my dear calamity

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Eda and raine were on great terms despite breaking up a long time ago, they were sitting on their hill, just like old times "hey rainestorm, the clouds are still just as pretty up here" raine was just admiring eda's beauty "yeah.. Just like you" eda looks over at raine "w-what!" Eda says laughing "raine, come on be for real" raine also starts laughing "ok, ok you got me" raine admires eda as she's watching the clouds pass by, with not a care in the world. "So, your kids?" "Hehe, yeah king and Luz" eda sees the disappointment on raines face "you know, I got lucky, I found 2 random kids, and kidnapped them" when eda looks over at raine, and sees the pure confusion "what? I'm not their biological mother, I found Luz while scamming people, she needed to get home so I got her to help me get kings crown, that crown was a fake, but she wanted to stay and be a witch, and from then i.. Guess you could say I raised her"  "wow eda, your amazing" eda started blushing from that comment "was there any doubt rainstorm?" Eda looked away from raine so they wouldn't see her blushing "none what so ever calamity" when eda heard that name again she blushed even harder, because that's just what that name did to her "C-calamity?! Been a long time since you called me that, anytime you called me calamity, you-" when eda realises she looks over at raine who was now inches from her face. "I what?" Eda fell over from surprise of such a gesture "ah! Eda! I'm sorry!" Raine helped her up and they were again face to face "it's fine, you just surprised me, is all" hand, in hand, so close to each other that impulse struck in, raines hands had moved from hers to her waist, and eda's resting on their shoulders "raine.. What are we doing?" Raine gave eda a soft smile "I.. Don't know, but I don't want to stop" they both kept leaning closer and closer to each other their foreheads connected "rainestorm, we should go... " raine simply replied "no.. Just a few more minutes" by then  with no effort the kissed, with every feeling moment both of their feelings sky rocketed, they both already loved each other, but now, they wanted to be together, when the ended the kiss to catch their breath "edalyn?" They both flinched "lily?!" Lilith had come here looking for her "oh, did I interrupt something here, you seem rather... Close" then lilith realised what happened, both of them blushing and holding each other they way they were "oh, you finally confessed? Again" eda's face went blank "n-no!! Go away! I-im comming" they never did exactly say they still loved each other but I think they both knew because, this meeting continued to happen, sitting on the hill and then kissing, and surly everyone noticed because of the endless flirting. But nothing had to be said except "my dear calamity"

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