no.. your mine

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Raine has been staying in the owl house to avoid the emperors coven, eda insistes Raine eep with her and not the couch, why?. I'm pretty sure you know.
"Eda.. Come on the couch is fine" eda pulled them with her "nope, you can sleep with me" eda closed her door and sat in her nest "if your sure eda" Raine sat with her then laid down , and eda laid down with them, they were both nervous but Raine knew they wanted her back so they made a move "you have kids... So does that mean, you found someone... Special?" Raine asked hoping those kids were like a niece and nephew "ah! Oh umm no no, I'm single! Their adopted" Raine smiled "you? Still single?" Eda nodded "yeah, I know, as hot as I am" Raine looked at her lovingly "yeah.. You are" eda blushed "so you agree I'm hot?" Raines face is now completely red "I umm yes?" Eda turned away from Raine and scoots a bit closer to them "heh, I knew it! Nobody can deny im just good looking" Raine started dozing off "guess.. Not" it had been hours since they fell asleep Raine had somehow gotten their arm around her in a intamite way, then woke up from a  random dream, they don't say anything, as not to wake Eda but had turned to face Raine while still sleep and had snuggled so close to them, if you saw them you would think they were dating,  Raine held her close then fell back asleep, another hour had passed, eda woke up from  a bad dream and found herself wrapped in raines arms, she didn't mind, but it was nerve wracking, but she rested her head on their chest and went back to sleep.  In the morning eda woke up again in raines arms, and Raine woke up with her in their arms "Raine.. I gotta get up" Raine held her tighter "no.. Mine" eda blushed "w-what?" Raine showed her a intamite gesture "just stay with me.. " Raine kissed her forehead and eda felt truly at peace "rainestorm... God your being so dorky" Raine whisperednin her ear "I love you eda.. Don't forget that" eda blushed hardcore "i- love you to... Rainestorm" Raine kissed her neck, "your mine... And now I get to love you again"

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