6x07 - Maya's Dad Visits

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Maya stared at the ceiling of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. She was bored. All she wanted to do was leave, but she couldn't.

She was antsy. So antsy. Her fathers voice was in her head, telling her to quit being a baby and get up, go do something. But she couldn't. And it was eating her up inside.

When she was bored laying there, Maya thought about how quickly her life went to shambles. How her life went to shambles.

She went from being Captain of Station 19 with a beautiful girlfriend, to just a lieutenant, stuck in the psych ward, with her wife barely speaking to her. She was a gold medal winning olympian. She shouldn't be sitting around in bed like a...loser.

Lost in her thoughts, a knock at the door forced her out.

"Hey, kiddo." A familiar voice said, making Maya's blood run cold.

"D-dad." Maya stammered. "How the hell did you get yourself into this place, huh?" He asked, looking at her with disgust.

"I-I don't...how did you know I was here?" Maya asked, her hands shaking slightly. "Seems Im still  on your emergency contact list. Anyways, back to the point. What the hell are you doing sitting in a hospital bed in the psych ward?" Lane asked, bitterness dripping from his tone.

"I-I don't know." The firefighter whispered, looking down at her blanket.

"Get up." Lane said. "What?" Maya asked, shocked. "I said get up. Come on, let's go. You're not staying here anymore." He explained, walking over to her bed and flicking the covers off.

"Dad, I can't-" Maya started. "The hell you can't. Get up!" Lane yelled. Maya's heart monitor sped up, indicating her fear, sometning she didn't want to happen.

Maya inhaled shakily, trying to stop the tears from falling as she swung her aching legs over the side of the bed. She tried to fight off the panic attack that she knew was inevitably coming.

"Today, Maya! God, I didn't raise you to be this lazy. I don't know what has gotten into you, but-" Lane started.

"What the hell is going on here?" Carina's voice rang out, as she stood in shock at the scene in front of her.

"Ah. You must be the woman that has corrupted my daughter. I'm taking her home." Lane said dismissively.

"Uh, no you're not. Get out." Carina said, moving quickly over to Maya and standing in front of her.  "Yeah, I'm taking my daughter home. Last time I checked, I can do what I want." Lane said.

"She is on a psych hold for another 12 hours. Now I suggest you leave, or I will call security and then can escort you out." Carina said sternly.

Lane scoffed and turned to the door, but not before getting the last word in. "I don't know who you are. This lazy, loser of a person is not my daughter." He said.

Carina quickly turned to Maya, who was shaking, from sitting up or from fear, she didn't know. "It's okay, Bambina. He's gone. It's okay." Carina said soothingly, putting her hands on Maya's face.

"It's just a panic attack. Breath in and out with me. I'm here." She said, emphasizing her breathing so Maya could match hers.

"P-please don't leave me. I-I need you." Maya said, tears streaming down her face. "I love you, Maya. We will get through this." Carina said as she slowly eased Maya down into the bed.

"I'm so sorry." Maya cried. "It's okay, Bambina. We will help you. Just let us."

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