Simple, yet loving

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It was a normal day for eda and raine,
They lived together in a cozy there modern apartment. Raine always woke up first, got up and started cooking for them both, raine was always mature for somebody in their 20s, yet always nervous around their girlfriend. Later on eda woke up, she walked Into the kitchen. "Morning Calamity" eda sat down, at the counter "hey rainestorm! What should we do today" raine thought for a second then turned off the stove and gave eda the scrambled eggs "we could just hang out"  eda smiles "yeah! Let's do it" they both eat, then get dressed, eda put on a black tank top, and thights she didn't bother putting on shoes, raine had on a hoodie and jeans and didn't bother putting on shoes either. Eda sat down on the couch and raine couldn't stop looking at her, when eda saw them staring her smirkes "whatcha lookin at" raine finally looked away and sat down with her "uhh, nothing love, don't worry" eda let out a chuckle "love? Why such a sappy pet name?" Eda said teasing" raine smiled and kissed her cheek "because your the love, of my life" eda blushed and rolled her eyes "of course I am, that's why I had to make the first move!" Raine got embarrassed because of that memory "yeah.. But, you were more nervous than me during our first kiss"  "you have no proof!" Eda said flustered,  eda scoots over to raine untill she's sitting in their lap "e-eda.. Are you planning on staying there?" Eda sees the red in their face "that depends, if you like it" raine looked away from eda blushing deeply, then slowly nodded indicating they did like it "ah, my rainestorm" they just enjoyed each other's company just like every day, eventually eda looked over at raine staring at her again "seriously rainestorm, what's up? Is there something in my hair or something?" Raine just shook their head "no, your just, wonderful to look at" this made eda blush, she didn't know how to reply so instead she kissed Raine runner her fingers through their hair, Raine held her hip out of impulse. When they seperate eda smiles "I never want moments like this to end" she lays her head on their chest, then Raine wraps on arm around her like a seat belt. "I love you calamity" raine says lovingly "I love you more rainestorm" raine chuckles "who's sappy now?"  They both laugh at the comment and enjoy their time, now I know what your thinking. They don't seem madly in love, well raine and eda, are in love, some call them lovesick, but they had a simple yet loving, couple dynamic.

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