A drunk confession

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It was at least 11 pm at night, raine had just gotten home from the night market, ever since eda and raine tried to take out Darius and eberwolf. Raine was able to get away but it was to dangerous for them to leave the house, when raine first saw about 10 cups of apple blood empty, "Eda?.. Where are you?" No reply raine was now worried, then was suddenly takled to the ground "heyyy raineee" eda was on top of raine obviously drunk "e-eda! Come on get up" eda got up and stumbled back to the kitchen. "No, no, no! Eda your going to bed" raine grabbed eda's hand and took her to her room "rainestorm~" raine knew she was drunk but it still made them blush for her to call them out like that, raine laid her down in the nest, eda grabbed raine by the shirt and pulled them down on top of her "mine" raine was now completely flustered "e-eda! Come on let me go" eda in stead laid raine beside her and laid her head on their chest "nO ~ mIne and, LovE mY rAINesToRm~" raine was now stuck, they didn't mind the placement but it did make them nervous. "Wait.. You love me?!" Eda simply nodded "yeaH, I Tried to be Obvious" raine right then think back to all the play flirting eda did with them, "I.. Love you to eda" eda started kissing raine on the neck a few times "edaaa! Stop" then leaned closer and kissed raine on the lips "you Taste swEet".eda finally passed out on raine, so they also fell asleep. The next morning eda woke up with a headache, then saw how she was sleeping on raine, and was so surprised she let out a quick scream, 'Shit!!" Raine woke up because of that scream "oh morning eda" eda was now fully awake and blushing "r-raine.." Raine kissed her forehead and Laid back down "o-oh, um raine.. Why did you just kiss me" raine opened one eye "because I love you" eda was now completely red "y-you what?!" Raine sat back up "yeah, I love you eda! You told me first" eda now remember last she had been drinking last night "i- I did?! Raine I'm sorry I had apple blood last night and-" raine nodds their head "oh I know but your, the most honest when your drunk"

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