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Brett's parents still looked a bit beffudled about everything Eddy had told them when they bid their goodbyes in the evening and he couldn't blame them. This whole situation made his own head reel and sometimes he wasn't sure, if him sitting next to Brett's bed wasn't just a dream itself, despite the fingertips of his left hand burning like he was touching hot coal because of how much he'd played the violin being a physical proof that it wasn't.

They tried to invite him to dinner at their temporary home at Brett's place, attempted to convince him to go back to his hotel for the night and not spend it here in some chair, trying to fall asleep, but Eddy wasn't to be persuaded from doing anything apart than staying by Brett's side. He knew rationally, that he couldn't spend the whole two weeks he had in this blue hospital room, but there was just no way his heart would be at peace, knowing Brett was all by himself when he actually could be by his side.

"I understand", Brett's mum said with a moved expression, "We were like this too in the beginning. Spent every free minute here. Take care of yourself though, Eddy. Brett needs you."
"I will", he bobbed his head.

After he had eaten a bland hospital dinner and brushed his teeth with the toothbrush he'd luckily brought, Eddy sat down next to Brett and let his eyes rest on his best friend. It was funny, how conflicted he felt about going to sleep. On one hand, he couldn't wait to see Brett and tell him everything that had happened today. On the other hand, actually looking at him and brushing his thumb over the back of the other's palm physically was just like marvelling over a treasure he'd searched for for decades. Eventually though, Brett's regular, soft breathing and the comfort he admitted, even without being awake, gently lulled Eddy to sleep at some point, his head resting next to Brett's side with Brett's hand still in his.

"Hey!", an upbeat, warm voice welcomed Eddy. He groaned like so many times before, rubbed his eyes and opened them, letting them confirm the location he'd guessed he'd wake up at. In midst of blue scores, scattered all over the floor. He sat up and it took him a fraction of a second to find the person he'd just seen lying on a hospital bed, smiling at him with shiny eyes.

Something washed over Eddy and in an instant, he leaped forward and threw his arms around the other, the first tears rolling down already.
"E... Eddy?"
A tiny, annoying sob escaped him. Shit! What the hell was going on with him? That was not what Eddy had expected at all. Wasn't everything looking up for them? Hadn't he found Brett and hadn't he been looking forward all day to finally tell him in person? So why was he crying now?
"Eddy..., mate. What's going on?"
Eddy shook his head in the crook of Brett's neck.
"I don't know. I...", he sobbed helplessly.
"Heyy, hey there", Brett soothed, his hands already brushing up and down the taller's back, "Talk to me, Eddy. Did something bad happen?"
"No, not really... it's just...", he drew in a stuttering breath, "it's a bit much. I'm sorry."
He released Brett again so he could catch his gaze.
"I've found you, Brett."
Would it have been possible for eye balls to jump out a skull, Brett's would have done so by now.
"What? For real?"
"Yeah. I asked Hyung like you suggested and he told me. You're staying at the Royal Prince Alfreds Hospital. I went there first thing in the morning and had to wait forever, because the lady at the front desk told me that only visitors on a list are allowed to enter your room, so she had to talk to your parents first. I have no idea what time it was when she finally came to get me."
"Am I...", Brett interrupted, his whole body frozen, "You... You saw me, right?"
"I had to talk to your mum first."
Brett's mouth opened and closed a few times before he muttered, "You saw my mum?"
"The nurse brought me to her. I was shitting my pants, no kidding, but she was nice. Checking what I wanted and why I was here. She told me how they had to take down all information of you, like Hyung had said before. Apparently, there was an army of journalists and other folks who flooded the hospital and wanted to get a glimpse of you after you were stationed there."
"Jesus...", Brett breathed, his body like a deflated air mattress falling back and leaning heavily against the handrail.
"They had to set up security at some point. Eventually, things calmed down, but no one can enter your room without first getting your parent's permission."
"Did you..."
Eddy managed a small smile.
"I passed the test. But I guess, you were the deciding factor."
"What do you mean?"

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