failed secret relationship

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It was about 6pm eda was going out to the market, or at least that's what she told everyone, but she was really going to visit somebody very special, she flew on owlbert over the the BATTS head quarters, and when she entered, the person she was looking for was waiting for her "hey rainestorm" eda said in a joyful tone, raine turned to her and held her by the waist. "Glad you made it" they shared a short but passionate kiss, "I'd never miss a chance to see you" the sat down on the floor, now I know what your thinking, why would they keep their relationship to themselves?  For one raine just left betrayed emperor belos, and also they didn't want to hear all the I told you so's and finally it's been years from their friends and family. "Hey eda, I have a surprise for you" eda gave raine a happy but curious look, then raine pulled out a scrap book and gave it to eda "here I made it for you" the tital of the book said rainestorm x calamity, and had a many pictures of them, from their youth during hexhide to the present. "Wow, I love it raine! I actually brought something for you to" eda gives raine a wink and pulled out a book from her hair, it was the next in raines favorite book series 'next level bards' "thank you calamity" raine kissed eda for a few minutes, eda was clearly blushing but was used to them kissing her "so I was thinking" raine chuckles " very risky love" "shush you, I was thinking you could, come over to my place" eda looked over and raine with a flirtatious look in her eye "what are you tryna do to me?" Raine said teasing "eda leaned over very close to raines face " what do you want me to do to you..?" Eda said playfully. If course raine blushed "that depends, calamity.. Will we be in your room?" At that moment eda couldn't take any more flirting "oh godd raine, you have a way with me" eda laid on her back blushing and covering her face "but yeah, I'd love to come to your place" eda smiled " well you wanna go now? Or should we have some fun?" Eda said leaning up to raine "what do you mean by fun?" Raine asked eda kissed raine passionately, smiling during the kiss she let go for just a second to say "that's what I mean" they continued kissing, while holding eachother letting for a a few seconds, raine pushed themselves on top of eda "we should go, its getting late" they got up and flee to the owl house and went through eda's window "let's get some sleep rainestorm" eda laid down first, then felt the warmth of raines body beside her "good night calamity" raine wrapped a arm around her, then suddenly heard somebody open her door, it was luz and king "eda are you-" they see eda sleeping with raine and luz's eyes lit up "OH MY GOD EDA  IS DATTING" eda and raine blushed at sat up.
"So much for a secret" raine said

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