just do it

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Eda was standing in the middle of a desert looking area, and then saw raine, Luz, and king, "guys?.. What's going on" eda said a little worried "oh, your still here? I would have thought you got the picture by now" king said harshly eda looked hurt "what.. King? I-" Luz opened a portal door "I'm out of here, your not my real mom" Luz left through the portal and it closed "Raine..? Please.. Stay" Raine came close to her and gave her a cold look "why should I, you always push me away" eda started tearing up "i-im sorry! I am.. I don't mean to" suddenly she was in a black space "w-what.." All she heard was an echo of Raine saying they didn't love her, then started falling, then she jumped up and saw Raine in front of her with a worried look, out of impulse she flinched "r-raine..", they held her close to them and she started crying "shh.. It's okay eda, another bad dream?" Eda nodded her head, then hugged them back hiding their shirt. "R-raine.. Please don't leave me" Raine looked at her worried "I won't.. I promise! I love you to much to leave" Raine wiped her tears and kissed her forehead "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to" Raine lays her back down with them and wraps their arm around her, giving her comfort "I love you rainestorm, so, so, much" Raine couldn't help but blush "I love you to calamity, I wonder how long these dreams will last" eda had been having  as dreams ever since the collector was defeated, nobody knows why, but they do their best to help her through it "Raine.. I'm sorry I pushed you away.." She saw their smile, then felt then hold her a but tighter, she couldn't move but she felt comfortable, "I forgive you, love" they both went back to sleep, and in the morning Raine woke up first, but kept their arms around her, so they don't wake up, eda started moving in her sleep, Raine raised their arm to get up, and left her there to sleep, she never admitted it, but they knew she had trouble sleeping. "Morning Luz" Luz waved back, since just waking up "hey Raine, how's eda" Raine looked up in her direction "not.. So good.." A few hours later eda came down, "eda! Are you okay, love?" Raine said hiding her "y-yeah... I'm.. Fine" Raine knew she was lying. "What did you dream about?" Eda looked away from Raine a little embarrassed "it.. Was bad.." Eda sat down and told Raine about the nightmare and when she finished she felt tired again "Luz and king hugged her, " we love you eda" eda smiled and leaned her head back "I know.." But for a whole week it kept happening, night by night, she kept having the same nightmare, her family tired to help her, but nothing worked, eventually Raine had enough "eda, dreams are a result of true feelings, is there something you want to talk about?" Eda looked down but slowly nodded "yeah, I've been keeping it from you, because I didn't want to worry your with nothing" Raine held her by the waist "eda, your feelings are everything" Raine kissed her, then talked everything out "I just feel like, I might do something stupid and loose you again, I love you so much and after we got back together, I didn't want to loose you again.. I'm sorry" Raine kissed her forehead "aww, it's okay eda, il never leave you, ever." Eda felt a lot better after talking about it then took a nap with Raine,no bad dreams that time, or the time after that, or after that, and every morning she's say the same thing "I love you rainestorm, forever" she's always sleep in raines arms where she could hold them as well.

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