out of her shell

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A/n: sorry, but kinda forgot I had this

It was getting late, Raine was heading to bed, where they knew their girlfriend would be.  However, they couldn't hide the shit eating grin the had.  The plan and victory they would receive in maybe the next hour.   Their seeming highly un affectionate girlfriend was probably out of the shower by now and waiting for them.  They recently moved in together, and everytime they try to hold her, or kiss her, she always backs away, flinches, or very rarely pushes them back. 

Raine isn't sure why, they won't tell her.. However they used to assume it was because she just doesn't like to be touched. That's what she told them anyway.  They walked in slowly to see their ginger haired girlfriend sitting in bed on her phone, ad she slightly looked up as her way of acknowledging their presence. "Hey love, how do you feel?" They asked, like they do every night.  She looked at them, then back at her phone. "Fine" she replied.    They nodded. Raines little scheme was all coming together.  Eda claims not to like affection but her small gazes of staring at them, then the floor suggest other wise.   When they can sneak a hug in or a small kiss on her head, she's completely red, and looking at them like she wants another but if they ask shell say no, and make a huge deal out of it.

Now usually Raine would attempt to cuddle with her, but immediately back off when she said no. However today, they just layed down, turned their body away from her and sighed, as if they were about to go to sleep. Eda noticed, and looked at them confused.  She expected some small attempt at least, not for them to just turn over. "Raine.. What- what are you doing?" She asked quietly, trying not to sound suspicious.   This is what they wanted, they looked back at her and tried to sound as un interested as possible. "I'm going to sleep, did you want me to do anything else?" They asked, knowing damn well what she wanted.  Eda hesitated, but stayed quiet not willing to admit she did like being held, she just wanted to seem toughter than she actually was.   She laid down and tried to go to sleep aswell.

Unknown to her, Raine was still awake and their hand very close to one of hers. This was their plan. Ease her into admitting she'd likes it the whole time, then tease her about it for a few minutes.  Eda felt their hand, and looked  over at them.   "Raine?.." She whispered. No reply.  She assumed they were just asleep.   She touched their hand, and immediately felt how warm they were. A small spark igniting I'm her heart.  Eda kept their hand, and turned facing their body.  

She intertwined her fingers with theirs, and slowly but surely got closer. She didn't have a plan, just a goal, and absolutely no faith in herself.  One she scooted closer once, Raine got impatient, and turned over towards her, grabbing her by her hips and pulling you in close.    She gasped, and rested her hands on their chest.  Her core twisted as butterflies flew around her stomach.  She whined, but closed her eyes anyway. She absolutely loved it.  And Raine decided the teasing could come tomorrow once they heard. "I love you.."    From her. It was quiet, but she's never said it first so this is a huge win.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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