a get together

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When eda, raine, lilith, Darius, alador and odalia got out of college they all moved into apartments, but it happened
That they all chose the same building. So eda and raine hung out every day. Talking together just as usual but without the annoying bell to interrupt their conversation. "No no! Calamity iced coffee is way better"
"Coffee is meant to be hot rainstorm"
"Your ment to be hot but your cute sometimes"
"I mean.. Wait what" raine had just realized what they said to her, and they both turned red. It was painfully obvious they had a thing for each other, and they were so comfortable with eachother that things like this slipped out. "Uhhh.. Nothing"
"Raine I heard you"
"No you didn't!"
"Look I know I'm hot as fuck but cute is not one of my Acjactives"
They flirted like this often but for some reason could share their feeling for eachother. Then eda got a text. "Rainestorm, odalia, and alador are inviting us to a get together tonight"
"Sounds like a lot of fun! What time?"
"8 tonight"
It was 6 now, so they kept talking for a little while then Raine left to get dressed. Then went over together. Eda was in a short sleeves black crop top that had bad girl in red writhing ripped jeans and sneakers, rain had on a blue v neck to shirt and a jeens with white sneakers. Eda knocked on the door for obvious reasons. "Ah, hello edalyn, Raine, come in"
"Heyy blight, are we the first ones?"
"No lilith was here first"
Lilith had a thing for showing up on time. And then later on Darius came. Now they were now full adults so naturally there was alcohol. "Eda, are you and Raine dating yet?"
"W-what!? No!"
"Ugh! Why not it's painfully obvious you guys like eachother"
"Darius shut the fuck up"
"Edalyn, come on don't be like that"
This is how the first hour went, eda and raine protesting they were just friends while everyone else knew they wanted to me more. Then later on every one but lilith and alador started drinking, and raine only had a few because of eda. They all had fun and Darius was secretly recording. Then the next day happened. Eda woke up with a terrible head ache but on her couch, not her own bed. She looked around and she wasn't even in her apartment, it was raines. And they were sleeping right beside her, with their arm around her. Eda was a flustered mess with a hangover.  "what the fuck?..."     "R-raine?" Raine started waking up.  When they saw eda on top of her, they froze. "Rainestorm.. Can you move your area.?" She asked slowly due to the hangover. Raine moved their arm allowing eda to get up. Eda couldn't function properly, neither could Raine. "I.. Umm.. Pain killers?" Raine slowly nodded and they both took one. "Thanks rainestorm... You okay"   "I.. Uh.. Yeah darling" they muttered to her. No really realizing what they just said to her. Eda didn't really catch on either. Eda sat down, and Raine sat beside her. It took about 30 minutes before the hangover was gone. "Ohhh... Shit, Raine what happened!?" By now they were both pretty much over the hangover. "I.. Don't know!"  They were both still blushing due to this strange situation. "I was on top if you... Holy shit" eda muttered to herself.  The silence was painfully but then Raine got a message from Darius. Eda looked over Raine was watching some video. Then gave her their phone. "What's this?" Raine didn't say anything.  Eda started the video over, Darius recorded the get together last night. Odalia was druck.. Alador was taking to lilith, then Darius started to camera to eda and raine, Raine was on top of her, and they were kissing. Then Darius started giggling. Then the video ended. Eda was completely in shock. And then turned red as well.  Eda just gave Raine back their phone. "Holy shit..." Raine muttered.. "I kissed best friend" Raine never kissed anyone before. And actually they've wanted to kiss eda from a very long time.. They just wish they could remember. Eda was just covering her face, interenally screaming.  "I.. Should go.. I'll uhh catch you later.. K?" She said opening the door. "Yeah.." Raine replied. Eda went to her own apartment. Luckily she had her key on her. She got took a shower and got dressed. Then just face planted on her couch. She stayed their for a few hours. Interenally screaming and cursing herself for letting something like that happen. Then hears a knock on the door. She went to open it. And it was Raine. "Calamity.. Are you okay?" Eda nodded slowly. "Yeah.. Just umm distracted.." She was lying.. And Raine could tell. "Im.. Really sorry" they said. Eda just smiled softly. "For what? You didn't do anything wrong" Raine just softly got a grip of her arm and pulled her into a hug. "I'm really.. Really sorry calamity"   eda still didn't understand why they were apologizing, she wasn't mad.. Or upset. "Raine please... Your uhh hugging a little to tight.." She wheezed out. Raine let her go and noticed her hair was down. Eda just couldn't be bothered to put it up. "Rainestorm.. I'm not mad, it's fine.. Really" she assured. "Raine still looked really upset. The last thing they wanted was to make eda uncomfortable in anyway..weather they were drunk it not. "Are you sure.. "    "Raine.. Yes! It's fine.. Really!" She said calming Raine down. "It's cute you care so much though" they made Raine turn red.  "Haha... Sure.. " they said nervously rubbing their neck.  Then brushed her loose hair behind her ear. "I'll.. See you later?" Eda smiled. "Why not just come in?" She asked teasing. "Why? You seem desperate"    "in your dreams.. It's your choice I'm going back in regardless" Raine followed her in.  And they sat down. Now they usually flirted subtly when they hung out. But this time was different. "You look good with your hair down calamity" Raine said to her, causing a light blush to appear on edas face. "I look good all the time, I just couldn't be  bothered to put it up" she joked. "Well you should keep it down... It's cute on you"    "what? ... Stop messing with me rainestorm"    "no really, I find it attractive"      eda scoffed playfully. "You always find me attractive"     "true, but your hair adda a bonus"    eda chuckled. "Wait what?" She asked.. " you heard me"  eda turned red. And looked down. "I.. Umm thank you.. Raine"    Raine looked at eda. First into her eyes. Then down at her lips. Eda noticed this. "What are you looking at, dork"      "something... Addicting" they replied.  They just kept staring at eachother. "What are you thinking?" They asked her.
"Not sure.. You have this effect on me"
"Good or bad"
"Good.. "
"Describe it"   eda really had to think, she had to make sure she didn't sound stupid. But also be honest.  "No idea how, I can just look at you.. And I'm happy"   "your just.. Amazing, rainestorm"  Raine smiled softly. "I think I know what you mean" Raine said leaning closer to eda.  They were so close to eachother. Both completely red. "And what would that be"  Raine softly touched her cheek. "Your in love.."  Eda chuckled.. "With who.." They both now knew this answer.. And were looking in eachothers eyes. "You tell me calamity.. Who do you love?"    "You..you know that" Raine guided eda to them ever so softly. "Yeah.. I do now"  Raine kissed her. It felt right for both of them.  And Raine kissed her ever so softly..and finally moved their hand from her cheek to her hand. Letting go. "Wanna know a secret?"     Eda nodded. With a soft smile on her face. "I uh.. Wasn't drunk last night.. I just wanted to kiss you" eda scoffed. Putting her hand on Raine chest slowly pushing them away from her. "Asshole" Raine chuckled. "Maybe, but I'm yours" that much was true. Weather eda knew it or not. Raine was always hers. Weather as just a friend or lover.   "Raine.. Whispers" she whispered. "That rainestorm to you darling"  eda pushed them away further, laughing. "Dork"

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