love me.. please

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I was just up in the tower attached to my house looking out in the view, thinking about Raine, the sacrificed themselves for me, now they were captured. "Raine, you better be okay.."   I kept thinking about the duet we played and how they held my hand.. Their eyes, their hair, just Raine in general, damnit, I loved them so much. Then I saw a shadowy figure running over to my house "EDAAA" I k ew that voice all to well "raine?" They kept yelling my name "EDAA!" I jumped down the the roof of my house then the ground "raine!" I saw them closer running to me, they looked hurt, went the got close enough they hugged me "eda! Are you okay!" I looked at the scratches and briuses they had "y-yeah are you okay?! You look really hurt!" Then they passed out, in my arms. I took then to my bed room and put them in my nest "damn.. Still good looking" I whispered to my self I sat down with then then I guess impulse kicked in but the pulled me on top of them I was shocked but tried not to yell  "shit.." The way they were holding me was very intamite and it was making me nervous, so I just went with it and fell asleep aswell, I woke up with my body snuggled up to them, I liked it but, raine was sleep so it was an accident so I don't think they would want me this close, "raine.. Wake up" they eventually woke up but didn't let me go "what's wrong?  They asked me but was half asleep " r-raine.. Your arm.." But fell back asleep I had to go check on Luz and king, but them I rememberes something that always woke them up, I didn't know if it would work, anymore since we weren't together, but it was worth a shit, I got closer to their ear and whispered "rainestorm~ if you wake up.. Il kiss you" they instantly woke up and let me go in the process "w-woah! Eda I.." I couldn't help but giggle "Raine I was just kidding!" They relaxed a little bit more, then they looked around, eda where are we? Is this a nest?" I nodded then asked them to come down, I saw Luz and king sitting on the couch, "eda!" King ran to me so I picked him up "who's that?" Luz walked up to me looking at Raine "oh that's a old.. Friend, they stayed over since they were hurt last night" then king gave Raine a suspicious look "hmm they look a lot like the person you described in your diary" I started blushing "k-king!!" King goes inside my hair then pokes his head out "yeah, the one you said was adorable, and hot! And then you said to pick a side and that you wanted to marr-" I covered his mouth quickly before he finished that sentence "eda.. Are these your kids?" I looked at Raine and gave king to Luz "yeah, but not biologically, their adopted" I gave Luz a Pat on the head "this is Luz, she's a human but learning magic at a very quick rate, and this little fur ball is king, he's demon"  Raine smiled at me like they were proud or something. "Raine I think I have some extra bad girl coven shirts in my room you can take one if you like" Raine gave me a confused but joyful look "bad girl coven?" "Yep! A coven of while magic!" They went up stairs and Luz gave me a evil smirk "you likeee thm don't you edaa!" I blushed when asked and couldn't think of a good lie so I told her the truth "ok MAYBE it's possible, but it doesn't matter, we broke up a long time ago" Luz didn't loose the smirk she had "I saw they way you two were sleeping" I looked away from her, so she wouldn't see my red face  "I.. Umm, that was an accident, they were sleep so it want supposed to happen" I said a little sad "come on eda, you know you like them, just tell them" I gave her a snide look "then confess to amity" she looked away then folded her arms "fine you win" I went up stairs to check on Raine and saw them in one of the shirts I couldn't help but blush "heh, that's on of mine you know" they looked down at the shirt "ohh, my bad il change" they started taking the shirt off right in front of me  so I quickly turned around "Raine! You could have waited until I left!!" I heard them chuckle "but you told me we were a couple again?" I felt their arms around me "w-when did I say that!?.." They whispered in my ear "last night.."

Raines flashback:
Raine woke up in the middle of the night, with their arms around eda, they tried to move it but eda snuggled up to them, "no.. Please don't move your arms" Raine put their arms back around her "o-okay but why?.." Eda snuggled a bit closer "because.. I love you" Raine could tell she was half sleep but also knew those were real feelings "eda.. I-" Raine felt a tear on her cheek from their shirt "please.. Love me.." Raine started blushing  "promise" eda smiled  "your mine.. My partner.. I won't take no for an answer" Raine kissed her forehead "ok love"
End of flashback:
"I did.. What!!?" By now Raine was holding her by the waist "Raine I was sleep!" They shrugged and kissed me on the lips for a good 45 seconds "but you do love me right?" I blushed and nodded "then it's settled, I'm yours, and your mine" we kissed again and just held each other for a while. "I love you rainestorm"

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