an informational confession

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It was a little late in the afternoon, I was heading over to eda's house. She wanted to hang out with me, even though we were adults, they way she spoke to me never lost its effect. So I thought this would be the night I tell her. I knocked on her door, and made sure I didn't look to dressed up, a simple black T-shirt and he and with common shoes. She opens the door, and oh dear god. She had on a black short sleeves crop top, and and jeans. "Hey rainestorm! Come in" I just stood there. Admiring her, staring at her. She looked a little confused, but deep down I prayed she didn't know exactly what I was looking at. "Umm rainestorm? Do you want to come in.. Or would you rather stare at me?" I could hear the playfulness in her voice. "I.. Uhh, sorry eda" I stuttered and walked in. It looked realivily normal, aside from a blanket on the floor as if it were a rug. "Eda, what's with the blanket?" She turned around, and I swear to what ever worldly power is out there. Her hair moved in such a beautiful way. "Oh that? it's nothing really, just something I put down an hour ago, just sit down and I'll be right back." I sat down on the couch as she left, to who knows where. She came back a few minutes later, and sat down with me. Our hands touch but eda didn't move her hand. "So what did you want to to do?" I asked. "Well I was thinking either a movie or a game" well I knew I wouldn't watch the movie with a literal goddess beside me. "A game could be fun, what should we play?" She went to a closet and looked around a tone of games. "How about cards? I have spades, and uno" it didn't take long to think about it. "Uno sounds fun" she got the cards and gave them to me. "You look hot when you suffel" she said. I turned red, and tired to avoid eye contact, she called me hot... Why, why! "R-really eda? Not the word I'd use for myself" I said while mixing up the cards. "The what word would you use?" She asked as I have us both cars and put the rest in the little table in front of us. "Hmm, I don't know, not hot, that's for sure" she made the first move, a blue 4. "Oh come on rainestorm, you have to admit your attractive, I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend" I froze. W-why would she bring that up. I just made a move and avoided eye contact. "Haha.. Well what about you? Your.. Beautiful, you could pick up any random person off the street and they would date you" I saw a light blush on eda's face, did I do that?. "Well, thank you rainestorm" she made another move. A wild card. "What color, calamity" the blush got a little darker. "Uh, red" I put down a red 6. She was so pretty, but I stood no chance, I had to tell bet now, or I could loose my chance. "Hey eda, can I ask you something" I said finally looking up at her. "Shoot" she said, why is this one girl so damn pretty.
"There's.. This girl I like, and I want to ask her out, today.. How should I do it?" I saw disappointment on her face but a forced smile. "Something.. Some.. Not to dorky, maybe like her favorite flowers" I took note. "So like how your favorite flowers are black irises. Chaotic yet beautiful" she smiled "yeah, I didn't know you would remember" I looked down and saw her make a move. "Yeah, of course, I know everything about you" I beamed. "Ha! Prove it" eda said teasing, I actually did know every thing about her. So I took this as a chance to confess to her. "Your full name is edalyn, marie, clawthorn. Your favorite foods are pretzels, pasta and peanuts. Your favorite type if wine is red Sherry. Your favorite animals are owls, you only put your hair up around me, or when doing something athletic. You only read adventure books and you don't like romantic movies, you prefer horror. And sometimes comedy, your favorite colors are red black and white. You don't like authority figures, your favorite quote is I may be thirty but I'm flirty. Your worst fear, being alone, you don't have any medical issues. You've only broken one bone before, your left arm, while climbing a fence to save me. Your clothing style is that of a rebel teenager, you work at a insurance company, and you only took music classes to hang out with men in our teenage years, and hour so beautiful, loving and kind that you make me nervous, your hair is long and chaotic, and when I stare at you I wonder what beautiful things go on in your mind, your amazing and I love you" she looked at me shocked and completely red, who you really do know every thing about me. Wait, you love me?!" She asked shocked "y-yes.." She smiled and let out a chuckle "I.. Love you to rainestorm" was I hearing correctly? She loved me?, "will you be mine?" She started laughing, "oh god! Raine.. You- you sound so dorky" she said laughing. Welp iv failed, I officially look like an idiot. "But yeah, I'll be your girlfriend". I was trying to containy excitement. Well I still look stupid, but I got the result I wanted

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