Whispers, you absolute fool

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Eda and raine were hanging out, per usual, Raine had slept over the night before because it was to late to drive. Even though they weren't dating, eda knew they loved her. So why wouldn't she confess? "Raine, come on you don't have to cook for me" Raine refused to take no for an answer "nope in gonna cook and your going to love it!" Eda laughed at them for being so sweet. "Rainestorm, your so dorky" Raine looked back at her then turned back to the pan to hide their red face "you know Raine if I didn't know any better I'd say you had a crush on me" eda said teasing "in your dreams, calamity" eda blushed, because that's what that name always did to her, Raine finishes the food and they sit down next to her "I hope you like it, love" eda almost chokes "w-what did you call me?!" Raine looks away from her "uhh nothing" eda blushes "y-you sure?" Raine nodds and they eat in silence, both flustered from what just happened. When they finish eda washes the plates "hey Rainestorm, could you do me a favor?" Raine looks over at her "yeah, anything for you" eda smiles "just answer me this honestly" Raine raises an eyebrow "did you know you had a feather in your hair?" Raine rubs their head and sees the feather "edaaaa!!!!" Eda couldn't help but laugh "sorry sorry, I couldn't help it" eda finishes the dishes then sits on the couch "come sit rainestorm" Raine sits by her and they watch TV all day "hey, quick question eda" eda looks over at Raine "hm?" "Do you, like anyone?" Eda blushes an looks away. "Yeah.. But it's more of love" Raine looks hopeful "boy or girl?" Raine asked nervously "non binary" eda say blushes looking at them with one eye closed Raine is now so blushing at this point "do it know them?" Eda rolls her eyes "not really" Raine looks down a little disappointed "oh... Um thanks for sharing" eda rolls her eyes "your clueless Rainey" Raine looks at her confused "rainey?" Raine laughs "you say that like im yours" eda laughs "I can arrange that" Raine gets flustered "w-what?! How?" Eda turns to Raine and leans a bit closer "you rely want to know?" Eda says teasing "y-yes?" Eda keeps leaning closer to Raine until their lips touch, she holds their cheek with one hand and the other hand stoking their hair, Raine holds eda closer to them, when the seperate to catch their breath eda giggles "that's how" Raine then realises "ohh I was the one you loved"lays her head on their lap " whispers.. You absolute fool"

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