Follies of the coven day parade

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(I'm not writing all the shit from the whole damn episode, mainly because I'm lazy so just skip to where eda confronted raine, again this how I think this Interaction should have e gone, just improved from the last time I did it, feel free to NOT read it)

"Raine.. I'm so glad your okay" eda said while embracing her ex lover, "eda, what are you doing her?" Raine said in a rude but confused tone. "I had to make sure you were okay after that fight with Darius and eber" eda said slightly confused.  "What fight?" Raine said backing away from her "raine, it was just a few weeks ago, I was with you" eda said reaching out her hand, to witch raine moved away "eda, I spent the last few months sick in bed, and we.. Haven't spoken in years.." Eda looked slightly hurt, yet confused "I don't know what you want with me, but I work for the emeror, I can't be seen with a wild witch" raine said turning away from her, raine attempted to leave but was stopped by eda "move aside eda" raine said coldly, at this point eda realized what happened to raine, their memory had been changed or erased to a certain point, "raine.. Really what's going on?" Eda said trying to get raine to listen "eda, move! I can't be seen with you" eda pulled out a plant glyph, and created a wall of vines "no, not untill I get through to you" raine summoned their violin, preparing to attack. Raine started with 3 far stretched out attacks, with eda jumping over them "sweetie!" She says in the air when she lands she tells "rainestorm stop it!" After the words leave her mouth raine holds their head in pain and looks at eda with a look subtly saying 'help me'  eda sees this then they go back to attack ing "raine please!" They don't listen, they stand face to face then eda remembers something.

"Hey eda! Did you know that heavy emotions can be the cure to alot if different spells, love In particular!"
Eda smiles at Luz "actually, I did, spells like brainwashing, mind control, or any spell having control of a persons mind actions or movement"

End of flashback:

Eda looks down and whispers "I'm doing this to save you, rainestorm" eda slowly walks up to raine, incase they blow another attack.  "S-stay back! Or il!-" eda puts a hand on their shoulders "we both know, you could never hurt me." Eda says in a soft tone, raine tries to pull away but eda tightens her grip "raine, please.. I know deep down, you still care for me.. And I still care for you" raine now has a light blush in their cheeks "I.. Um I dont" eda chuckles "I'm sorry for this, rainestorm.. But it's the only way to save you" eda connects their for head to hers, also nervous about what she has to do. Raine also now closes their eyes, out of impulse moves their hands to her waist, just as they used to "eda.." Raine says before their lips connect and turn into a deep passionate kiss, lasting for about 30 seconds. When eda pulls away, slowly opening her eyes, and so does raine, she now has heavy blush, as does raine. "Gah... My head.. Eda? What happened" eda is relived that her plan had worked  "raine! Oh god I'm so glad your okay"  eda says embracing raine again, to which raine accepts.
Then raine remembers the events of what just happened "eda.. You kissed me?!" Eda let's go of raine and chuckles nervously "oh.. Umm yeah, sorry I had to break the spell and that was the only way I knew how" raiflusterew completely flustered "I.. I.. I.. I.." Eda couldn't help but giggle "head witch! Are you there?" They both hear, eda quickly licks her thumb and wipes off the lip stick from raines lip, where their kiss left a mark. "Il see you soon, yeah?" Eda says climbing up the wall "yeah.." Raine mutters "let's just keep this between us, k?" Eda says before disappearing from their sight. The coven scouts find a red faced head witch but don't question due to authority, mean while eda watches from afar, touching her lips with her hand from the kids. "My rainestorm"

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