Love before disaster

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Last time Raine called me they were going to the store to pick up a few things for our movie night, so what was taking so long? I was getting a little worried, but I thought to myself 'it's fine, their probably caught in a long line or traffic. A sat on the couch, then next thing I know I dozed off for a little bit, then I heard my phone ringing. It was rain, "hello? Is this calamity?" I was confused it was  a womans voice not raine. "T-thats a nickname, my name is eda" I said getting worried. "Ah, okay, you were in Raine whispers emergency contacts?" I was surprised "is something wrong is Raine okay?" When they answered my heart dropped, "they've been in a car accident" tears started flowing down my cheeks "w-what?! Is Raine alive?!" I screamed "I didnt get an answer she just told me to come to the hospital  I hung up the phone and jumped in my car " no no no no! Not raine, please be okay" I don't want to imagine what had happened to them!" Then I froze, I couldn't drive, nor move. I called my sister sobbing "lily! Raine, car! Help!" Of course she didn't understanding what I said "edalyn? Please calm down! I can't help if I don't understand" I don't know what came over me "lily! Please I'm on the side of the road, Raine is hurt and at the fucking hospital! Please come pick me up!" I laid my head on the stiring wheel untill she came, I got on the passenger side "she quickly drove and didn't ask any questions, I knew my face was drenched in tears and I was just staring out the window, of course the one person I love, with all my fucking heart, is in the hospital. When we arrived I Practically jumped out the car and ran to the front door, but when I got to the front door I backed up, " lily I can't do it.. I can't.." She went to me and tried to pull me in but like a idiot I ran away, I ran to the car and broke down "god no! No! No! No!" My sister found me and tooke home then went back for Raine  at the hospital I felt terrible about not being there but I couldn't go I was on the floor, crying "please, be okay, you gotta be okay" I kept whispering to myself, I think I was like that for 2 hours my legs were asleep by then, I heard my door open and heard my sisters voice "edalyn? Are you here?" I couldn't speak, so I made noise instead, to notify her. Then I heard a voice I knew all to well, "don't tell me, my Lord calamity was worried about me?" I turned around and saw Raine with just a wrist cast on "r-raine?" I stood up and stumbled over to them "r-raine.. Your okay?" They nodded I felt more tears come down my facex then I slapped them hard across the face, they fell to the floor and I got down with them wrapping them in a tight hug "y-you asshole! You scared me, half to death!" I felt them hug me back "I'm sorry, but your didn't have to hit me" they said teasing me "shut up! You fucking bastard! Do you know how worried I was! I thought you died!" The held me tighter and couldn't stop crying "if you had died! I- I don't know what I'd do! I hate you!" Raine chuckled "hate? With the way your acting I'd say you loved me" I dug my face in their shirt "I do! I really do! To much fory own good! Don't you ever do that again! If you get yourself killed il kill you myself" I said sobbing I heard my sister leave. I don't know what came over me "i- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you.. I just couldn't stand the thought of you dying, I love you to God damn much to let you die" Raine looked me in my teary eyes "what? Y-you" I nodded giving a weak smile then I kissed them, they looked at me in shock "eda.. " I shook my head "just tell me, if you love me or not" they kissed me back and my heart melted "of course I do, I love you eda" and that was all it took we sat there on the floor crying and kissing "eda.. I'm sorry I made you worry"  I hugged them tightly "rainestorm you absolute fool, I wasn't wasn't worried, I was petrified" they kissed me on my forehead "my Lord calamity, cares for me to much for her own good" I chuckled "I guess so"

      The end

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