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Of course, Eddy had no time whatsoever during the official (and unofficial late) office hours to further his search for Brett Yang. Even when everyone on his floor went home and there would have been no one around to spot his non-business related google searches, he was busy with phone calls with clients in the US. By the time Eddy checked out, it was once again so late that all that Eddy wanted was to stumble home and head straight to bed. Not even the violin was being played this evening.

At least I can see if me playing the violin really is related to the dream, Eddy thought to himself as he peeled off his office clothes and brushed his teeth.

Turned out, it was. According to that one night without any musical instrument interaction prior anyway. Eddy's night remained dreamless and for the first time ever, he was actually a bit sad about it when he got woken up by the alarm.
Was Brett waiting for him? Would that guy notice if Eddy "left out" a night, even if they'd just met once? Would Brett remember him when Eddy would come back? What if not? What if Eddy stepping through the mirror had been a fluke and he wouldn't be able to see Brett at all anymore? All those questions flooded Eddy's mind as he ran his ten kilometers. Under the shower, he made a firm promise to himself to pick up the violin as soon as he'd get home tonight.

The bus ride was spent talking to his sister on the phone, speaking in a hushed tone to not disturb the countless other commuters in the early morning hours.
"Really? You met Brett Yang in your dream?", she asked in her sleepy voice. It was like midnight in London after all.
"But why Brett of all people? I mean, you guys have been close, but when was the last time you spoke to him?"
"Not after I went to uni", Eddy admitted, "but you might not remember. We were best friends back then!"
"I just rememer how you spent all your time together", Belle chuckled, "ahh, it was so cute how inseperable you guys were."
"Sis!" Eddy tsked.
"Sorry, sorry. Older sister privilege."
A sad smile appeared on Eddy's tired features. "You must think I'm crazy. Talking about dreams and people in it like they were some kind of real life shit."
"No, Eddy! What makes you think that I don't take this seriously?"
"Nothing!", he said a bit louder, but lowered his volume instantly when he noticed himself raising his voice, "You are taking this seriously. But why do you? I mean, it's just so crazy and when I hear myself talk, I want to put myself into some mental facility asap."
"You said it feels real."
Eddy nodded to himself. "Yeah, very real."
So real that he hadn't gone through with the aforementioned thought that had popped up in his head from time to time during the last six months.
"And you are the most reasonable person I know! You even ditched your actual dream in order to do something more 'reasonable', unlike me." Eddy could practically see her fingers motioning the quotation marks.
"And now, my dreams are hunting me", Eddy sighed.
"Exactly! Eddy! Don't you think that has something to do with... you know... the other kind of dream? Like life goals stuff?"

Eddy stilled for a second and furrowed his brows.
"You mean, studying music?"
"Yes! Becoming a professional violinist."
Eddy pondered about it for a second before he shook his head. "I gave up on this a long time ago. Why would it come back to me now? I mean, I don't particularly like my job or anything, but it makes okay money. And mum is happy, so there's that."
Yes, there had been tears just two nights ago. Tears of regret and sadness for his younger self. However, he wasn't going to tell his sister. At least not yet.
Belle seemed down, when she said, "But that's not everything, is it? Life has so much more to offer. Jesus, Eddy! It's so sad if you put it this way."
"Oh, come on! It's not like my life just sucks. It's okay... -ish. I didn't fail. I'm a useful part of society."
"You sound like some sixty year old aunt talking about her unhappy nephew."
"Belle! Cut me some slack, okay?", he hissed. Thank God for all those people around him wearing headphones and being half asleep.
Belle's deep sigh was clearly audible through the line before she answered, "I'm just sorry that I didn't support you enough back then."
Eddy's frown deepened. "What do you mean?"
"When mum made you choose financial studies instead of what you really wanted."
"That's not on you, sis", he remarked, a clump in his throat suddenly giving him a very hard time to speak normally.
"I know it isn't, but still.."
She felt guilty for that? After like ten years or so? Eddy had had absolutely no idea...

However, it wasn't like Belle to stay in this kinda gloomy mood for too long. She was too much of a sunshine for that. Someone, who liked to deal with matters on hand. And Eddy loved and had always admired her for that.
"Anyway", she broke the short, loaded silence, "I guess we can establish the significance of the violin in your dreams. And Brett on the other side of the mirror... that must mean something!"
"You don't know by any chance where he lives or how to contact him, do you?", Eddy asked, just in case...
"Eddy, I don't even recall how exactly he looked like."
"I can try to find out something..."
"Don't bother. I just know he graduated from Queensland con. I'll try to get more information myself."
"If you say so, but tell me if you need anything. And I do mean anything. This seems to be important and it might get you somewhere. So don't hesitate to contact me."
His sister was indeed an angel. "What would I do without you?", Eddy said, hoping his gratefulness would seep through his words.
"Am I a good therapist or what?"
"I should pay you."
"Free lunch will do when I come visit you next time."
"Done!" Eddy smiled. "But for reals, Belle. Thank you!"
"Don't worry about it. I should go to sleep though, and I guess your stop's not far either?"
"Nah. Another fifteen minutes maybe? Thanks again. For everything."

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