A long confession

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aines POV:
I just arrived at her house, but when I good a good look at her, her outfit was revealing.. She had on a black crop top and some shorts, it made me blush, I kept staring at her untill she said "so.. Do you still want to watch a movie or would rather watch me?" When she said that I realized I had been staring at her, so I quickly shoved my hands in my pocket, I heard the cutest giggle from her as she sat down. "So what do you want to watch? Other than me" she narrows her eyes in a flirtatious way and raises a single eye brow "I.. Umm a Disney movie?" It was the most appropriate thing I could think of, also I like the music "wow, ok didn't know my best friend had the fast of a 6 year old" she looked at disney movie untillbi saw one I think would help me calm down "how about that one, beauty and the beast" she clicked on it and put the remote down on the small coffee table in front of us, I caught her sneaking looks at me, biting her bottom lip, She would look at me then my lips, then my hands "what are you looking at beauty?" I saw her face turn red and she looked at the tv, then I noticed "why is your hair down?" She brushed it behind her ear and smiled "oh, um it just felt right, why are you looking at my hair?" She said that part quietly so I pretended I didn't hear her, so we watched the movie for a while but I wasn't paying any attention, her hands were so close to mine, I wanted to hold it, so I excused my self to the bathroom but slipped and my hand ran down her inner thigh, and I heard her exhale "i-im sorry eda! Are you okay? Did I hurt  you?" She was blushing really hard "oh! Um, no you didn't" I went to the bathroom quickly.

Eda's POV:
I was laying back, blushing hard, their hand ran across my inner thigh, I was sensitive there but I never said anything because we're just friends.. Do you tell friends that kind of stuff?..  I just adjusted my legs so it wouldn't happen again, soon enough Raine come out, I knew they were just flustered, and honestly so was I. Raine sat back down and held my hand, their hand was warm and soft, but then I heard them whisper in my ear "would you be my beauty?" I instantly started blushing again, we're they trying to embarrass me?! "Maybe, if you made the right move" I said trying not to show how flustered I was they moved their hand from my hand to my cheek, then I turned to them "is this the right move?" They whispered before kissing me, out of impulse O moved my hand to their chest, and they moved their hand to my waist, we pulled away not moving out hands "i, umm.." Was all I could muster to say "your cute when your flustered, calamity" god damnit, I always blush when they call me that, they started rubbing my waist for a bit, but we started kissing again, each moment making it deeper, and deeper. When we stopped, I pulled away slowly "wow, i.. Didnt know you were such a  good kisser rainestorm" we were still very close so I slowly pushed them back. "There's a lot you don't know about me" we finished the movie, but I wanted a little revenge for that little stunt.

Raines POV:
Oh my god! I just kissed her, and she liked it, but then when we finished the movie I saw her looking at me biting her lip. She looked at me thenu lips and a bit below my waist, when she did that it made me want to do things to her.. But not things you put on a Disney movie, she looked at me then her room, "say, rainestorm.. Can you grab my phone from my room?" Her voice sounded Lustfull so I quickly got up, hernoom was dark but I couldn't find the switch then I remembered her phone was on the coffee table, then her door closed. It was pich black, but I could fairly see her orange hair "e-eda?" She didn't say anything, but instead shoved me on her bed, I felt her on top of me, then, she kissed me I held her by the waist then I heard her whisper "are you okay with this?" I slid us up her bed "yes.. I am"
The next day:
I woke up in her bed, my vision was blurry, I found my glasses on a night stand beside me, I looked around, my shirt was off!? I saw eda beside me, with a faint smile, a got up to use the bathroom, and saw I had pants on but she didn't... I quickly put the cover over her she only had on a baggy shirt. Then I remembered everything we had done, oh god.. I thought the least I could do was make her breakfast so that's what I did when in was almost done it heard her come out the room "rainestorm?" I was nervous but I spoke back "hey calamity" I turned off the shoved and turned to her, she was limping "woah, are you okay" she nodded and hugged me. "Yeah, more than okay" I hugged her as well "that's good" she kissed me "you seem nervous, is it because of last night?" She asked mex I slowly nodded "just think of what happened as a confession" I smirked "sure.. A long confession"

I apologize if this seemed like smut, I swear it's not! It may of set up the thought but nothing was described! And only showed a brief after math! Again I'm sorry! I value my supporters even if some of you read my stuff at the speed of llight

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