Pretty, but pathetic

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I was just sitting on the couch when I heard a knock on the door, who would even come here, Luz wouldn't knock.. Maybe a surprise visit from lily? I opened the door and it was raine. "Oh what's up rainestorm?" I wasn't expecting a visit and they seemed rather... Nervous, more than usual. "Hey... Eda! I just wanted to ask if I could invite you out to lunch with me?" I was pleasantly surprised, lunch sounded nice. "Yeah sure, where?" I asked as I stepped out. "It's a surprise!" They said grabbing my hand. "Clever rainestorm, you know I love Surprises" I said back, we walked out into the woods for some reason. But I looked over at raine, and they were red? "Are you alright?" I asked they caressed my hand and just nodded. "I'm good, I just have a surprise for you"  so sweet. Why I love them, so, so much. Raine then made me close my eyes and stand still. "Just wait calamity! You'll love it" I chuckled and kept my eyes closed. I felt them let go of my hand, and wait for a few seconds. "Okay, now!" I opened my eyes and we were in a pretty forest with huge trees  and flowers, then I saw a picture nic blanket on the floor, it was really, really dorky, but also sweet. Just the kind of thing raine does. I felt myself blushing as I walked over to them and sat down. "Raine, don't tell me you did all of this for little old me?" I said teasing. Then I think I saw the bushes move but them Raine pulled out some apple blood. "For the owl lady" they said to me handing me a glass. "Thanks rainestorm, so we get to just talk and drink together?" I asked taking a sip if apple blood. "Not exactly.. But yeah" I saw them turning red again. Why? They were sitting beside me, and we were just talking for a while. "So eda, I was thinking about how we're such great friends" I gave them my full attention. "Yeah?" Friends.. Just friends, forever. "And I wanted to.. Upgrade our relationship" I was confused, what do they mean by upgrade? Then I noticed, they were  facing me, but they were looking at me. I looked over and again saw something in the bushes move. "Raine? What's going on?" Raine what's going on?" I asked. I was about to look towards the bushes again, but they softly held my cheek, I started blushing, but they looked so worried. "Eda! Girl! Please! Friend! You! I! Love!" They yelled. I moved their hand and put it down. "Raine your not making sense" I looked over and faintly saw somebody dive down. So I got up, and walked to the bushes. Then I saw them. "Luz!? King?!" They had a lot of signs with them. "What are you guys doing?!" I asked, then I read the signs, I wanted to upgrade our relationship? Then it hit me. "Guys! Come on! Raine can't read a script, their a horrible actor" I said, then Raine came up behind me. "I'm sorry eda, I asked them for help" now I was really confused. "Ugh, you guys are hopeless" king said then pushed Raine into me. "King no! They need to tell her themselves!" Luz said taking them away, "just, tell her!" Luz yelled from a far distance. I helped Raine stand up.  "Come on rainestorm, you can tell me anything" they just hugged me, and I hugged back, but I was still confused. Then Raine kissed my cheek. "I.. R-raine.. Heh" was all I could mutter I was so surprised. "But they covered their face and yelled. " I missed!" So.. They ment to kiss me.. On the lips?! "Rainestorm.. This was really pretty, and I love the thought you put into this but, that was pathetic" I said trying no to laugh, "Eda!!" That made me laugh I just lifted their chin up slowly and kissed them myself. "I love you to okay?" My kids cheered, and Raine was happy with the result. So I guess that's all that matters

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