Lane Visits The Station During A Snowstorm

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It didn't show that much in Seattle. Seattle wasn't a really place that was prepared for snow. So when it did snow, all fire stations opened up their station to the public.

Right now, 19 plus Carina were snowed in with a bunch of civilians.

One of those civilians, happened to be Lane Bishop.

The one person Maya really did not want to deal with at the moment.

Carina informed each member of the team subtly that Lane was in the building, and asked them to look out for Maya. Carina knew that he never physically laid a hand on her, but she wouldn't put it past him if he tried to.

"Hey, kiddo, get over here for a second." Lane said, calling over to Maya who was passing out pillows to civilians.

Maya sighed before walking over to her father. "Hey, Dad, I'm busy. What do you need?" Maya asked, not making eye contact with him.

"Come here." Lane said, walking into the main entrance of the firehouse, which was more secluded than the garage area.

Maya didn't hesitate to follow him, something that she picked up as a kid. If she didn't listen to him when he said something, she would be forced to run more laps or do more conditioning. Or a plate would be thrown at the wall or something like that.

Lane shut the door behind him and just looked at Maya. "Who do you think you are, talking to me like you did back there?" He asked, his brow furrowing.

"I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm busy. I really don't have time for this." Maya replied, trying to move past him.

Lane put his hands on her shoulders and pinned her up against the wall. "Who do you think you are pretending to be busy out there, when you are single handedly destroying our family?" He asked, looking down at her.

Maya, for the first time in a while, feared that he would physically hurt her and looked behind Lane's shoulders to see if anyone noticed what was going on.

She saw no one.

"Get your hands off me." Maya said sternly, trying to keep her voice from shaking as she shoved him off and began moving past him again.

"You don't walk away from me young lady!" Lane shouted, catching Maya by the collar and turning her around, pinning her up against the opposite wall this time. Someone had to have noticed the commotion by now. Her back was pressed up against the window closest to the garage.

"I can do whatever I want, L-Lane. I am an adult. You're not my father and you never were." Maya said weakly.

Lane spun her around and brought her down to the ground with one punch to the jaw. "First name basis, huh? That's how we're gonna play this now?" He asked, pulling her lapels up and shoving her back down to the ground, smashing her head against the floor.

Maya instantly felt dizzy, but she was running on full adrenaline when she scrambled to her feet. Lane lunged at her once again, but taken out by Gibson and Miller, who were the first alerted to what was going on.

The firefighters both quickly and easily took Lane to the ground and restrained him as Andy, Vic, and Carina all came jogging in.

"Maya." Carina said softly, going over to her side. She put her arm around Maya's waist as Maya was hunched over, trying to keep the spots out of her vision. "I'm fine. I'm..I'm good." Maya said, swallowing thickly as she stood up.

Maya instantly got dizzy again, and swayed on her feet. Vic and Andy came over when they saw this, and Andy supported Maya's other side.

Vic pulled over a chair and they sat Maya down in it. Carina knelt in front of the chair, putting her hands on Maya's knees.

"Bambina, I need you to look up so we can examine you." Carina said softly, seeing the bloody gash on Maya's jaw.

Maya did so and Carina stood up. "Carina." Andy said, noticing a patch of red developing on the back of Maya's head and bringing her attention to it.

"Oh, bella, did you hit your head on the floor?" Carina asked. Maya just nodded, trying to get her body to stop shaking.

"This needs stitches." Andy said quietly. "I'll get the aid car ready." Vic said. Carina nodded and smiled gratefully.

"We need to go to the hospital, Bambina." Carina said. Maya tensed up and looked at her. "No, absolutely not. I'm fine, its just a little cut." She protested, though her head was pounding.

"Maya, this gash is deep. You need to get stitches and probably a head CT." Andy said as the two helped her slowly get up.

"No, come on, I'm fine." Maya argued. "Walk on your own without tripping or falling and then I'll stitch you up here." Carina challenged.

Maya tried taking a few steps, but quickly stumbled, Vic catching her before she could fall. "You have a concussion, Bambina, and you need stitches. Come on." Carina said, supporting her wife as they moved to the Aid Car.


Maya was quickly taken to an ER curtain and in came the one and only, Amelia Shepherd. "Hey, firefighter barbie. If you wanted to see me so bad, you could've just asked." Amelia said, flirting.

Maya cracked a small smile, but continued picking at the blanket. "What happened?" Amelia asked, sensing the mood and going into doctor mode. Obviously, Maya was hit by someone, but she needed to know the full story.

"Just hit my head on the floor." Maya replied. She didn't need Amelia to know about what really happened and who did it. She wasn't sure she could handle the pity right now.

"Okay," Amelia replied, unbelieving, "and this cut on your face?"

"My....someone punched me. It doesn't hurt." Maya replied. Sending a glance to Carina, she just nodded and went along with it.

Amelia quickly stitched up the back of Maya's head and her face, before sending her off for a precautionary CT scan.

"So, what really happened?" Amelia asked as the two of them sat in the CT scan room.

Carina sighed, still trying to work out her feelings toward the incident. "Maya was emotionally abused all of her life by her father. It just turned physical today, I guess. He came in due to the storm." She explained.

Amelia felt her heart squeeze for the blonde firefighter. She didn't know how it felt to grow up with someone like that; her mom and siblings wanted the best for her; but she knew the feeling of needing to please people.

"Think she'll file a report?" Amelia asked as the scans came up on the screen. Amelia studied the picture for a few minutes before confirming thag nothing was wrong and it was just a grade 2 concussion.

"I don't know. We've been talking about a restraining order for a little bit." Carina explained as the lab tech got Maya situated once again.

"Good. Everything looks good on her part, she can be discharged. Call me if you or her needs anytning, got it?"

"Got it. Thank you, Amelia." Carina smiled as she opened the curtain to Maya.

"Ready to go home?" She asked gently. Maya nodded and stood up slowly, Carina wrapping a hand around her waist.

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