging for a sleepover at a friend's house by observing their conversation. He chuckled. 
"Eddy, you're going to stay, right?", Eric asked.
"Yeah! Of course!", Eddy said immediately. Even though a shower was necessary very soon, he wasn't going to let Brett alone for his first night after the coma. There was no way he'd be able to get a wink of sleep if he wouldn't be by Brett's side. 
"Then, I suggest, we all go home and rest. We got called in pretty early today and there is no way they can fit four additional beds in here. We need sleep."
"Agreed", Brett threw in. When Eddy glanced at his best friend, he could see Brett's eyes resting on him. His heart skipped a beat. "I'm going to be fine, guys. Don't worry. I know you're scared I might fall into a coma again and I can't promise you that won't happen."
Wow! Once again, Eddy was surprised and astonished by Brett's honesty and his way of not beating around the bush. Even if it was about something very uncomfortable, he hadn't lost his ability to simply tackle things head on. 
His mum wasn't less honest. "We are worried", she sighed, "Even though the doctors did say it's very unlikely for someone with values and responses as good as yours."
"See?", Brett smiled encouragingly, "I'm going to be fine. And if not, Eddy's gonna get me out again."
Eddy gulped, but what Brett had said seemed to put his folks' mind at ease. Eric nodded, Mrs. Yang's features softened and Alan gave a defeated sigh. 
"Fine, we'll go!"
"Come see me after work?", Brett suggested with a nudge to Alan's side. 
"You bet!", Brett's younger brother declared and gave Brett a long hug.

Eddy found himself letting out a breath when the door of Brett's hospital room closed. 
"You okay?", Brett asked.
The taller turned around, his eyes on his best friend. Brett looked well, more awake than Eddy felt and much stronger already than this morning. 
"Yeah. I'm just glad we're..."
Brett grinned. "Alone?"
Yeah, sue him. Eddy knew he was a dick for being secretly glad they were. Brett's family had been nothing but delightful company, and yet...
He dropped his head. "Sorry."
"Hey, no need to be", Brett ensured, "I do know what an introvert you are. Must be exhausting to hang around my family the whole time."
"No, no", Eddy shook his head. He stepped to Brett's bed and sat down. "It's not that. I really like them. They're so open and genuine. It's easy to be around them."
Brett tilted his head. "That's good then."
"I... I don't know. It was a long day. I kind of wanted to talk to you alone. About what happened. In our dreams. And where you..."

Where Brett had gone to when they were sending waves of electric currents through his body, over and over again...
Eddy shuddered. 

"Hey", Brett breathed, as if he knew what went through Eddy's head. He laid a hand on Eddy's shoulder, "I'm here now. I'm good. Thanks to you."
Tears were blurrying Eddy's sight when he looked up to those big, kind eyes. 
"I'm sorry...", Eddy sniffed, "I should be happy. You're back, so..."
"No, Eddy, mate. Don't apologize." Brett stroked his back now. Up, down, up down, soothing Eddy's soul. "You went through a lot and it would have freaked me out too! I mean, one second we were performing our piece on stage and the other, I'm just gone? That must have been fucking scary."
Eddy shook his head again, wilder this time.
"It's not that. I knew... or at least I hoped that we made it when you were gone. It was just... Brett! When I woke up and you weren't around and I found out they were trying to revive you... when I saw..."
That wasn't wise, what he did, Eddy was well aware. He shouldn't vent his trauma to the one who'd just woken up, who had fought for his life just this morning.

"Oh", Brett made, his soothing motion stopping midway, "Oh, yeah. That must have been scary, huh."
"Scary doesn't even begin to describe-", Eddy began before he forced his mouth shut, half sobbing already. But then, Brett's look ultimately made him throw all caution out of the window. 
"I was this close to losing it", he whispered to those wonderful, warm eyes, seemingly swallowing all fear and darkness that were clinging to Eddy's heart, "I didn't want to, I refused to, but I saw the hopelessness in the other's faces. I knew the chances were slim as fuck. I'm sorry I..."
"Eddy, God. Everyone probably had lost hope by then. But you didn't. As you've said, you refused to! You played! And you called me back."
"I've never been this afraid in my life, Brett", Eddy hissed almost toneless, "Never been this afraid of losing someone. Not even my mum..." The sobs were unstoppable now. It was like all those tears this morning had somehow made their way back into his eyes just to be spilled again right this moment and Eddy could do nothing else than let himself fall into Brett's arms so he could be held by him, by the one he'd apparently saved this morning.

A/N: Sorry again for the weird upload time XD. I try to maintain my regular upload schedule, but life's just so busy it's not always possible 🙈. So if I'm not uploading at the usual time, I apologize in advance. Thanks so much for your patience!
Love, author-san

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