The love if my life

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It was a regular after noon, I was walking through the market, not become I needed anything but it was calming for me. I was just wandering around when I heard a very family voice "Luz, king! Slow down!" Could it be? I ran towards the voice and just as I thought, my ex girlfriend, edalyn clawthorn. She was chasing somebody, Luz and king? Who's that?
I got a closer look, she had kids?!  So she found someone better after all..?
I saw her about to turn my direction so I tried to turn away but, lucky me I tripped in her direction. I rubbed my head and saw a hand in front of me, with long yellow nails and pale white skin "are.. You alright?" I heard her ask, I took her hand and said "yes, thank you" she helped me up and smiled, "have you seen 2 kids running around?" Did she not recognize me? Had it been that long? "Umm no, I haven't sorry" I stumbled out, I guess she saw them, I saw her reach in her pocket and pull out a paper, she cupped my hands in hers, I felt so nervous but snapped out if it, she has kids.. And a husband or wife.. "See ya! Bye rainestorm!" I heard her yell before running off "O..kay.." I muttered, then when I looked in my hands it was her address, did she want me to come over?"  I looked at the paper in disbelief..  Maybe, just maybe I'd go. I left the market and back to the emperors castle, "hello sprout!" I looked behind me and saw Terra Snapdragon "oh, hey Terra" she put a hand on my shoulder, that always made me nervous and a little scared "how was your outting?" I don't mention running In to eda, but told her I just walked through the market. I went to my room, thinking about her, "ugh, no, no... She has kids, I can't love her, she must be with someone" I kept saying, but then why would she give me her address? I decided to go visit Tomorrow, but then Darius came in "songbird?" I looked away from them "what's going on? You seemed more on edge than usual today"  I didn't want to say "nothing just a strange encounter today" the shrugged and left, I did some paper work, then went to bed, as I would be visiting eda tomorrow.
The next day:
I was walking, looking for eda's house when I came across a house with a tower to it, "is this it?"  It had some kind of house demon " HOOT HOOT, EDA YOU HAVE E A VISITOR "that thing was loud, she opens the door and greeted me with a warm smile " hey rainestorm! Come in" I walked in then I saw a girl run up to eda, "eda! Can I go hang out with Amity?" Eda russled the girls hair "always kiddo" eda said I was a little sad because she had kids, so that ment she had to be married.. Right? The kid wrapped her arms around eda then ran out the door, "so who's their father?" I asked nervously, but to my surprise she said "pfft how should I know?" I was very confused now "well I mean, arnt they your kids?"  She gave me a confused look, then realized what I meant, she again cupped my hands in hers then said "king, is adopted, Luz is human I found her a while ago, she wanted to stay with me and learn magic, we got close, I consider her mine, and you know she's called me mom a few times by mistake, but I'm single" I was relived but also blushing hard, she was holding my hand!! "O-oh.. Umm" was all I could matter out "who's king?" I asked, she reached in her hair then pulled out a deformed.. Dog?  "This is king, he's a demon"  we talked for a while then she got up "I'm gonna get a drink, you want anything love?" I shook my head and she left, then it hit me, did she call me love?! I was completely flustered, and in a  daze, then I heard a noise, I snapped out if my daze, eda was snapping her fingers in front of me "hellooo rainestormmm" I heard her calling out "I umm love!" Was what I said out if shock , she looked at me surprised then started laughing "did you, just say love?" She asked me while laughing   then I saw her looking at a photo, it was if us kissing, when we used to date, how'd she get that? I was sure I had that in my- "EDA DID YOU PICK POCKET ME?!_" I yelled she did look at me but smiled at the photo "yep, just now actually" I was flabbergasted "e-eda! Why would you even want that?!" She looked at me with a smirk "why did you have in on you?" I didn't know what to say "because.... I.. Umm... It's the only picture I have of you?" I could see a light blush on her face "oh, well I can fix that" she dragged me up to her room and opened a huge chest, she started looking through it "so.. Eda, why haven't you found someone else" she never looked at me but said "well, I've never been interested in anyone, so Luz made tons of shipping boards with me and random people who show the slightest bit of interest in me, but I usually burn them" I was very shocked then handed me a book, it had tons on pictures of us together, and tons of her and me apart, "why did you burn them?" She went back to digging and said "she hasn't put the right person in them yet, I guess you could say I'm.. Saving myself for them, if that person asked me out.. I'd say yes in a heartbeat" I started blushing was she waiting for me?.. "What about you? Someonw as good looking as you, had to of found a girl by now" I shook my head "nah.. I guess we're in the same boat" she looked at me for a while, and again I was flustered and in a daze, I felt something warm, and soft touch my lips, then I heard a noise, eda was snapping her fingers again. "Oh! Umm sorry eda" she gave me a warm smile, then it hit me "e-eda! Did you just kiss me?!" She narrowed her eyes in a flirtatious way. "Yeah, I also found a note in your pocket, that said I love you, eda"   "o-oh, umm" she didn't let me finish, "I love you to rainestorm" wow this woman, really is the love of my life.

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