make a moment last forever

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It was a beautiful afternoon, the trees had blossomed, and the wind flowing through eda's lovely red hair. Eda cherished these moments most. Everything was perfect, but what she cared about most was her partner sitting beside her. She looked over to them, to see they were already staring at her. But they quickly looked away, it made her laugh. Then raines arm softly wrapped around her neck, quiding her head to their lap, she liked when they did this. It was relaxing, and gave them the short confidence. Because even though raine dressed more masculine eda usually wore the pants in the relationship.  They were looking each other in the eye, she griped raines shirt, and pulled them down for a kiss. "Rainestorm" they looked down at her "hm?" She  smiled and asked "how do make a moment last forever?" They looked up to the clouds then  back at her "I don't, know, there's only 1 thing I know that lasts forever" eda closed her eyes and felt raines hand on her cheek "and what's that rainestorm?" She asked "my love for you" eda felt raines hands running through her orange hair, but stopped every second due to her hair tie. "Just take it out" eda said in a relaxed tone. "Your hair?" Raine asked "yes rainestorm,my hair" eda said in a teasing tone. Raine took her hair down, then gave eda the hair tie. "I love you rainestorm" eda said as she felt their fingers stroking her hair. "I love you to, calamity" raines voiced echoed as they said that.  Then every thing was dark, then she heard people talking. "She just tired, I'll let her sleep" it was faint, but she could tell who it was, her vision was blurry at first but it took only a second to clear up. "Did you have a nice nap, calamity?" She was on the couch, her head on raine lap. "Oh, um.. Yeah" she said raine was running their fingers through her hair. She felt relaxed, then she saw luz sitting on the floor in front of her, and king curled up on her lap, then her sister leaning over the back of the couch. "Did you sleep at all edalyn?" Eda thought about  it, "yeah, I did" lilith felt her forehead "your not hot, so your not sick" she smiled "thanks lily, but I'm completely fine" eda russled luz's hair "how long was I sleep?" Raine caressed eda's cheek "about 4 hours" eda was a little surprised "you guys watched me sleep for 4 hours?" Eda asked teasing "well, yeah" eda let out a short giggle "wow, your dedicated, rainestorm" raine chuckled "and why'd you take my hair down?" Eda asked with a laugh "you told them do eda" Luz said. "I did?" Lilith chuckled "yes, you did. Your exact words were, take it out" eda was a little confused, but immused. "Huh, I think I figured it out"  raine looked down at eda "what?" Eda closed her eyes "how to make a moment last forever" everyone looked at eda with a smile "how?" Luz asked "you don't, but if you love, you can forever make the perfect moments"  everyone agreed, eda sat up, it was pulled back down by raine "umm rainey.. I need to get up" raine looked down with a playful smile "no, you rest also Luz wants a picture of us" eda looked over at Luz holding up her phone. "Make sure to kiss!" Eda tried wiggling away, but raine kept pulling her closer to them "raine no! You traitor!" She yelled laughing. "Come on edaaa give her what she wantsss" raine said trying to kiss her, eda kept pulling away, but raine still kissed her. "I got the picture!" Luz yelled joyfully. This was Ed's life, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

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