A horrible miracle

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She's sweet, lonely.. Just Their type...

As eda was walking the streets of Hollywood at night, she's not paying much attention, enjoying the breeze.. When suddenly someone grabs her hand, and twirls her around, holding her in a intimate way, with just an arm around her waist. Eda doesn't like this, not random people doing this, as she looked at who it was, it was a person with dark skin, green eyes green hair and glasses, in a white buttoned up shirt, and jeans.
Eda blushed profusely. "My names raine whispers, you wanna get to know me?" They asked. Eda was speechless by the boldness of their request.  Eda slowly nodded, then smile, and bit your bottom lip.

They pulled her in with a drink and a smile..

A few months passed, and eda and raine got closer, raine always flirting and doing things to make her smile and blush.  However everytime, came with a price, a price eda always did her best to escape.

Naive.. Baby.. Don't think twice, if it comes with a price, then run for your life

A few weeks later, eda was with her sister, she was upset, very upset. "THEY DRIVE ME INSANE!! ITS NOT FAIR!" eda screamed.  "Edalyn calm down! Are you mental or what!?" Lilith asked. "No!! But raine! They make my blood boil! Ugh! Always trying to make me theirs! I just want to be left alone!" Eda yelled. "Well.. It.. Um.. You seem happy with them.. So I'm. Not seeing a problem" Lilith explained. "That's the problem! I am happy with them! But I don't want to be in some fairytale relationship that's ends in 3 years due to lack of communication!!" Eda yelled. "Well.. Why do they make you happy?" Lilith asked. "I.. They hold my hand when we're out together.. They.. Saw such sweet things to me.. " eda started,as Lilith listened. "The way they hold me.. And handle me.. The kind smile.. And those gorgeous.. Green eyes" eda mumbled, looking up with a smile as she thought of them.  "How they put me in their lap.. And like to stroke my hair.. " eda mumbled, "sound alike your in love" Lilith teased. Then they heard music. (Golden hour)

Eda and Lilith went out the the window, and saw raine with a speaker. Eda gasped, and Lilith rolled her eyes. "Well? You down there!" Lilith encouraged, and eda did just that. "Time to pay the price, honey" they said, and eda sniled. "Yeah.. Of course" eda mumbled, and both leaned in a near, loving passion filled kiss.

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