Edalyn and raine

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Welp.. I think I've lived long enough 🥲
I'm probably going to die for this but as the title suggests, all the time my sister was oblivious to raines feeling for her! 🥲
This won't be a story just like half paragraphs.. Edalyn I'm sorry.. Please if your going to hurt me.. Make it quick.

We were about 15 at the time. Raine invited my sister to grom, finally it took them about an hour to get it out. My sister wore a pretty yellow and black dress, honestly I'd never seen her dress so feminine. When raine asked her to dance, by some miracle they tried to kiss her, but she got distracted by the fight. And turned away. All that confidence wasted.

Now, this one was kinda on me... I gave raine a pep talk to ask my sister out on a date, they walked up to her and asked if she wanted to go out for a picnic, very.. Normal and nothing big but it was sweet. But anyway. When raine asked edalyns reply was, of course anything for a FRIEND. Friend zoned raine so hard it almost laughed.

Again kinda on me, I've already told this story in more detail. But. Raine decided to propose to edalyn, they were really struggling and studdering. It was sad to watch, so I yelled for her to get a clue, again raine failed. So I went out and exposed them, for the simp they are for my sister, and that got them to give her the ring, but an HOUR of preparation, and a whole speech, burned.. Literally she burned their script. But to be fair raine can't to Jack shit with script, so that was on me.

Then after they got back together, they had a date night, edalyn was a wreck, I'd never seen her so worried about her appreance. But when I teased her about it she.. Pulled a knife on me.. At my throat. But I helped her get ready, and watched Luz and king, but I showed them photo albums I found in edalyns room of when they were younger.. Yes I was the third wheel.

Then the day before she and raine played that duet, she ranted to me for 3 hours about how "hot and sexy" they looked, and again wouldn't let me leave, she sounded like a obsessed teen. Worst 3 hours of my life.

Again I might die tonight... 😭🥲 bust she kept calling a friendless nerd... I had Mt reasons.. Goodbye world

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