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In the next couple of hours, Eddy successfully turned his friend on both sides without throwing him out of bed, played some more violin, this time some Bach and bits of the Prok two and wonderously stared at Brett's minute smile that graced his features so wonderfully here and there during Eddy's playing. It made him a bit proud, that his violin playing was what coaxed his unconscious best friend to lift up the corners of his lips. And he felt a bit stupid for being proud too.

Apparently, the hospital was being informed that Brett's room was occupied by more than a comatose body. When Brett's mum returned with Brett's dad by her side, lunch time had come and gone and Eddy had filled his admittedly very empty belly with semi-delicious hospital food. Brett's dad was no less delighted to see Eddy, shook his hand enthusiastically and told him to call him Eric at least three times in a row. Of course, they demanded another violin piece, which Eddy more than happily delivered. To see them observe Brett smile and themselves light up like Christmas trees was something else. It made Eddy proud all over again and gave him a sense of accomplishment he hadn't felt in many long years. When a doctor came in for Brett's daily check-up, they excitedly told him about the incident of Brett smiling. The doctor couldn't believe it at first, said it was very unlikely for someone being in a coma for such a long time to show any activity at all. His brain waves didn't show any major changes though, but the doctor was very positive and told them to report every new incident as soon as possible.

"Eddy, I can't believe you guys didn't stay friends!", Mr. Yang exclaimed at one point after the doctor had left and Eddy had played the third piece, "I remember you coming by all the time. It was like you were brothers."
"We were very close", Eddy found himself say, much less nervous than he thought he would be whenever this topic would arise. Was it Brett's presence giving him a sense of security?
"Brett meant both of you had too much to do with your studies, so you were not able to meet anymore", Brett's dad continued a bit slower, "I always found it a bit funny, because before going to conservatory, Brett also had tons of assignments."
"Yeah... I guess, that was only part of the truth."
Brett's parents shared a surprised glance. Then Mrs. Yang sat down on a chair next to her son's bed and took his hand.
"You have no obligation to tell us what happened, Eddy", Mr. Yang assured, his voice kind, "That is between you and Brett. We're just glad you're here. Also, it was a long time ago..."
"It was. But you have every right to wonder about why it took so long for me to come looking for Brett again."

It got quiet, neither of Brett's parents pressing or demanding to know more. They just sat there, waiting. Eddy let his eyes rest on Brett's porcelain-white face and took his hand again. The one which wasn't in Mrs. Yang's palm.

"The truth is, I broke off contact with him."
There was a small, shocked intake of breath coming from Brett's mum, which she tried to cover up with a following caugh. Eddy smiled wearily at her.
"Maybe you remember what happened to my mum around that time. Shortly afted my dad died, I had decided to go to the con, just like Brett. He had encouraged me to go through with it and tell my mum. My mother didn't take it well. She fainted and I found her like this after school, on her bed. The ambulance came and rushed her to the hospital. It wasn't anything serious, thank God. They just said she'd probably been too stressed or something and that something had triggered her to lose consciousness. What other cause was there than me telling her I wanted to become a musician?"
"Eddy, dear...", Mrs. Yang whispered, her voice thick.
"So I decided to do what she wanted me to to protect her, make her proud and make sure something like this would never happen again. And I knew if I'd stay friends with Brett, I couldn't do that. He was already going down the path I so desperately wanted. He was the one who convinced me to apply. I knew he would be disappointed. And most of all, I knew I wouldn't be able to NOT study music if I talked to him again. So I cut ties with him."
He searched their eyes for anger, resentment, disappointment. He found none. Only kindness and understanding mixed with a little bit of surprise.
"I knew it was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn't risk losing my mum after my dad died. So I went to study finances, since I wasn't able to get into med school. Brett was always in the back of my head, sometimes more, sometimes less, I have to admit. I had erased his number though and had no information whatsoever to contact him. I also felt like I had no right to look for him after the stunt I pulled... and in the end, maybe, I was just a coward. I figured he never wanted to see me again."
Brett's dad nodded, his vision unfocused like he was observing those scenes from the past.
"What made you look for him again?", Mrs. Yang whispered. He had told her when he'd started looking, but not why.

Now, with this one he would step into territory which couldn't be considered normal anymore. Everything that he'd shared so far had been sad, his own actions spiteful. However, the real reason why he'd started searching for Brett would sound utterly crazy.

But what was there to answer other than the truth? This room, this precious human being being kept alive by machines and loving people around him, allowed nothing else.

So Eddy said, "I dreamt of him."
Brett's mum's eyes went impossibly large as her mouth fell open.
Eric frowned. "You saw him in your dreams?"
"Yes", Eddy confirmed, bobbing his head once, "And then, I wondered how he was doing. So I looked for him, until I found an old mutual friend of ours, who told me what had happened and in which hospital Brett was. In the end, I simply had to fly back to Australia and see him in person to confirm what I'd heard, but also to finally meet Brett again."
Eddy glanced down at the sleeping man. "It seems so unreal kinda. It felt like I was looking for him for forever and now, I'm here."

Mr. and Mrs. Yang were quiet for a moment, the cogwheels turning in their heads almost tangible.
"You said", Brett's mum then broke the silence, "you started searching for him around two weeks ago."
Eddy nodded, having an inkling what she was hinting at.
"So Brett... did he appear around that time? In your dreams?"
He nodded again.
"And it was..."
"Yes, I don't think it's a coincidence that Brett started to say my name around that time."
"But how...", Mr. Yang muttered, his slightly shaking hand brushing through his hair, "how is this possible?"
"I don't know", Eddy stated truthfully, "What I do know is, that Brett is fighting to come back to us! And I'll do everything I can to help him wake up again. I promise!"

A/N: Hi guys! Thanks so much for your patience! Have been without internet for a while, which was very, very nice :-). You can expect regular uploads again though, since I'm back from touching grass. Love, author-san

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