Carina Admires Her Wife

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It wasn't often that Carina awoke before her wife. Between Maya's daily morning run, and the two of them rotating between night shifts, Maya was usually always the first one up.

However, this particular time was the opposite. Carina took this rare occurrence to simply admire her wife in the faint glow of the room.

Maya's golden tresses laid spewed about, most of it falling onto Carina. Her face was pressed into Carina's chest, an arm slung around her waist and she breathed rhythmically.

Her wife was beautiful.

There was a point in time where Carina didn't think she would ever wake up to Maya in her bed again. But after a long, long couple months, the couple began to reconcile, and it was now safe to say that they were stronger than ever.

Carina couldn't resist pushing a strand of blonde hair out of the firefighters face, wanting to see more. Maya stirred, burrowing her head further into the Italian.

"Mm...what time is it?" Maya mumbled, voice raspy from sleep. "8:30. You must've been tired last night." Carina pointed out, looking down at her wife's big, blue eyes that were shining in the sunlight.

"You wore me out." Maya shrugged, rolling so that she was fully laying on top of Carina. "Maya!" Carina exclaimed with a grim, wrapping her arms around Maya's back, one hand snaking underneath the blondes shirt to rest on bare skin.

"You were the one who insisted on round 3." The OB threw back, watching as Maya shimmied upwards so that her head was hovering above Carina's.

"Well, I'm feeling pretty re-energized right now. Are you?" Maya teased, her blue eyes darkening as her eyes darted down to her wife's lips.

"I don't know. You might have to kiss me first." Carina grinned. Maya didn't waste any time, her lips connecting with the other woman's.

Maya pulled away after a moment, and smiled, "I love you, more than you know."

"I love you too, bambina."

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