Just pretend

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Raine and lilith had been staying with eda Luz and king to avoid the emperors coven, due to lack of space lilith slept in luz's room and raine, slept with eda, yes right beside her.
Eda and raine saw Luz and king playing a game in the living room. " what are you guys doing?" Luz looked back at eda with a smile "truth or dare!" Eda sat down next to luz "how do you play?" (It's hard to explain the game so uhh yeah) "do you want to play?" Eda russles luz's hair "sure, il play kiddo" then lilith and raine sat down as well "got room for 2 more?" King laid down on his stomach "yeah!" "Lilith, truth or dare?" "Truth"
King thought if a question "I saw you with a bouquet of flowers and a note, where's you get them from?" Lilith let out a sigh "somebody left them at the door for me, i.. Don't know who, but the note was very...Intemite, I felt bad accepting them so I gave them to mother" everyone was shocked "damn, lily got game" every shared a laugh at that "ok, king truth or dare" raine asked "hmm truth!" Raine winked at eda then said "is it true you got stuck in the arm of a sweater" eda started laughing "I want a dare!!" Raine smiled "go put on a sweater" king grabbed a sweater and attempted to put it on, but got stuck in the arm, again. Luz helped king out of the sweater. "Ok eda! Truth or dare" luz asked her with a special plan in mind "hmm dare! I'm no wimp" luz gave lilith a devilish smile "you and raine, have to pretend to be a couple for 24 hours!" Both eda and raine had started blushing "umm, only if raine is okay with it" eda said hoping they would say no" but to her surprise they agreed "ok so it's 8 pm now, so untill 8pm tomorrow you guys are a couple!" They kept playing for awhile, but soon enough every body went to bed. Eda laid down facing away from raine as usual, but to her surprise, raine wrapped their arms around her.she felt tears run down her face, as she held the hands that were around here.
The next day
Raine woke up first, eda's head was resting on their chest. They didn't want to wake her, so they just waited untill she woke up, when she did eventually wake up they said "good morning, love" eda sat up and thought to her self ' it's okay to say these things, it's just pretend.. ' eda went down stairs and raine followed while holding her hand  "there's the happy couple!" Lilith said teasing "you guys seem oddly comfortable with  each other, are you guys already dating?" luz asked genuinly curious " actually they used to date." Lilith said walking to the couch  "wow really! You guys should get back together! I already had a vision board of you guys!" Both eda and raine were blushing "why?.. Did you make it?" Eda asks luz shrugs,  eda starts making breakfast for everyone, she turns on the stove, then sees raine come up behind her, "you know I see you, right rainestorm? Raine held her from behind, " yes, love" Raine whispered eda could feel herself blushing, after she finished the food and, and gave some to everyone, she went up to her room, "hey luz, does eda usually skip breakfast" luz nodds her head "she says she's not really a breakfast person" raine knows eda was lying, they would eat breakfast together all the time. When they finished eating they went up to her room to check on her, raine opened the door just a bit, and saw her crying, raine quietly walked up to her, and st right in front of her, "hey Eda.." Eda looked up at raine, but didn't dare look into their eyes, raine wiped her tears and asked "what's wrong?.." She didn't answer at first, but eventually said "I.. Don't wanna talk about it" raine held her close, because they knew it made her feel better. Eda did start to feel better "may i?" Raine asked in a sweet tone, eda nodded but still didn't say anything, raine kissed her forehead and eda couldn't help but smile. "There's that pretty smile" raine said lovingly, eda started to sit up, but we're met face to face, they don't know how or why, but they were drawn to each other, their foreheads connected, and their eyes closed. Within seconds, they were kissing, raine caressed her cheek eda opened her mouth in the kiss just a little and raine did the same they loved being inside each other, when they separated, eda had to ask "is this still pretend?" Raine shook their head "it never was" then raine said 3 special words to eda, the 3 words she longed to hear from them, 3 words raine longed to say to her, raine said "I love you" eda and raine shared another kiss, then eda just laid in raines arms.

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