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Eda and raine got back together a while ago but eda hadn't told her parents yet, mainly because her mom was nosy and her dad would probably kill Raine if he saw them kissing.  They were on their hill just sitting together just as they used to "hey eda, have you told your parents, about us?" Eda gives Raine a nervous look "yeahh... No" Raine looked confused and held eda's hand "how come won't they find out anyway?" Eda looked Raine in the eyes "rainestorm, I want you to stay with me, and not be killed before my very eyes" Raine looked scared "w-what?! Eda!? Why would I die!?" Eda leaned in and kissed Raine to calm them down "my dad.. We're back on speaking terms and if he finds out, he might kill you" eda said half joking and half serious, Raine curled up in a ball and their head on edas lap "shit, shit, shit!"  Eda ran her fingers in raines hair "I'm kiddinggg, mostly" Raine sat up "edaaa! What do you mean mostly!!" Eda couldn't help but giggle at raines panicked face "I don't think he'll kill you, just maybe TRY, but I won't let him" eda layed her head on Raine "let's just enjoy ourselves, besides your a good pillow" Raine kissed eda's hand "heh, a pillow? Is that all I'm good for?" Raine said teasing "nah, it's just what your good for right now" Raine kept still as not to wake eda but also stoked her hair, to them it was sliky and smooth "Raine if your going to stare at me and least lay beside me" eda said teasingx but Raine did lay beside her "better? Lord calamity" eda put her head on raines chest "now your only mine"  they spent another hour on the hill then went back to the owl house. Eda hugged Raine and kissed their cheek "heh, thanks Raine" Raine held her hand then eda saw raines worst nightmare "dad?!, umm this isn't what it looks like!" Eda's dad see her holding hands with Raine "eda! oh hell naw!! FALL BY MY BLADE AND PARISH!!!" eda's dad chased Raine around the area for a long time "dad no stop!!"  Then eda dragged Raine in the house "jeez! Are you alright rainestorm?" Raine nodded kept an eye on the door "your father, tries to kill me..." Eda hugged them "I told you, but at least were safe, well you anyway"

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