Maya Breaks Her Ankle + Needs Surgery

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"Maya." Carina gasped, setting eyes on her wife, who was sitting on a gurney, face contorted in pain.

"I'm okay." Maya said through clenched teeth. Carina let her gaze drift down to Maya's right ankle, which happened to be her bad one, and saw that it was obviously out of place and broken.

"What happened?" Carina asked, heart clenching at the discomfort Maya was in.

"Her foot got caught in a divot of a house and it just snapped." Ben explained, who went in the ambulance with her.

Ben helped a few other nurses transferred Maya onto a bed and Maya hissed when her ankle moved slightly.

Carina grabbed Maya's hand and squeezed assuringly. "I hear we have a dislocated and possibly broken ankle in here." Link said as he entered the trauma bay.

"Can you give her some morphine?" Carina asked, smoothing her hand over Maya's hair in a comforting way.

Link nodded to a nurse, who quickly started an IV on Maya and injected the drugs and fluids. Carina knew Maya was hurting, considering the fact that Maya didn't even argue the pain meds.

"Maya, Im gonna reset your ankle now, okay?" Link asked. "Go for it. I am....invincible." Maya said, the morphine clearly having an affect.

Carina laughed and grabbed Maya's hand. Link counted to three, and then snapped her ankle back in place.

"Fuck!" Maya exclaimed, sitting up quickly from her laid back position. "It's okay, bella. It's okay." Carina soothed.

"Sorry. Let's get an x-ray of this, and we'll go from there. Hang in there, Bishop," The orthopedic surgeon said. "Oh, and do you need nurses to get her into a gown or you got it?" Link asked.

"I got it. Thanks, Lincoln." Carina said gratefully, watching him leave.

"Can you sit up for me, bella?" Carina asked, turning her attention to her wife.

Maya did so, getting tired due to the adrenaline wearing off and the morphine.

The OB peeled off Maya's shirt, leaving her upper half in a bra. "Are you trying to get me naked?" Maya giggled sleepily.

Carina smiled. "I wish it was for that, bella. We are probably going to have to cut your pants off."

"Darn." Maya groaned, laying back in the bed dramatically. Carina looked at her amusedly and then grabbed the scissors they used to cut patients' clothing off with.

Eventually, Maya sat in a bra and underwear, ready for a gown to be put on. Maya was half asleep, so Carina had to wrangle it on her.


A few hours later, Maya laid in her bed, fast asleep. Her x-ray did confirm her ankle was broken, and that she would need surgery tomorrow when her ankle swelled less.

Carina was laying right next to the blonde, rubbing her fingers through Maya's hair, head laying on her chest as she slept peacefully.

She had passed the word on about Maya's injury, and Andy said that they would all be there for them during Maya's recovery.

Though it sucked that Maya would be out of work for a little while, Carina was looking forward to spending more time with her.

"Love you." Maya mumbled randomly, muffled by Carina's chest. "I love you too, bella, get some sleep."

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