Locked in

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I was just walking over to eda's house, Lilith told me eda needed help with something very important. I got to her house and was greeted by Lilith. "Ah, raine, thank you for coming" she said letting me in. "Is eda okay?" I asked then she raised an eyebrow with a smug look. "You care about her a lot, don't you" I started blushing, I don't just care about her I love her with all my heart. But I broke up with her.. Because she wouldn't open up, because she was hurting and I wasn't strong enough help her. "Edalyn is this way" she said walking up stairs. Then I heard banging on the door. "LILY!! LET ME OUT" was she trapped?! Lilith opened the door. And eda fell to the floor, I walked in to help her up, she grabbed my hand and we started staring in each others eyes. Then the door slammed shut. "Damnit!! Lily come on this isn't funny!" She kept banging on the door. "Not to worry edalyn! I'll take care if Luz and king, all you have to do is tell them the truth" what did she mean by that? Was eda lieing about something... Did she not trust me? "Lily! You know why I cant!! Just please!" I grabbed eda's hand and she turned to me. "Eda.. Is everything okay?" I asked in a soft tone then She frowned. "Kinda... But it's nothing really that important" I pulled her into a hug, she eventually hugged me back. "It's okay calamity, everything that's has to do with you is important" I said softly. I heard a small chuckle. "Your so dorky... You nerd.." I felt myself blushing again, but I didn't mind. About 30 minutes past, eda had fallen asleep? It's was like 1 in the afternoon. But she looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Does she not sleep? That's a problem, but I need to figure out what she's hiding. "Ngnn.. " eda was waking up, she still seemed tired. "Sleep well?" Iasked teasing, to which she scoffed. " I wasn't sleep " she was just messing around. "Eda.. Do you sleep at night?"

Eda's POV:
Damnit... Damnit.. "Y-yeah.. Of course.." I lied to them again, I don't know why.. But lied. I haven't been able to sleep for a long time, I can't eat or sleep and their always on my mind. "Eda.. Come on tell me the truth" they gave me a sad look, I wanted to tell them, but I didn't want them to think less of me for being like this. But I can't keep lying to them. Not after what happened last time, I can't loose  them as a friend to. "Okay... I haven't been sleeping... For a while now" I folded my legs to my chest. Why am I like this?.. And how is it that only raine can make me want to be better. They have this effect on me. They make me happy, and I get this weird fuzzy feeling around them. "Eda.. How come you aren't sleeping?" I didn't know hy myself. " I have no idea.. But im not sick" they wrapped a arm around me.  It made me feel safe, secure, loved. Oh shit.. I'm still in love with them. "Please just sleep, I'll take care of you" so sweet, loving. I might be crazy but I swear they kissed me on my forehead. It made me blush, rainestorm the only person bro be able to make me blush.  I don't know how long I was sleep but I was extremely nervous now! We were both laying down. But I was on top of them. They were holding me. And I accidentally yelled, waking up raine. "E-eda? Are you okay" they sat up but didn't let me go.  Which is I didn't mind. We were so close. "I'm fine, you just surprised me" they smiled and took my hand. "It's just, we haven't slept like that since.. You know" they nodded. I love them.. So, so much. Their smile was just so sweet, and they were so kind to me. "Yeah your right, but I needed to keep you comfortable" I laid my head on their shoulder. "What did I do to deserve you?" I asked half teasing. "Be your amazing, kind, beautiful self" they replied. Beautiful?.. They think I'm beautiful...? "What?.. Rainestorm, I'm a mess" I said in a  a small chuckle. "Your my mess" they said. I was now completely flustered, they said I'm theirs.. Oh Titan..  "Raine.. Come on stop" I said in a reading voice. "By the way your talking, I'd say you loved me" I said joking expecting them to give in and stop. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but I know you love me" they said. Fucking flirt... That's my job. "And why would you think that my dear rainestorm" I said back if they think their going to flirt with me and I'm not going to do anything. "You said so in your sleep" ok.. What now?!  "I said what?!..." They started laughing at me. "Edalyn! Did you tell them yet?" I heard my sister say. "Lily!  Let us out" I stood up and went to the door. "Did you confess your feelings?" She asked again, and it made me blush. "Shhh!! Shut up!" I yelled back. And I heard her leave. "Eda.. You have feelings for me?" I froze. Shit. Shit. Shit!! Raine walked up to me and mare me more flustered. "Well.. Y-yeah, but I know you don't feel the same, so I didn't want to bring it up because I would've want to make you-" then I realized. "I'm.. Rambling.. Aren't i?" I said covering my face. "Yeah, but it's cute"  raine told me giving me a hug. "Ah jeez.. What am I whispers?" I asked teasing. Then they kissed me. I was nice.. "My girlfriend? If you'll have me?" I was shocked but then I realized "raine your not that smooth, who taught you that?" I asked chuckling. "Nope, I learned to do this, just for you" then my lousy sister opens the door. "Finally, you two are clueless" I walked out the room with raine and flicked her off. "You get no bitches lily" I just wanted to make a point. "You became the bitches" she replied. If first off. Ouch. Second I respect the insult.

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